Famous of Japanese Omelette Rice. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Beef Cheek Stew(stewed 30 hours) Omlet Rice Original Cheese Hamburg
Review (51)
Level4 2014-02-16
早前在銅鑼灣一帶辦點事,見差不多午飯時間,便walk-in到位於渣甸街一商廈內的秀殿。餐廳裝修擺設帶點懷舊日式洋風,打理得整齊企理。這次來到秀殿並沒有吃奄列飯,我所選是這裡的「自家製香溶芝士漢堡扒定食」,$128,包餐湯,沙律及餐飲。主菜自家製香溶芝士漢堡扒,漢堡扒肉質鬆軟多肉汁,配著溶掉的芝士和惹味燒汁,好食。不過這厚厚的漢堡扒對女孩子來說份量頗多,吃到最後都要投降。定食的忌廉餐湯和沙律都很一般,不吃亦無妨。 餐飲選了凍檸茶,茶香偏淡。整體來說,主菜,環境和服務都不錯,讓人能在輕輕鬆鬆食餐飯、充充電。不過定食的'配角'就有點hea,欠了點誠意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-10-18
吳友人慶生8人聚會,前幾天訂位都OK,不過係平日。店內精緻骨子,座位寬敞,但可容納人數有限。外有露台花園座位。小吃有:芝士球 - 友人好喜歡,我個人一般,小甜,滑腸仔拼盤 - 我個人最愛小吃之選,香豚肉多士 - 賣相似鵝肝醬,不過我prefer鵝肝醬多牛肉汁蛋包飯加芝士夠熱,芝士超級好味(不過加$15,略貴,但堅好味),蛋是無敵的,易飽的我3分1已經好夠。友人點海鮮蛋包飯,料足,但友人略嫌白汁跟茄飯唔夾。沒有很驚喜,但可再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-09-02
 店內座位有限, 只得幾張枱+一張bar枱+露台, 一眼望晒, 因為我無訂枱, 起初一入內侍應都話full, 掉頭走之際, 侍應又話有位喎, 咁就試一試!落單之後, 等咗約20分鐘先上菜, 有點慢!over $100 一碟的日式蛋包飯, 近乎無餸, 只有白汁+奄列飯, 味道一般, 賣點係舖上一層又厚又濕的蛋, 蛋就正宗夠日式, 不過就好膩。通風唔多掂, 越食就越焗, 我倆巳經速戰速決型食客, 唔會同佢慢慢嘆, (當時5月中, 仲未開始熱)都食到出晒汗。以此價位的奄列飯, 我估都係以日本人熟客支持多, 我就唔多識欣賞, 試過一次便算!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My friend wanted to try this place so we came here on a Sat afternoon for lunch. I did my research online and ordered the omelete rice with demiglace sauce. The lunch set came with soup, salad and a drink as well. The soup was watery and the salad was skimpy but I'm here for the omurice. My omurice finally came surrounded by demiglace sauce. As I cut into the omelet, I noticed that the egg was very well cooked as it was still a bit runny. The rice was a bit hard and there was a lot of it (so much carbs!). The sauce was good at first, but got really heavy towards the end. I'm not much a rice person and though I admit the egg was well cooked, this is not really something I would seek out.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-07-31
心水餐廳裡有成百幾間想食既餐廳,但就一直在增加,無乜點減少今日終於試到呢間在我waiting list度鋪塵鋪左年幾既餐廳 之前有試過book位,但當時好hit,所以book唔到!風潮過後,我星期五食,星期四都book到 yeah yeah yeah!當然係充滿住極大既期望 呢餐簡直係我成日工作既動力,只可惜有點失望!!餐廳俾想像中細,唔怪得咁容易full其實我時日諗係未間餐廳特登搞到咁細等人覺得難book梗係好野 我們四個女仔叫左四樣野第一道:芝士年糕 (本身應該唔係呢個名)一叉叉落去!咦~!無芝士汁流出黎既下下下.............之後一淡咬落去!咦!又okay喎! 好重芝士味,好流好滑,正啊! 不過一人一粒無晒!第二道:燜牛肉呢個一般般呀!個汁好怪! 有幾怪? er..........又喊又苦啊! 係隻汁唔0岩我口味遮第三道:人人讚好的egg包飯我們擇左蕃茄汁,味道okay啦!但又想講句:其實都係好一般!第四道:期待已久的漢堡黎到即食都凍冰冰...失晒分!口感就幾好,成塊漢堡勁厚,我們四個都食唔晒!最後都係我硬啃!我地仲叫左青檸梳打,幾好飲喎!好酸好酸!但我就係鐘意酸成晚最正既就係個小食同野飲食左成晚,食到間野收工,都係小貓三四隻睇黎熱潮真係過,其他hit緊既野我都要忍住忍住忍住,等待人人都試完就到我喇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)