2-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This Taiwan popular egg waffle brand is launched by a HongKongner. The food is presented in an attractive outlook with the diversified flavor, and their egg waffle is in a heart shape. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2019-09-02
首先係為咗個mochi餡泥 順便因為間鋪係姣婆粉夠kong girl🤣望住個in the making processoh wow每粒single eggette都包住一粒仔mochi特登叫個staff 係咁椅吹吓個完成品就算 因我&友人都唔鍾意食太硬太脆的嗯。。沒有蛋香 甜味亦好假 (似乎係from mochi餡) 都可以說是其實沒甚麼味道mochi也不太有煙靭感好像真的沒有太大的賣點或許我沒選中它們好吃的吧味道:4/10The Waffle Club台灣麻糬 $30 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-08-31
上網見到呢個熊仔窩夫雪糕好可愛所以夜晚就去咗試下,一去到唔使排隊,佢製作時間大約10分鐘左右,一拎上手熱辣辣,雪糕唔係好多,窩夫都唔係好大,不過就勝在佢新鮮出爐,有好香蛋味,因為窩夫係熱嘅關係所以雪糕會好快溶,進食嘅速度就要較快 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-01
伯爵紅茶雞蛋仔偶然食飽經過見到零食物語隔2個鋪位新開左開賣雞蛋仔既小店 仲大大隻字寫主打心型雞蛋仔心血來潮俾佢吸引買左底伯爵紅茶🤭途經大概有4 5個人都俾雞蛋仔既香味同噱頭吸引😯甚至有人買左個芭菲雞蛋仔 如果唔係食飽又買左杯野飲都會心郁郁想試下😭 又有雪糕又綿花糖啊紅豆😵好癲有好多種口味 最想試朱古力心太軟 流心奶黃 紅絲絨朱古力 btw三種都好甜好濃 而又食左正餐 買左芋頭奶 想食啲清清地就叫左伯爵紅茶 等左大概十分鐘就有 好快手!一遞俾我 茶味勁香濃而且仲熱辣辣!影左幾張相就忍唔住試 點知一啪好有驚喜😳佢粒雞蛋仔鬆脆到裂開既時候有聲lol🤩我同友人既反應係呆左😮食落雞蛋仔外層脆卜卜 裡面軟綿綿 甜度適中應該話感覺唔到平時雞蛋仔既甜只有陣陣茶香味😳會令人想一直食! 雖然淡淡地但入口清新👍🏻味道一啲都唔假 唔知係咪錯覺 覺得食到雞蛋仔入面有茶葉粒?😹攞住去會合其他朋友既時候俾佢地試 反應極好 個個試完雙眼發光 問點解咁脆咁好食係邊度買😱 我真係想像唔到如果其他味會係點 可以媲美媽咪雞蛋仔!(出post時睇睇下原來係the waffle club尖沙咀既新分店😱 之前聽聞元朗西菁街有間好多人食既心型雞蛋仔好出名 已經好想試 但又太遠 估唔到會係呢種情況下食到 重點係事前唔知係同一間😹 估唔到又真係幾好食) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-19
食飽飯,食埋糖水,居然仲夠胆死去呢到再食甜品。因為真係食飽,所以唔夠胆叫2個甜品,但咁啱。。。。。老版娘整一底朱古力心心雞蛋仔,整得唔好,比唔到客 佢話唔想浪費,又唔想自己食,佢話好肥喎,於是周圍請人食。其實朱古力味堅濃,仲要少少脆,下次一定會再試。今次,食呢個老板娘新返日本熊仔模waffle同雪糕先。佢個模真係返左個零星期,老板娘問清楚知要打片,佢會吹凍少少個熊仔模,先落雪糕。其實仲可以落吉士醬,不過飽了,只要雪糕算。成個樣都已經cuite到無論,加北海道雪糕,食晒雪榚先食熊都仲脆嫁。齋打卡都抵,仲要堅好食,你唔係唔試呀? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-27
This Earl Grey Heart Shaped Egg Waffles definitely blown my mind! I thought it’s something gimmicky with its heart shape, but it’s actually very delicious! I could already smelled the earl grey aroma when the shop assistant was making the egg waffle. And the egg waffle itself was very crispy, with strong earl grey flavor in the filling. It made a really satisfying dessert! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)