It is a lifestyle concept cafe. It features wooden design and different kinds of dining tables, including camping style. Besides, you can buy some products like coffee and beer at the retail area.
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Opening Hours
08:30 - 17:30
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 17:30
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
❊ 寵物超友善餐廳:有賣給寵物的東西、店員對寵物也很親切。這裡真的好多超可愛的狗勾🐶❊ 環境超舒適,裝潢木質風格🪵、裡面超透光,很適合在這裡坐很久,稍微喘息一下~!———餐點比想像/賣相好吃很多🤣!▪️雞蛋仔 配 抹茶/焙茶/豆腐這純素冰淇淋放了半個小時都沒有融化,好酷😆!外層接觸空氣比較久稍微融化的口感蠻像咖啡上的奶泡。不像平常吃的冰淇淋那麼creamy! 我很想更愛這種。(我很愛吃豆腐🤓這個豆腐口味喔伊細!😚底下的雞蛋仔以為會很軟嫩,結果比普通的更脆,有點像烤脆的窩夫/鬆餅那樣🧇!▪️照燒雞扒煎蛋漢堡 漢堡也比想像好吃😂可能一開始看圖真的沒什麼期望吧!麵包牛油味蠻香的,雞扒是照燒醬,不會太鹹太多汁太濃,蠻恰到好處,肉嫩。雞蛋是一切就會吐血得。配上上一點微辣的醬,整體不錯!▪️Oatly Cap這個我覺得不錯喝!抹茶很夠濃,配上冰涼(超過一半打成奶泡)的燕麥奶一起喝真的很舒服( ´▽`)▪️Orange Iced Tea這個是唯一不足的,很淡,雖然他可以Refill~
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座落於香港藝術中心一角的The Corner,早已聞說味道不錯,每逢經過都見有不少上班族在等買咖啡。咖啡的種類有很多,包括Expresso, Dirty, Flat White, Latte, Mocha, Caramel Latte 等,咖啡豆可選nutty或fruity,售價$30-45不等。不喝咖啡的話,可選擇花茶、朱古力和果汁,另有一些輕食如鬆餅、蛋糕等。由於屬小型精品咖啡店,地方不大,只有兩張高枱,而咖啡師亦只有1-2位,所以下單後需要等候一陣子。店舖的logo以葉子為圖案,牆上也有一些綠葉的壁畫,佈置簡簡單單卻很清新。小店亦支持環保,自備杯子(非紙杯)光顧的話還可以即時減$5。🍫Hot Chocolate ($45)由於我不喝咖啡,這次點了的是熱朱古力。朱古力味道濃郁、口感綿滑,拉花圖案亦做得很精美。外賣杯是由插畫師用心設計,充滿了藝術感。✧ ˚ · . *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* .· ˚ ✧☕️The Corner📍灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心地下✿ 味道 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡✿ 服務 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡✿ 環境 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡✿ 價錢 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡✿ 回頭率 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
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今日放假過嚟Chill 一chill 。消磨左整個下午。Corner coffee屬於樓上Cafe,整間Cafe面積非常之大,仲有好多野睇好多野買!cafe 嘅擺設裝潢設計舒適,野外feel,桌子同櫈係camping用嘅椅桌,很有特色!仲有植物盆栽做擺設,好似去咗野外,好relax 好chill。除非環境舒適,食物飲料都有質素!辣肉腸pizza 好足料,pizza皮搓得很軟糯!豆腐雪糕雞旦仔豆腐味超濃郁,質地好厚😍不太甜,配上脆卜卜嘅雞旦仔實在係好夾!熱朱古力很香濃,帶微微朱古力苦澀味😍不太甜薑黃咖啡很特別,薑黃味很重,飲完好醒神😍配上咖啡毫無違和感。
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The Corner Coffee灣仔駱克道150-158號祥友大厦1樓Pet friendly 的餐廳越來越多, 很多人都視他們為家人及自己架親生小孩一樣, 地位提升了, 人變成奴才, 貓狗升格為主子, 而可以讓主子進入的商場及餐廳也越開越多。輕食類如CAKE, BAKERY, COFFEE , 除了適合TEA TIME 來, 喜歡甜品/BAGEL /COFFEE , 成日流連COFFEE SHOP 的文青人都可以來輕鬆一下。芝士火腿pizza ,mini size 剛剛好,餅底香脆叫了個coffee flat white ,用了公平貿易的原材料,喝的不只是咖啡更是幫助咖啡農民有雞蛋仔加培茶雪糕做dessert ,個雪糕好好食呀純素,用豆奶自家製,食到淡淡植物奶味,雞蛋仔香脆甜美。空間大,有不同東西買,有書看,可渡過大半天時間的寫意空間
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ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ The Corner Coffee is a lovely little gem tucked away in Wan Chai. Its cozy ambiance and inviting atmosphere make it a perfect spot for casual meetups, work sessions, or simply enjoying your favorite cup of coffee. The décor is trendy and modern, with a touch of rustic charm, featuring wooden furniture and a mix of local farm products.🌼 Peanut Butter Latte 🥜 55If you are a fan of peanut butter, get this ! A delicious blend of nutty and creamy flavours ❤️The peanut butter added a rich, slightly sweet element that made this beverage stand out. 😚🌼 Fair White 38The espresso was bold and full-bodied, it was satisfying 😌 Perfect for any time of day ! 🌼 Egg Waffle with Vegan Tofu Flavour Ice Cream 78The egg waffle was warm and crispy on the outside, while remaining soft and fluffy on the inside. The vegan tofu flavor ice cream was an interesting choice, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it offered a refreshing and light alternative to traditional ice cream. The combination was enjoyable 😚 Wish they have more flavours to choose 😉🌼 Parma Ham Cheese Pizza 78The flavors melded together perfectly, creating a well-balanced and delicious pizza that left us craving more.ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ
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