Restaurant: | Yu Fu Abundance |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
12-min walk from Exit B, Tai Wo Hau MTR Station
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The restaurant specializes in vegetarian dish, using vegetables to create a taste similar to ordinary dishes, such as Maltose Gluten and Beancurd Rice, Vegan Cheese Protein with Rice and Burdock Patty Burger and so on.
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Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
月尾女友人WK生日,早啲約佢食生日飯,我哋諗去邊喥食,諗起上年同老公食過呢間(食評係20年12月28日刊登嘅呢篇:https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/review/yeah-%E7%B4%A0%E9%A3%9F%E8%80%85%E5%98%85%E5%AF%B6%E5%BA%AB-e39022250),嗰時已介紹俾WK,咁不如趁記得,就同佢嚟食啦,而老公話食呢間要人多,否則只食到好少種類.咁我哋3個,就喺18-5-2021 (Tue) 晚嚟食,我喺openrice book咗位嘅,但我老公突然早成個鐘返到荃灣,咁我哋就上嚟啦,同上次一樣,要除鞋至可以入去,安頓好後,就要咗:1. $42.00嘅梅醬蔗苗呢個係男店員推介,其實我哋上次食過,不過就WK要多次,呢個都同上次一樣,而麻油味都重.味道: 4分2. $28.00嘅石榴味黑麥汁呢個係WK飲嘅,而且係罐裝飲品,呢個唔評.3. $88.00嘅香煎鍋貼男店員推介, 一客8個,個底係有煎香,每個都唔太大隻,味道同口惑都正常冇問題.味道: 3分4. $98.00嘅砂鍋蠔仔泡飯同樣係上次食過覺得唔錯,所以再叫,味道同口感都一樣.味道: 5分5. $98.00嘅中東卷餅原本想要牛蒡扒漢包,但呢晚冇,WK就要呢個,內裡新鮮蔬菜滿滿,顏色又靚,男店員話個汁係冇蛋奶素,食落,係幾好味.味道: 5分6. $128.00嘅香醋少爺雞有白切同燒雞兩種,味道清淡,蘸醋食就ok 嘅.白切雞嘅腐皮味夠濃.味道: 4分7. $46.00嘅芒果椰果露有少少芒果嘅酸,成碗唔太甜,煙韌嘅椰果都唔少.味道: 5分服務:由頭到尾,個男店員嘅服務都好好.價錢:連加一係$581.00,不過我用Openrice pay X Visa優惠,減咗$50.00,即$531.00.2.5分其他:落完單,男店員拎疊牌俾我哋抽,話攞去,唔使俾返佢哋.後來同WK行佢零售舖一圈, 男店員就介紹入口嗰個捐款箱,話o衣o家食係一個問題,只要俾張咭,就可以免費食餐飯.而原來,嗰張咭,正正係佢俾我哋嗰張.題外話:呢喥重有塔羅占卜套餐或私房菜,可以預約.
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無諗過會有咁既活動只係攞張咭比d staff 就有 free lunch 一個我覺得幾得意,我問左個staff 「可以自己贊助」無特定話要幾多錢我就去試下呢個「有心人請你食飯」就可以食個free lunch 幾好食 😋
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入門口前有消毒酒精清潔雙手, 感覺乾淨嗌咗兩樣餸, 欖菜叉燒炒飯同埋另一樣唔記得叫咩名😂 個菜個汁好好食, 有黑松露味, 有菇。 炒飯好食, 睇落好細兜, 但兩個人兩樣餸就已經好飽
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冷盤點咗韓式蓮藕,味道好似泡菜有啲辣但冇泡菜咁濃,非常開胃而唔會太辣。有特色嘅係咖哩魚配抓餅:其實一啲都唔係咖哩味,有啲似獻汁,似粵菜嘅菜遠汁味但清淡啲,但如果係鍾意辣嘢同東南亚香料就唔啱啦。齋叉燒齋鸡 :味道相當好,並唔係一般齋舖嘅齋叉燒,而係使用嘅食材腐竹製作時味道比較鮮香,用油較清淡。
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