Exit D, Wan Chai MTR Station
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The Grand Buffet is Hong Kong's only 360-degree revolving restaurant that provides sweeping views of the city. The restaurant offers a wide variety of International cuisines, allowing guests to choose from live seafood from the tank, Cantonese barbecue or Japanese teppanyaki.
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Awards and Titles
Best Buffet Restaurant (2016)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
15:15 - 17:30
18:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
15:15 - 17:30
18:30 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
為慶祝港隊於奧運報捷,自助山推出9月份自助餐網上限時買一送一優惠,週末的自助午餐收費由原價$658/位變成$658/兩位。自助午餐分兩節,成功預訂到第二節時間,由3:30pm至5:30pm,用餐結束時,餐廳剛好就轉了一圈,360度飽覽維港景色。冷盤海鮮沒有生蠔,供應龍蝦、海蝦、青口、蜆及麵包蟹,麵包蟹的膏十分飽滿,味道甘甜,很好吃!刺身款式不多,只得四款,八爪魚爽口,三文魚肥美夠甜。煙燻鰹魚的煙燻味香,味道又不會太濃,鰹魚的中心部分仍是半生狀態,經過煙燻,帶出魚肉本身的香氣和滋味。刺身壽司的檔口還可找到冷蕎麥麵及冷烏冬,蕎麥麵爽滑,兼帶蕎麥香。還有角切三文魚、青瓜粒及三文魚籽製成的迷你丼飯。吃飯或麵食都可以淺嚐,不怕太飽肚。天婦羅的粉漿夠薄,冬菇仍然有汁,不會炸得太乾身。點心嚐了黑松露燒賣及蝦餃,一個個小蒸籠盛載著點心,熱焫焫出爐就好快被搶光一輪。燒賣夠彈牙,又有淡淡黑松露香。蝦餃的皮厚薄適中,蝦仁爽口。燒味的質素亦不錯,油雞香而不鹹,燒鴨皮脆肉嫩。反而海南雞飯只是單有造型,雞及飯都略鹹了一點。甜品的選擇多樣化,即製窩夫🧇又香又脆,麵包布甸軟滑又富奶香,咖啡雪糕的咖啡味微苦又香濃。馬卡龍及檸檬撻也不錯。Boutique By The Grand的招牌海鹽焦糖鮮忌廉蛋糕果然是招牌貨,海綿蛋糕體夠濕潤又輕盈鬆軟,配搭新鮮海鹽奶油及自家製焦糖脆脆,鹹鹹甜甜的,為之滋味!在餐廳走一圈,見自助午餐的菜式選擇不算好多,但以人均3百多元,食物質素不錯,又能俯瞰維港,都是抵食的一餐自助午餐。轉完一圈就接近日落時間了,以美味甜品作結,感到滿足。
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新年團拜聚餐好地方,有幸蛇年年初二到訪,天氣很好,就是景觀已值回票價,再加上食物十分豐富,全程都很充實,忙於取食物進餐及打卡👍🏻周圍食物擺設都充滿新年氣氛,又有應節食物供應跟本地臘味店cross over, 有臘味食物供應,蘿白糕,臘味糯米飯及鴨腎菜乾湯👍🏻中場仲有財神派利是及合照,老人家及小朋友都好喜歡👍🏻海鮮-向都新鮮企理,今次竟然有龍蝦🦞,真是不吃不可,肉質彈牙不梅,沒有死咸的感覺,非常鮮甜👍🏻魚生亦是高質,鮮嫩美味食物超豐富,供應十足,未暇儘錄,祗是甜品,已目不暇給,又精緻及好味😋,仲要超應景完場食住雪糕觀景,真是滿足又高興😊,值得encore 再encore👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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It’s the only buffet in 🇭🇰 to boast a full 360 degree rotating view of HK, its harbour & the surrounding mountains 😍.Food-wise, we went for lunch which is a cheaper alternative to their dinner buffet - so expect a few less items but what they still have on offer is nothing short of amazing. Seafood, cold cuts, salads, hot foods, roast meats, make-your-own noodle soup, a tonnes of desserts and the list goes on & on 🤤.We loved the window seats that were arranged and the staff are super attentive to ensure we enjoyed the full dining experience. We loved coming here and love coming back year on year when we can during our visits to HK 🇭🇰.Totally recommend trying out if you love food and viewing the HK scenery 🫶🏻❤️😍.It’s truly breath taking to have views out as far as the eye can see of the harbour, the greenery from the mountain side and the close proximity to some of the most expensive properties in HK 🤩.The lift ride up is always a great, as you zoom up higher & remember how high you’ll actually be dining 🤭.I had so many rounds to eat - there’s still a few plates I didn’t take photos of too 🥹.We were sooo full and so satisfied ❤️.Definitely recommend this buffet for all food lovers 🫶🏻...#openricehk #foodsafari #hongkong #hklife #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkig #hkeats #hkfoodblogger #foodie #foodporn #foodpics #foodlover #foodstyle #cameraeatsfirst #相機食先 #yolo
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