9-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
This modern gastro-pub, on the quiet end of Staunton street, has a open-fronted facade that's reminiscent of a classic red English telephone box. It's different from other pubs as its somewhat more upscale and stylized than your run-of-the-mill sports pub. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Happy Hour: 16:00-20:00 weekdays
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 01:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fish & Chips Sticky Toffee Pudding Homemade Yorkshire Pudding Irish Beef Stew Chicken Tikka Masala Roast Beef
Review (142)
Level2 2016-06-11
我係4月份經groupon買咗e間餐廳團購,張groupon寫明22.6.16前用有效,好啦~6月份有時間可以去食,等我打電話去想book枱個陣,就長期冇人聽電話,我就特登坐車落中環諗住親自訂位,點知....執咗笠,係執咗笠呀~各位,有冇人買咗groupon呀?執咗呀~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-06-07
great food, great atmosphere. Loved it. Will go back again and again. Yummy Yorkshire pudding. Better than my mums. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-04-11
Had a very nice experience dining at Yorkshire Pudding! The fish & chips is extraoridinary, extremely fresh and soft. Not to mention the Scotch Eggs and Avocado toast is really delicious, good for ladies who prefer small bites. They serve really quick too, making it a possible dining location during lunch hour. Its location next to the SOHO escalator makes it very convenient. Will definitely come by again next time! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-08
團購有驚喜!早前團購了一張二人6 course 的團購coupon, 心血來潮即日book位。餐廳位於熱鬧的中環蘇豪,餐廳共分兩層,我們被安排到上層的座位,稍微遠離了蘇豪區的煩囂。率先到來的是忌廉湯和炸煙肉薯波。薯波很香口,啖啖薯蓉,混上微微的芝士香,非常美味。 再來的是雜菜沙律。沙律早已混入黑醋,黑醋酸味適中,雜菜超新鮮,好鮮甜,抵讚! 第三道菜令人最難忘! 芝士多士配煙肉腸,多士上有一隻半熟蛋。芝士多士超脆,配上半熟蛋的蛋汁,好正呀! 第四道菜有三款小食: 炸雞脆薄餅卷,炸魚手指配薯條,蘇格蘭炸蛋三款小食中比較美味的是炸魚手指及炸蛋。炸魚出奇地嫩滑,超美味! 炸蛋用上了肉碎包裹著雞蛋去炸,火路剛好,蛋黃還是半熟的,正! 第五味是薄牛柳配薯蓉。牛肉咪頗香,但略嫌韌。成碟最好味的是蒜蓉牛油炒配菜,好好味! 最後一道是甜品-脆蛋白甜餅,份量頗大。本人及友人均對此甜點興趣不大,太甜了,如果可減點甜應不錯。餐飲可選一杯紅酒或白酒。餐廳的服務都很令人滿意,很值得推介的一家西餐 😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
口痕痕想試新野? 位於士丹頓街尾的「Yorkshire Pudding」,開放式的外觀,主打各式各樣的英式食物‬和特色甜品‬,讓大家一嚐當地的大英口味。------------------------------有陣時,想試下新野,但又不想太貴的姐姐都喜歡上團購網搜尋下,睇下有沒有甚麼新開餐廳,可以優惠價錢試試最近在團購網又買了,試試英國菜「Yorkshire Pudding」Yorkshire Pudding 位於中環士丹頓街尾,扶手電梯側邊,附近都有很多特色餐廳,到晚上時間都是非常熱閙的,是遊客經常會到遊的地方餐廳的門面是湖水綠色的,遠看就像一個長型箱子,有一樓和二樓而裡邊則是純英式的設計,幾幅型格壁畫,簡單的吊燈,和皮制的椅子餐廳分開兩邊不同的格局,左邊是靜一點的,客人可以專心用餐,聊聊天,而右邊則有大電視屏幕,客人可以邊看球賽,邊用餐,緊張刺激的滿足不同客人的需求,而我們則是選擇寧靜用餐的套餐包括兩杯酒精飲品,紅酒或者白酒先來清新的雜錦沙律,有青瓜、蕃茄、沙律菜等,伴酸甜黑醋和檻欖油吃,開胃、醒神然後是小食,雞肉tikla、 炸魚薯條、 炸蘇格蘭蛋雞肉tikla是用薄餅捲着烤雞肉做的,吃落去的口感很香脆,帶微辣,似吃印度小食炸魚薯條做得也不錯,薯條是姐姐喜歡的類型,粗身帶厚厚薯肉魚柳點沙律醬吃,消去原來的油膩感,而且肉質都幾嫩滑不得不提的是這裡的炸蘇格蘭蛋,是英國十分之經典的菜式,用豬肉包着雞蛋一齊炸,甘香可口卻沒有想像中油膩而且雞蛋是流心的,蛋香濃郁,呢個菜式真的要試腸仔包配芝士多士,似英式早餐吧腸仔裏着煙肉煎,煙肉被煎至脆卜卜的不過滿瀉的芝士舖在多士上,撕開之際,真是很爽,還有一隻半熟蛋tim主菜是豬肉伴暮蓉,豬肉以烤汁慢煮,所以吃落去時,豬肉的肉質很琳不過姐姐對呢個口感的主菜真是一般,可能慣了吃爽滑的豬肉吧最後是甜品Eton mess,有一些草莓、藍莓、紅莓的,視覺上又幾靚的配濃濃忌廉一齊吃,卻是有點膩呢!如果大家都想試試英國菜的傳統味道,呢間餐廳都值得大家去試試------------------------------Yorkshire PuddingAddress: 中環士丹頓街6號地舖Time: 星期一至日 0:00~01:00Balance: HK$150 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)