Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
天氣酷熱環境,近月就不想外出,但每週休息,還是盡量可以去吃西式餐brunch, afternoon tea或甜品,這天逛街倦了,天也黑了,又趕著回家。想著難得外出,還是把握機會吃點東西。銅鑼灣那里就滿滿是人!於是想到銅鑼灣中心的ucc. 哎喲!太久沒有吃甜點了,就是为了減肥呀!連茶、咖啡也不能加糖!但難得到了,還是忍不住吃了這巧克力waffle, 實在是太美味了。是想找到座位慢慢享受吃喜歡的食物是多麽幸福的時刻。
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細細個成日去食有salad bar的UCC,可惜sogo分店是沒有的,不過意大利粉依然出色,就算只能walkin排隊都值得一去。臺凳都係比較逼,唔好期望坐得好舒服。等得都耐,成日都有條長龍。牛肉意粉是喜出望外的mvp,意大利粉的質地非常好食,彈牙,香氣十足,成日都加多一個淨意粉食,無停口。牛肉煮得很好,汁同洋蔥加分不少。蕃茄湯意粉都不錯,湯不夠濃郁,海鮮不算多但都可以,不過相比下,乾身的意粉比較出色。甜品芒果多士,很甜很香,雪糕都好味,多士不油膩很輕盈,配咖啡不錯。順帶一提ucc的蒸餾咖啡很香濃,也是必點!
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🍌香蕉朱古力窩夫熱香餅🧇配雲尼拿軟雪糕🍦-認真 從未食過一個朱古力窩夫係用朱古力片🍫😅完全同窩夫融合唔到🤣窩夫亦都好一般🤣似一個被壓扁又實嘅梳乎厘pancake🫣雲糕好快溶,雲尼拿味亦唔算濃。。-如果純粹想搵間餐廳坐下傾下偈都ok,但想食到好味pancake就不了🙅🏻♀️*・゜゚・*:.。.☻.。.:*・☆・*:.。. ☻.。.:*・゜゚・*
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在Sogo shopping,逛到累,雙腳好像不屬於自己的!最方便是在百貨公司內找吃,趁機坐下休息一下。這cafe,每次經過必見人龍🕴🏻👫👬🕴🏻👯♂️!腳累透仍要排隊,真辛苦!沒辦法,又不想去找其他店子,排就排啦😒!幸好比起平時,這天人龍算短了🤩,前面只排了四五個人,算少人的了。等了一會,終於有位了!一坐下才真心體會有多累,完全不想動😆😆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🥪煙肉生菜番茄三文治🍅🥬 $75⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️不用額外說明要烘底,侍應表示此cafe所有三文治都會烘底的,太好了👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻烘得幾靚、又夠熱,分量竟然這麼多,還附上薯角,唔客氣喇😄😋好好味!生菜、番茄🍅超新鮮,前者脆、後者juicy,配上煎得香口的煙肉,超好吃!🥞雜果牛角酥窩夫🍑🥝$74⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️上枱時已聞到很香的牛油味!一做好即食是最好味!waffle香脆有蛋香,配雜果🍓🍑🥝和雪糕(還要有兩球,太好了!),正!🍹檸檬茶🍋 $48⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️其實最想喝杯凍飲解渴。沒想到連檸檬茶都好味喎!茶底香而不澀,亦不會太甜,連喝幾口,舒服晒😁💃💃~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cafe位於Sogo四樓,是逛街逛到攰歇息的好地點;食物與飲品質素俱佳,惟一要排隊等位就有點辛苦。
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Located in Sogo mall, and we see this franchise UCC coming from japan, but actually offering western foods instead of japanese food haa, quite many choics here quite niceePotatoes Salad having some corns insides, tastes quite nice, i tried to make the same too, but long time no cook lolllPumpkin soup isn’t too bad but taste weak Tiger Prawn and Asparagus Spaghetti with Ebi cream having really yummy spaghetti, i like the sauce and soft spaghetti, prawn is quite good tooSeafood Spaghetti with Soya Milk Soup having strong milk taste but the seafoods are just fine, i like the soup indeed just like drinking milk haa, having clams, shrimps and scallops insides Chocolate drink is so good with the creamy topping so so niceee much more creamy than the mocha in starbucks too really outstanding ones yayaa, perfect drink heree haaThe staff is generally nice, sitting wood bench seat, quite nice to have a meal here haa
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