Opening Hours
10:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
一直都知道屯門店不止抹茶產品,終於試到分店限定全日餐, 晚上八時過後店內人不多, 沒有讓位的壓力可閒坐一會, 感覺跟Starbucks沒兩樣。之前有兩個牛角包窩夫產可以選擇, 如今就只有一個, 但最吸引的是可以點選任何飲品加購, 畀起不少咖啡店更加佛心。合桃忌廉芝士牛角包窩夫三文治配明太子蛋沙律(+$68), 店員表示要即制所以要等15分鐘。 兩片牛角包窩夫三文治份量都幾多, 沒有平時食到的那麼甜和膩, 牛角包外脆內軟的,中間的合桃忌廉芝士幾特別, 合桃非常香脆,配蛋沙律沙律菜, 作為輕盈晚餐都很不錯。抹茶牛奶($42)一向品質都不錯的抹茶系列, 可能這次是冰量太多溶化太快, 抹茶牛奶味太清新了, 下次都是選熱飲會濃郁一些?THE MATCHA TOKYO (屯門市廣場1期)屯門屯順街1號屯門市廣場1期1樓1133號舖#文迪慢遊慢生活#thematchatokyo
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睇戲前口痕痕,但已經食過午餐,就揀個輕食+咖啡坐低休息下!店裡唯一小朋友選擇係朱古力,只好揀凍朱比細路啦!杯抹茶鮮奶咖啡係幾靚,三層咁,但一出餐個杯都唔滿,其實加多兩啖奶都唔係好貴啫😒😒 下次我去返Starbucks🙄
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Finishing dinner and some window-shopping in the mall, we decided to visit the shop tocreate our next to-do list and resetting our mood at the same time. There are a variety of confectionery, drinks and packaged products for selection, theaccentuation on “organic” is really tempting. Unfortunately, we can only consume some drinks at present, skipping lovely dessert and parfait!Shop’s interior design is simple with different settings, good for relaxation and a short stay.Enjoyable small cups of hot drinks, Americano coffee (8 oz.) met standard quality with a reasonableprice.Hot Matcha Latte (8 oz.) was nicely executed, looked like we could also experience the process ofhaving milk swirled softly and blended well with Matcha together. Most important of all, wepreferred the strong taste of Matcha. The greenish Matcha Avocado smoothie (12 oz.) looked refreshing, with Matcha’s scent and avocado's creamy mixture, chewing habit started once sipped some smoothie but knowing the chewing action was not necessary as ingredients were blended well, a nice and healthy smoothie with a competitive price. If we were to visit the shop again, our definite choice would be parfait!
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經過先知原來佢已經開到過屯門🤣見條隊唔係好長,買個甜品做下午茶都唔錯🥳ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴀ ᴇsᴘʀᴇssᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴛᴇ ᴘᴀʀғᴀɪᴛ 抹茶特濃咖啡啫喱芭菲 $68由上而下抹茶雪糕、100%有機抹茶啫喱、北海道牛奶雪糕、有機咖啡啫喱,兩種雪糕嘅甜味加上咖啡啫喱輕輕嘅苦澀味,剛好可以balance ☕️🍦✨ ♛「 ✦ THE MATCHA TOKYO ✦ 」Shop 1133, 1/F, TMT Plaza Phase 1Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸. ★★★★★★★★☆☆𓃦 #bilibala_hongkong 𓃦 #bilibala_tuenmun
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