Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 21:00
13:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近在電腦中發現這張照片,特來openrice上留下食評,竟然已結業......下方系Smoothies,上方係Yogurt ,再加上Toppings。我選了三莓--紅莓、黑莓、草莓,味道不錯。Yogurt口感軟身,味道適中不會偏甜或酸,但是溶得很快。不過一會兒,你只可當它作一杯飲料,而不是雪糕。
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Already had Holly something right before getting this. Reason why i bought this was because see many ppl getting it. the size was HUGE for $10. i had read some comments in openrice before, knowing this place serves sour yogurt. i actually prefer sour over creamy so $10 is good try why not?i didn't do the check-in thing coz i don't have a smartphone. anyway, i ordered mini size $10 with mochi as topping. first of all, it's really HUGE, it's like 2 times bigger than the cup as you see. i guess the reason why it's that big because the yogurt isn't made with any kind of good milk. coz the yogurt is REAL SOUR but somehow it's not the sour that yogurt should have. kinda like... sour, but no taste of milk at all. so it's bascially a huge tasteless sour cream something like that. it's icy so creamy-love i guess it's not a place for you either. the topping mochi is also tasteless. i don't know if mochi is meant to be tasteless or what. so i suggest to get topping like oreo or fruit, coz at least they can bring some taste to the yogurt.the cup itself is made with cheap plastic too, it's really soft so be careful how you hold the cup. well i am not going to give it a crying face coz what can you ask for $10? and since it's like zero sugar (well i don't know if they use any but i mean i can't taste any), guess you can fake yourself thinking you are eating healthily. sometimes i think many froyo places emphasize how good it's to eat yogurt, but what's really good for us? the artificial colours or the sugar or the toppings?
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尖東前往紅磡既路上 , 有很多食店 , 小食店和飲品店, 在聚多既食店中, 有一個小小角落有個很小的小食店, 是專賣特式乳酪和smoothie的混合小食 - Yoggie.店舖真的是很小, 小得好像我是沒辦法係內裡轉身一樣 , 但是對於賣乳酪的店舖來講 , 其實佢已經好足夠.這店賣的食物不是純粹的乳酪或smoothie , 而是smoothie和乳酪玩crossover, 另外可以比你配多種topping之中其中一隻 , 很有創意又有層次, 今次我就叫左個草莓+藍莓smoothie配蘋果乳酪 , topping選蘋果溶 , smoothe味道不錯, 可能真的只用鮮果? 沒有像RISO那種甜得很過份的感覺, 但是比起像RISO那種的店, 以SMOOTHIE來說不是太順 , 算是美中不足.乳酪方面不似出面哥DIY乳酪那種像軟雪糕的柔滑 , 如果要找個差不多口感的東西, 就有小小似阿波羅鮮果甜乳酪, 小小硬身, 但爽口唔溜, OK啦在乳酪上的TOPPING我選了蘋果溶 , 原因? 我唔想食太COMMON既野罷了 有一點甜 , 但是配上乳酪一齊食, 流動的質感結實的乳酪口感很有趣有一樣很有趣既野 , 其實上面LEE一杯野只係賣$20 . 如果你想一下出面賣DIY乳酪既價錢 , $15 / 100gram , 其實LEE杯野已經好超值, 佢既重量點睇都唔址200gr , 如果用出面DIY乳酪價錢計, lee杯最小都$30啦......上FB登記仲可以減收$2 , 真係幾抵食, 大家行過下可以一試
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小妹我是第一次寫食評,用字生硬了請不要介意先前看過yoggie的食評,其實心思思的一直想試但又怕會失望。 那天食完譚仔後經過,正好朋友也想吃,自己也忍不住了><一走過去,便看見一名戴眼鏡的男人站在店面(是老闆吧?)。他很親切地向朋友介紹froyo的組合,味道差異等等,詳細解釋她的問題,完全沒有黑面什麼的(注:我們在店面前看了好久)。最後我選了$20的froyo+smoothie組合, smoothie是芒果+蘋果。至於toppings,老闆讓我們選了兩樣(oreo+芒果),他說兩樣的話就是份量各佔一半 e.g. 只要藍莓就有10粒藍莓, 要藍莓+芒果就是5粒藍莓5粒芒果了。點好組合,老闆便即時入店內做smoothie,大概等了5-6分鐘,一杯新鮮的froyo+smoothie便送到手上了上面的froyo一入口,我便吃到一陣真正乳酪的酸甜味,完全不是有些甜得像雪糕,yoggie賣的是真有乳酪味!toppings老闆下得毫不吝嗇,害我把不少oreo飛在地上而smoothie則天然濃郁,很甜並不酸,還有一點點果肉。如果要批評的話,就是smoothie一點也不凍,和froyo吃著不太協調。芒果topping也沒什麼味道,只有很輕微的甜。不過這兩樣絕對可以用足夠的yo味和老闆的誠意搭救了這家小店絕對值得一試!尤其是愛吃酸froyo的朋友,我一位不常吃froyo的同學看我們吃得滋味,也嚷著下次要試試呢^^
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三十幾度的高溫之下行走成日...回到紅磡, 一下車, 我只想搵一D可以幫我消暑的小食!Yoggie 的位置不難找, 從巴士站的天橋往尖東方向走, 抬頭一看便可以見到了......... 問題是, 未去過的話, 你可能會MISS了它.... 因為舖頭佔地太少了, 基本上只有兩步的闊度!第一次找的話, 要留神呢其實我平常不太吃 FROYO, 只吃過4, 5 次, 所以覺得Yoggie 的出品有點特別.大 SIZE $20, 可加 ::::SMOOTHIE:::: 對快熱死的我來說可謂非常吸引 MINI SIZE $10, 但只可有一種TOPPING, 不可加SMOOTHIE (聽服務員說是因為杯太少了了了了)由於我在半小時後要吃晚飯, 所以選了MINI SIZE吃多了M雪糕, 很久沒見過可以拉得這麼高的疑似軟雪糕(乳酪)了見到的時候有點興奮~ 而到我拿到手的時候抬頭一看.... 寫著到FACEBOOK CHECK-IN的話可減 $2.... 太遲了.....MAY BE NEXT TIME....話說回來, 呢間FROYO 都算合格. 雖然奶味唔太濃, 但少少奶味加少少酸酸甜甜, 配上大大粒藍莓, 味道清新.而且有MINI SIZE呢個選擇都幾好. 最適合眼闊肚窄的人, 可以留位食多D唔同款的野, 又唔會撐爆肚皮~
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