3-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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后園的名字靈感取自於周邊維多利亞時代建築的1881遺跡 - 對稱的四面封閉式的庭園猶如是中國天井式建築中確保當時皇后得以保護,免於受外界入侵的設計。而后園正正是一個既能反映出歷史又能融入摩登社會的中餐廳,搜羅世界各地最時令的食材入饌,將中國八大菜系當中多款名菜重新演繹並帶到后園的餐桌上。
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Today we come to FWD House 1881 at TST, to try out this Chinese restaurant. Arriving at the main building of the former marine police headquarters, through the side-door leading into the inner courtyard, we come to ‘The Queen’.The décor has a classic Chinese vibe, with the walls using the traditional pattern window grilles with backlights to simulate the lights diffusing into the room. The furniture, the utensils, and even the music in the background, are all displaying elements of the 50s.To start, we have Pan-Fried Mud Carp Cake 家鄉煎鯪魚餅 ($148). With six large pieces, the fish cake has a bouncy texture, seasoned well and pan-fried beautifully to golden brown. Pleasant on the look and equally nice on taste. A good start.My wife has Double-Boiled Pig Lung Soup with Almond 杏汁蓮子燉白肺湯 ($148). The soup is sweet in taste, with the pig lung cleaned thoroughly and without any weird flavours. The fragrant almond adds to the complexity. Nice.I have Hot & Sour Seafood Soup 海鮮酸辣湯 ($138) instead. With bean curd, wood ear, shiitake mushroom, bamboo shoots, conpoy, scallops, shrimps, the soup has nice spiciness but can see more sourness to balance. Decent.For the main dish we have Steamed Ma Yau with Chicken Oil 雞油蒸馬友 ($438). The local threadfin is cut in the butterfly style, with the chicken oil and Chinese yellow wine add richness and flavours to the firm fish meat. Best dish on the night, excellent.The Braised Bean Curd with Bamboo Piths 紅燒竹笙豆腐 ($178) may seem a simple dish, but in fact from the tenderness of the vegetable and the seasoning of the sauce, we can tell the chef has paid attention in preparation. Very good in taste.We have Black Sesame Rolls 生磨芝麻卷 ($78), with rich sesame flavours and the white sesame scattered on the rolls add a bit of crunch on the bite. The Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulb in Chestnut Puree 蓮子百合栗子露 ($78) is rich in chestnut flavours and creamy.Service is good, with the staff friendly and attentive. But like almost all Chinese restaurants they can introduce the dishes in more details to allow diners to better appreciate. The bill on the night is $1,265 and is reasonable. Good experience. Should try their dim sum next time.
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后園(THE QUEEN)位於尖沙咀1881內,餐廳裝潢古色古香,環境舒適優雅,而且餐具茶具也很漂亮呢~💖✨ 這裡大部份的點心都是一碟3件,如果4人來吃可以只加1件👍🏻 (不用點2碟太好了!👏🏻)🤍蟹肉南瓜餃 (HKD131/4件)🤍鴛鴦素餃 (HKD88/3件)🤍軟殼蟹腸粉 (HKD118)🤍蘋果叉燒酥 (HKD117/4件)🤍芙蓉海鮮芋角 (HKD88/3件)🤍麻辣安格斯牛肉包 (HKD108/3件)🤍御膳炒飯 (HKD288)🤍京都豆腐奶凍 (HKD78)🤍是日甜品-桂圓馬蹄露 (HKD68)🤍茗茶-雪菊 (HKD28/位)整體食物質素很不錯,每款點心都做得很精緻💖 (家人都讚好😝👍🏻) 當中最推薦”蟹肉南瓜餃”、”麻辣安格斯牛肉包”及”御膳炒飯”😋🤍蟹肉南瓜餃:外皮透薄,內餡豐富飽滿,味道鮮甜美味🤤💕🤍麻辣安格斯牛肉包:外皮柔軟,裡面的牛肉鮮嫩多汁,麻辣調味非常惹味過癮🔥🤍御膳炒飯:用料豐富,有帶子、蝦肉、蟹籽、蛋、蔥花等材料,層次豐富,蟹籽增添爽脆的口感🤩 而且飯粒分明,炒得很夠鑊氣😋👍🏻📍后園 (THE QUEEN) - 尖沙咀廣東道2A號富衛1881公館主樓地舖
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1/空間不夠,侍應走過來去匆匆,每每差點踫到客人的椅子。另外椅子為全木制,椅子跟台的高度距離配合不太好,整體坐的不太舒適。2/點心溫度夠,不過以這個價錢,不算非常優秀。如鬼馬魷魚,底部為油炸鬼、上面配以魷魚碎;油炸鬼很硬、魷魚碎沒有任何味道,本來看似特色的點心,有點後悔;3/肉絲兩面黃,麵缺乏厚度,炸得有點過火;4/蝦多士是可以的,因為溫度夠熱,蝦亦新鮮;5/服務不太殷勤,基本做到的,合格而已6/百利酒蛋撻,夠熱,不過酒味不突出,普通貨色環境是不錯,不過整體customer experience 不太出色,這個價錢可以去其他地方,這裡食過一次便夠~
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