Signature Dishes
Review (25)
Level1 2010-05-20
去香港的一个星期里面连续吃了4天的双皮奶很好吃哦~因为就在我住的hotel附近,所以可以经常去吃~很好吃哦 continue reading
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Level4 2010-04-07
以前去過銅鑼灣義順幾次,每次都在擠迫的環境內與其他食客一起用膳,就算味道有多好,整體感覺總是被大打折扣,所以已經許久沒再去了。今天有的是時間,就改去灣仔義順,全因此店面積比銅鑼灣店大很多,而且座位更舒服。今天點了豬扒煎雙蛋、牛奶麥皮露及薑汁燉奶。豬扒煎雙蛋 – 讚: 豬扒醃得入味,切蛋時蛋黃像心太軟那樣蛋汁如泉湧; 彈: 豬扒炸得過火,有點硬,蛋如果煎得有微焦會更香口。牛奶麥皮露 – 讚: 牛奶很香滑,味道微甜,麥皮份量適中,不會太稀或太稠; 彈: 沒有甚麼可彈。薑汁燉奶 – 讚: 牛奶滑得像豆腐花,薑汁很濃; 彈: 薑汁味道蓋過牛奶香味。整體來說,食物味道以茶餐廳的標準,應該屬於中等,不過服務就不是太好,侍應阿姐很散漫,喜歡圍在一起聊天多於招呼客人,叫好幾次也沒有反應。個人最不能接受的是侍應阿姐以己為先,以客為副,竟在港式茶餐廳內,以國語落單。問其中一位阿姐取茄汁,竟然說沒有,這種服務態度真的要不得!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-25
由灣仔步行到銅鑼灣, 路經這家義順牛奶公司。門面超闊, 落地玻璃, 很是開揚, 相信鋪租不便宜啦。午市畢竟不是吃甜品的熱門時候, 所以店面雖大, 其實沒什麼客人。在雙皮奶和薑汁燉奶之間選了後者 ($22) 。奶還奶薑汁還薑汁, 好像豆腐花浸在薑水裡, 燉奶沒錯是很滑, 奶味卻不足, 所以像豆腐花。唔算抵食, 但樓面哥哥倒是斯文有禮非常。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-11
OMG I love this place, my friend kept telling me about this place, we went to the second day and then I proceeded to go everyday twice a day (I went about 7-8 times). I used to crave this dou hua / dou fu fa / dou nao (a very silky tofu drizzled with a clear sugar sauce) that this one old lady in mid levels sells, this officially replaced that. It’s a steamed milk pudding, but way different than American puddings which are fairly creamy and heavy. This is so light and airy just as light and maybe even lighter than dou hua. The creaminess is there, but its just so light. There are several versions, but after trying them all (the first time I literally ordered almost every variation so I could try them all) I prefer the double milk, it’s a bit more creamy and just so good. I could literally have this everyday. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-12-06
愛家素食的甜品令人失望,結果眾人決定去義順牛奶公司溝溝貨。灣仔的義順牛奶公司,鋪面比銅鑼灣分店闊落,一點也不壓迫,感覺舒服得多。朋友分別點了紅豆燉奶及薑汁撞奶,我就要了例牌的熱雙皮奶。熱雙皮奶 ($20) 十分標準,面層的「奶皮」皺皺的,入口散發甘香,下層的燉奶則香滑,火喉剛好,不會出現水汪汪的情況,如果奶味再濃郁一些會更好,雙重的享受,正是雙皮奶的賣點。我不愛紅豆,試了一點薑汁撞奶,入口質感不錯,唯薑味不重,有「到喉唔到肺」之感。放低廿蚊,心頭有一份滿足,的而且確,這才是甜品! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)