Restaurant: Tsui Wah Restaurant (Hong Kong International Airport)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Restaurant: Tsui Wah Restaurant (Hong Kong International Airport)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (8)
連鎖式經營的港式茶餐廳,以「魚蛋稱霸、咖喱稱王」做口號。 continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Green Monday vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
07:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (80)
Level4 2024-12-04
去旅行,晨早機,交喼後,要快快食早餐。平日在市區很少遇到翠華,又想飲靚奶茶,所以我倆想食翠華早餐。於店門排隊,等待六點半開開門。手機落單後,就要自行去拎熱水淥餐具。櫻花蝦嫩滑炒蛋  小小的一堆炒蛋,灑上粉紅色櫻花蝦,顏色對比明顯。餐包     早餐竟然不包牛油!!!!要額外加二蚊購買!!!!幸好有滑蛋,可以餸包包。沙嗲牛肉麵   茂利點的仿鮑魚絲火腿通粉   個人覺得份量ok,但碗身很大大,視覺上就覺得中間通粉份量很少。 通粉軟硬度正常,但湯底胡椒味較明顯。熱奶茶     餐廳早上剛開店,茶底是剛沖好的,沖出來的熱奶茶,品質會有保證。為了靚靚熱奶茶,才會在此早餐。加上平時很少食青菜,身體更需要熱奶茶的另一個重要功能~~總之無痛苦,唔洗用力,好暢通。可是几日也沒有食菜菜呢!  奶茶效果來得慢,在飛機衝上雲霄之後,才感覺到佢要沖出來了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-10
瑞士雞翼即食麵scan QRcode點餐,有走葱及多葱選項,我選了多葱,麵來到沒有半點葱,問了服務員,說這是沒有葱的,吃粉麵才有葱,那為何讓食客選擇多葱少葱?麵很硬,根本沒煮好,整碟麵只有甜味,雞翼口感又柴又霉,比起任何一間茶餐廳都差得遠,更别說其他地方有葱油也可加蛋。這樣質素收70蚊,簡直影響香港形象!劣質到不行!打夠200字才能出劣評打夠200字才能出劣評打夠200字才能出劣評打夠200字才能出劣評 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-17
好彩就係11點幾都仲有有位入到去之後呢唔知點解一個人都可以坐卡位但係兩個人就要同人哋一齊坐之後嘢食都正正常常全日早餐$88我覺得有啲貴因為佢嘢食係好平 沙律菜蕃茄仔炒蛋一個餐包兩條腸仔加個扒 價錢我覺得係偏貴凍華田唔知點解冇味 好似飲水咁全日早餐味道都OK冇話推唔推介 想食一餐飽嘅都可以店員唔太熱情,我行李上面放咗兩把遮有冇凸出嚟都唔知點解可以整跌落地下,佢直頭係一句sorry都冇,但係都有幫我執返。黑口黑面咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-19
平時都唔寫食評,差到一個點。早餐叫沙爹牛麵同酸菜豚肉米粉。 沙爹牛麵同入面唔係沙爹醬 入面加辣椒油 唔知用咩醬整,酸菜豚肉米粉好鹹, 又難食。 餐包上枱係冰既, 凍檸茶又勁難飲,不能接受!重點係,沙嗲牛麵食完肚柯, 成個旅程有兩日幾三日係柯緊, 比哩間野影響心情同行程。真係好差, 而家睇返難怪有咁多差評😮‍💨唔想柯住去旅行, 快d走唔好過黎,食m記都無禁嬲!不可一 不可再 向機場翠華,永久blacklist 哩間翠華😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-19
今日送機 諗住快食個早餐點知真係勁快, 早餐應該一早準備咗, 款式 極小, 應該係唔夠人所以全部程序都簡化, 沙爹牛肉麵想轉米粉通粉全部唔得, 個麵凍嘅, 湯唔夠熱到上去, 想加錢轉豬仔包, QR code落單係唔可以一次過轉, 最後都要叫人幫手落單, 用豉油碟裝茄汁豆 小到飛起, 可能一個湯羹咁多, 五六 十蚊 呢個質素食個早餐冇辦法, 因為你係喺機場, 其實可能麥記抵食過佢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)