麵包西餅出品富心思的餅店,供應本地少見的德國布丁,狀似高身蛋撻,質地軟滑。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
朱古力包 綠茶紅豆芝士包 德國布丁
Review (232)
(Non-member) 2012-07-21
I have been to TITF many times and it is truly amazing bakery.Today, I tried the potato cheese bread which was freshly baked! It was so warm and hot and simply delicious!!!It exceeded expectations!!THe potato was mashed, with nice creamy texture and cheese.The filling was very generous!Others which I have tried and have consistently been good:-Green tea cake: light, fluffy, soft!-German Pudding: Improved version of HK egg tarts with chocolate at the bottom-Cheese cake-Herb and vegetable (purple cabbage) bread: herb taste is delicious!!! goes very well togetherThe cashier lady is super friendly and helpful too, always willing to tell me what is new and giving me the names of the breads.Although it is small, I think it is one of the best bakeries in Hong Kong! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-06-24
早兩日14:00尼但無咩綠茶南瓜/紅豆包今次早d尼13:00點知都系無咁唯有買德國布甸試左先$7一個ok啦比普通蛋撻高d蛋滑好多xd即使咁深都吾'流'不過食到底竟然有朱古力味令個撻即刻甜左@@如果無左朱古力會好d所以我都系食山琦果個蛋白蛋撻喇健康d下次尼呢間都系食包啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上次經過銅鑼灣找了一遍無法找到, 今次機緣巧合, 俾我一搵就中添, 店外看有點似外賣壽司店, 因為門口有些日文的旗幟, 日文叫NOREN=暖簾嘅裝飾物飄下飄下, 行近D睇似番麵包店啦, 這店賣嘅包無論外型, 內餡都同港式又或者那些模仿日本麵包的大型連鎖店賣的差異頗大,而且做型可愛,鋪面嘅裝飾不多唔會擺太多甜且多化學物嘅罐頭生果, 首先講呢度的人氣no. 1嘅德國布甸$7/pcs. 老實講這種厚撻皮唔係人人可以接受, 中心嘅燉蛋(其實係法式燉蛋)都可以嘅不過試一次就夠囉,成7蚊一個, 另一個係類似將一些全麥麵包粒粒堆成一堆,當然中間要用一些黏合物將它們黐埋, 造型較為隨意, 可以一口一粒, 這個口感都OK再來一個是”表綠茶芝士朱古力包, 顏色配搭夠吸引我, 一層綠色間一層啡色咁漂亮極了, 芝士份量不多感覺得到但又轉瞬即被綠茶味蓋過了,如果芝士饀用多一點的話想必層次感再多一些, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-04-28
見openrice咁多好評, 星期六專登過海一試~買左個綠茶芝士紅豆包, 味過好一般, 無mud 紅豆同芝士 (只有5亳子咁多), 個包又唔夠軟,~10蚊買個咁既包,真係好失望只此一次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-04-27
好吧,因為那時沒有拍攝器材,因此沒有拍下來,但我敢肯定,BB綠茶連1/2 隻手都無,隋便用隻冬甩對比都大過佢,雖說只售$5,但想必5歲小孩都不能吃飽, 除非你係~ 更細既小朋友/ 減肥人士/ 想用$5 尼試味否則只能說 "物超所值" 味道確如 先前仍售$3.5時之食評所說,甜了點,綠茶味不足 此外有智慧的人買了綠茶芝士紅豆,只能讚他"有智慧"了聽說該店有售無蛋,無奶的包,即管試下. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)