Hanjuku Kobo is a Japanese and Western fusion bakery that is famous for their Hanjuku Cheese tart. Apart from their signature cheese tart, they also have a chocolate tart, matcha cheese tart and Japanese light cheesecake. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (116)
Level3 2018-08-22
還記得這間鋪頭一開張就已經上電視,皆因佢嘅半熟芝士蛋撻引起了人潮洶湧。竟然買蛋撻的人要等差不多兩個小時才能買到,實在太誇張!本人亦都一早係日本聽聞過呢間店,而加就沒那麼多客人了,趁咁啱行過又買黎食下,順便外賣給家人試一下!之前我買過它的半熟芝士蛋糕仔,一盒$150好似有10個細細件的!這蛋糕送禮或farewell都十分不錯,體面得黎又好食!自認芝士控的禾推薦一試!話說回來,新鮮出爐的芝士撻,外層好鬆化,咬開內餡,芝士係流心的,芝士味超濃抹茶味的也是重抹茶味的!喜歡濃味食物的人一定會愛上它的😬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-04-06
半熟工房既芝士撻同半熟芝士蛋糕都係我最愛!芝士撻新鮮出爐最好食!好重芝士味但唔會太漏半熟芝士蛋糕入口即溶既感覺 正!今次仲試埋布雪 抹茶味好似蛋糕咁中間有層抹茶味既cream抹茶味香濃 蛋糕鬆軟 不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-11
在銅鑼灣經過半熟工房的門口,見到店員拿着一盤切開了的半熟芝士蛋糕讓遊人試食,店員將一件芝士蛋糕分開了6份。我經過這店舖的門外,於是吉了一件來試試,芝士蛋糕放進口裏真的入口即溶,一試難忘。還記得半熟工房是我在芝士撻熱潮的時候光顧過,而它的芝士蛋糕就沒有買過,因為入口即溶的口感以及蛋糕裡的軟心芝士令我不禁入了店舖內問職員點樣買,一買便買了一盒半熟芝士蛋糕共10件($150),買回家一起開心 share,和家人一起分享芝士蛋糕的幼滑口感,連家人都一起讚好半熟芝士蛋糕真的很美味~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尋晚去左CWB行街, 食完飯打算搭車回家經過呢度又比佢吸左入去....本來有D想食隻芝士撻, 但岩岩先食到好飽所以真係食唔落, 打算決定棄權兼走人既時候又比我眼尾"稍"到呢盒新野...原來出左款新口味半熟芝士蛋糕, 加左茶味! 感覺幾創新...之前都未食過加左茶味既芝士蛋糕...一盒有五個茶味...玄米茶, 麥茶, 焙茶, 綠茶, 烏龍茶. 我之前成日買黃色盒既半熟芝士蛋糕食, 蛋糕賣相黎講都係黃色盒靚D, 因為每件都金黃色閃令令咁. 而呢盒因為加左唔同既茶, 賣相都係黃黃啡啡綠綠咁, 望落去都較暗啞既...不過味道黎講呢, 食落去又好正下, 五個茶味都好香, 每件除左有明顯既個別茶香之外, 又唔會冇左陣芝士香味, 呢樣真係好重要啦, 仲有蛋糕質感都係好滑溜同輕柔既...Overall我覺得呢盒同黃色盒各有各正, 想超級濃郁芝士味就揀黃色盒, 想有多D層次既香氣就揀呢盒啦. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-09
The cheese tarts are the best items here. Perfect amount of half cooked fluffy cheesiness on a buttery tarte! While I also tried their matcha cheesecake, the cheese tart was by far much better. I'd definitely come back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)