5-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
Level3 2024-05-10
開咗咁耐 我都係第一次飲第一次飲就愛上了 班蘭珍珠 同出面嘅珍珠好唔同 好過癮 想增加口感嘅一定要加!!泰奶驚太甜我都係會點半糖下次會試下其他口味嘅奶茶!!推介想飲泰奶的朋友~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-31
時發中午12點左右。雖然趕時間但行過見冇人排隊,所以諗住買杯蜂蜜茉莉花茶。當行到過去時竟然冇人係收銀位置,但係從飲品出口處見有人及聽到傾計聲。所以就叫咗“唔好意思”,但一直叫咗5-6聲都冇人回應。然而,我已經等咗一陣所以感覺唔想放棄等既時間就諗住等多3分鐘… 終於有位女員工攞住杯水開心地傾住計慢慢出黎~佢見我後就慢慢地行去收銀及問我想要咩,道歉都冇一句… … 咁我就叫咗蜂蜜茉莉花茶。而我都認自己衰都check單,原來佢幫我落咗蜂蜜檸檬茉莉花茶… …😭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
依家講真,我對飲品嘅嗜好可能有啲挑剔,但係一踏入呢間點到咗杯泰國奶茶沙冰,真係即刻覺得自己似乎搵到心頭好🧊🥤。首先,啲沙冰嘅綿密程度,啫喱😋,啲奶茶味又真係得嚟濃郁得滯,啖啖奶香,飲落去涼哂心扉!我對甜嘢又愛又恨,但係呢杯嘅甜度係啱啱好,唔會膩口,仲要加埋啲珍珠啖啖Q彈,食落有勁!有少少嚟講,我飲嘅時候心入面點咗半串花火💥,猶如喺炎炎夏日嘅中環揾到一片清涼嘅綠洲咁。行過中環,唔通唔入黎歇歇腳,搵個位坐低,嘆杯好飲嘅泰式奶茶沙冰,想起嗰陣喺曼谷閒逛嘅日子,呢杯沙冰唔單止解渴,仲撲吓個啲返來啲泰國嘅懷舊情懷。下次記得同埋啲朋友一齊黎試吓,跟住我嘅波鞋,丫,保證唔會失望啦!👣🍹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-24
The name was given and taken 1945 as the starting year of the brand, which was established by a Chinese owner who immigrated to Thailand. The brand has over 60 years of experience in making Thai tea, with their own recipes and production processes.Thai tea is one of their original drinks, and the brand has slowly introduced more flavours as well as launched ice cream products in response to the market trend. The store also allows adjustments in ice level and sweetness to fit everyone’s preferences.📝Menu: 🔸Thai Tea continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-02
鮮奶抹茶/$32抹茶味不算好濃郁,而且冇得叫少冰或走冰,但係冇諗過啲冰係多得咁誇張,我用匙羹不走晒啲冰,啲冰幾乎佔咗一半位置,基本上我只係得半杯鮮奶抹茶。已經叫咗少甜,但都係偏甜,唔會有下次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)