Restaurant: | Wow Taste |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
2-min walk from Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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The restaurant offers Vietnamese and Hong Kong-style dishes, featuring the Vietnamese River, which has no beef ingredients but a cow-flavored taste. The shop also offers a variety of Cantonese stir-fried dishes, also the Hong Kong-style barbecue.
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
超級勁垃圾 🤬🤬乾炒牛河 唔入味 收$78蚊仲未計加一🤬🤬🤬份量超級勁少 🤬食幾啖沒喇 。❌❌雞粒辣豆腐煲 收我 88蚊💸💵💵仲要唔包飯 🤬😡 頂!要飯 另加 15蚊 先得果碗仔 🍚🍚辣豆腐一啲都唔辣 得個咸字🤬🤬雞好唔得 搞唔掂一杯凍奶茶 又要28蚊 全部都未計加一係咩事😰😰🤬😡😡雖然係响尖沙咀姐 都唔係咁既價錢食依d野出面是但一家都好過佢喇 價錢同品質份量 。完全不能接愛勁嬲!! 沒下次 🤬🤬🤬😡😡
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第一次寫食評,因為實在太嬲 簡直影衰 香港美食之都招牌燒味 最揾笨 例牌叉燒 可以少過 碟叉燒飯仲要好似餸頭餸尾 甘擺埋一碟 瘦到食柴皮甘 招牌菜都甘,其他我都唔多講 收甘既價,出品甘劣質太過份完全貨不對版
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星期二,戲院有票價優惠,到尖沙嘴iSquare 英皇戲院看港產片,散場剛好是下午茶時間,就在附近找吃的。走到漢口道,看到和味茶餐廳,walk in。點了自選兩餸湯麵茶餐,定價48元,尖沙嘴地段,可以接受。兩餸選了沙嗲牛肉和火腿,配公仔麵,竟然有驚喜!牛肉是鮮牛肉,質感似潮汕火鍋的手切牛,肉質滑,有咬口,好味!沙嗲湯惹味又不會過鹹,加了兩條菜芯,加分!公仔麵(不是出前一丁)軟硬剛好,我喜歡!熱奶茶也是出乎意料的好味(印象中,沒有在遊客區的茶餐廳,喝到好的奶茶),紅茶、淡奶的比例,很合我的口味!終於在遊客區吃到高水平茶廳下午茶!
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星期二行過找野食。 見到這間,下午茶時段。服務員態度非常不錯,也見到他們很照顧剛到香港的旅客。雖然不是你們要的5星級美食6星級體驗,但說真的,這才是香港本地人平時會到的餐廳。要200字才有得評分,所以寫下我吃了什麼:香茅豬扒湯河,豬扒即叫即煎,另上在碟上,不會被湯汁浸濕變軟。 讚豬扒味道很好,入味,而且不會太乾,也有香茅的香! 4/5分!飲品我叫了奶茶,一般般,不是我喜歡的奶茶,茶味太濃!最後,廚房會播出經典廣東金曲! 非常之地道! 喜歡
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