Restaurant: Verde MAR

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

5-min walk from Exit A1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Helmed by Mexican chef Eligio Escobedo, Verde MAR offers authentic, healthy and delicious Mexican food. Vegan Menu is also available. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Tue - Wed
Thu - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (564)
西營盤水街有間以牛油果🥑為主題既墨西哥餐廳,主打新鮮健康。店內綠化佈置,環境舒服 。除咗原有墨西哥藝術元素,仲加左好多聖誕裝飾🎄,好有節日氣氛,感覺好chill 。AVOCADO ROMAINE SALAD $149沙律菜、蕃茄仔新鮮爽甜,配上墨西哥牛油果 ,食落同超市買到既牛油果就是不一樣 。沙律dressing 醬汁,酸酸甜甜,配搭恰巧,非常開胃 。CHILAQUILES $98呢個菜式好特別,用洋蔥,蕃茄,酸忌廉,薄荷,青辣椒調左個汁,淋上Nachos 上面,味道香辣,濕濕地咁食Nachos 都係第一次!另配有斑豆蓉,雞蛋,有營好食 。TACO (3PCS) $99Taco 三件不同配料,分別:雞肉、傳統豬肉、牛肉。調料有牛油果醬(guacamole)、碎番茄粒、洋蔥粒、芝士,用軟餅皮包住食,啖啖都好豐富☺️另上2種salsa 醬,可因應個人口味適量加入 。
SLOW COOKED BEEF CHEEK BARBACOA $189叫左個招牌慢煮牛面肉,燉出黎個湯底好清甜,可因應喜好加入蔥花,洋蔥粒調味。牛面肉燉得十分軟腍,用叉輕壓肉質輕易化開,牛味濃郁,非常好味,配有3塊薄餅,飽肚滿足!下次要再黎試下其他牛油果菜式/飲品/甜品, 推薦大家來探店📍 Verde MAR (西環)西環西營盤水街41號地舖#hkfoodie #foodiehk #foodie #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodblogger #food #foodstagram #foodblogger #instafoodie #foodporn #香港美食 #香港必食 #香港探店 #香港打卡 #香港旅遊 #香港 #香港好去處 #假日好去處 #西營盤 #墨西哥 #Green #Superfood #verdemar continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-18
Verde MAR (西環)🪡西環西營盤水街41號地舖💰$100- $200以牛油果為主題既餐廳真係好罕有,原來牛油果可以整咁多特色菜式,如果你超鐘意牛油果一定要去試吓,餐廳仲有多款正宗墨西哥菜,濃厚既聖誕氣氛,食個靚lunch渡過美好既星期六日,不過提一提餐廳15:30就會落場。🥑Avocado Smoothie $78奶昔口味獨特,奶香濃郁,果香清新,質地滑順。微妙的甜味同牛油果天然風味完美結合,飲落健康又美味。🥙Chilaquiles $98 Chilaquiles係由粟米薄餅🍕配雙煎蛋及斑豆蓉整成,因為第一次食感覺味道好新鮮&特別。斑豆蓉係由斑豆磨成蓉狀,口感順滑&味道清甜,用嚟點要粟米片又超級夾。🥙Avocado Omelette $98奄列味道鮮美,鬆軟的蛋包裹著蘑茹,香氣四溢。配上少許鹽和黑胡椒,增添風味,口感層次豐富。每一口都令人滿足。🌮Taco $99Taco有多款口味選擇,我就揀咗蘑菇/雞肉/豬肉Taco,三件share食啱啱好,份量材料都超足👏每一口都充滿驚喜,特別是雞肉和蘑菇的搭配,味道鮮美。豬肉Taco則帶有香料的獨特風味,推薦🥑Ceviche DE Avocado $149見到滿滿牛油果feel到好幸福,mix埋蕃茄,口感好fresh,每一啖都好豐富,增添層次感。再搭配埋粟米片,好正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-16
早排去完旅行返嚟愛上咗牛油果小編本身亦係牛油果綠既愛好者🤣周圍搵有冇啲主打牛油果既餐廳突然彈出呢間由墨西哥主廚打理既健康餐廳見到佢有唔同嘅牛油果菜式表示新奇有趣就扮哂健康咁黎會一會佢😂😂老實講,好少可係香港食墨西哥野亦好少殺到過嚟西營盤🤪🤪同大家分享一下先今次嚟咗呢間係Verde MAR地址: 西環西營盤水街41號地舖電話: 28100888=====================位置嚟講係香港大學站附近地鐵站出大概要行5分鐘佢隱藏咗係一個斜坡入邊嘅一間慢活小店佢嘅門面都有種小清新既感覺一行入去驚喜地發現好多樹懶既手工裝飾好得意🤣🤣🤣講到明衝住牛油果嚟我地叫左一系列牛油果菜式,分別有1️⃣牛油果奶昔- 奶昔口感濃厚細滑,牛油果味重,少甜👍2️⃣脆皮牛油果-從來都未試過食炸牛油果,呢個做到外脆內軟,點上特色嘅青檸汁,出奇地夾!食完一條又一條!3️⃣牛油果雪糕-口感食落同真牛油果一樣,配上芒果雪糕,係一道賞心悅目嘅甜品🥰4️⃣慢煮牛肉湯飯- 呢個湯飯好特色,基本上香港唔會食到,墨西哥風情,牛肉燉得腍帶軟筋,係特色菜之一!5️⃣青檸梳打用心小店,推廣健康飲食文化,着重慢活,同人建立quality time的時光,一推!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-15
平時好鍾意食唔同國家既美食,西環喱間墨西哥菜充滿風味🌮✨ 夾餅、墨西哥薄餅同墨西哥卷餅都受歡迎,墨西哥菜注重搭配,如搭配莎莎醬🍅酸奶油🥄新鮮檸檬汁🍋大大提升食物風味😋Grilled Adobo Beef & Pork 嫩滑牛肉同豬肉配豐富阿多波醬,仲有新鮮番茄 🍅 生菜 🥬 沙拉同玉米餅 🌮Super Nachos香脆玉米片堆滿融化芝士🧀墨西哥椒 🌶️搭配調味雞肉,仲有牛油果🥑 酸奶🍶 🍗Burrito/Bowl Supreme麵粉餅包住調味雞肉、飯、豆、芝士同新鮮配料Verde MAR📍西營盤水街41號地舖#樹懶 #慢活 #主題餐廳 #墨西哥 #西營盤 #健康 #純素 #親子餐廳 #香港美食 #牛油果 #verdemar continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去到HKU附近,經過呢間餐廳,就俾佢嘅舒適、綠油油嘅感覺吸引咗💚 原來係一間墨西哥餐廳😮 入到去發現天花板掛咗好多裝飾,仲有好cute嘅樹懶🦥🩷 牛油果係墨西哥盛產嘅食物之一,所以就揀咗一款牛油果dish🥑🔸 Avocado Tostada ($89)Avocado份量超多,賣相又靚,廚師將每塊牛油果片切成花🌸下面係粟米脆片,所以食落去口感特別✨ 先食到軟綿綿嘅avocado,接住就係香脆嘅脆片😎脆片帶有鹹香,同牛油果好夾🫶🏻🔸Taco with chicken ($99)Taco都係出名嘅墨西哥菜😙 呢個taco可以揀唔同嘅主菜,我哋就揀咗雞肉🍗個雞肉醃得啱啱好,唔會過鹹,仲mix埋番茄、洋蔥🧅 而頂層仲有牛油果醬,令到味道好豐富💖🔸 超嫩入口即溶慢煮牛肉面配薄餅 ($189)呢個係chef special嘅dish✨首先見到超大塊牛肉係湯裡面🤩 個湯好清澈,絕對唔係落味精嗰種🫶🏻然後重點係牛肉面‼️ 真係入口即溶,超級腍😍配埋少少辣嘅醬,再加埋薄餅一齊食,真係好好味😎🔸Homemade churros ($78)Churros都有6條😙 外脆內軟✨ 好香口💖🔸 Jarrito (Ha-Ri-To) ($78), Tequila Honey ($78) 🍸🍹 仲試咗餐廳嘅cocktail,都唔錯🩷整體而言,食物係健康又唔會過鹹❤️ 餐廳又有種好chill嘅感覺😎 適合健康而又想chill下嘅人士💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)