4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Jinjuu, London’s stylish modern Korean restaurant and bar opens in Lan Kwai Fong’s California Tower. Founded by French trained Korean-American Londoner Judy Joo, Jinjuu is a modern take on Korean tastes giving guests a dining experience that is not traditionally Korean, but uniquely Korean.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
大家呢排有冇去蘭桂坊蒲呀?蘭桂坊最近舉行緊蘭桂坊Summer Journey盛夏環球之旅,當中有14間餐廳夥拍肥美逹人提供線上餐廳訂座,仲有好多優惠架!我就揀咗老婆大人鍾意食的韓國菜,仲要係新派韓菜Jiniuu相信佢一定滿意!酒吧格局的Jiniuu氣氛幾好,令人食飯之餘仲想飲番兩杯!經肥美逹人訂位即送出Johnnie WalkerBlack Label Highball一杯,又調得幾好味喎!韓式Impossible素肉玉米夾餅須然是素菜,但一D都唔寡口仲辣辣哋好惹味!另一款係韓式Impossible素肉蒸餃子,老婆大人鍾意食餃子啱晒佢!我呢D食肉獸點都要D真肉頂下肚嘅!招牌韓國炸BB雞而家有半價140蚊就食到,都話經肥美逹人訂位多著數架啦!炸BB雞皮香肉嫩好鬼正,我真係一個都食得晒啊!整杯Soju嘆炸雞同跟住嘅慢煮美國特級牛小排,人生的確好極!慢煮美國特級牛小排好淋身,韓式汁醬都好濃好惹味,同食牛扒係兩種感覺!要多D約人去呢14間食飯先得!因為廣期內經FeedMe Guru訂座最高消費的顧客可獲得豐富獎品,大獎係星晨旅遊送出的6 晚經典挪威北極光海岸線・卑爾根至希爾克內斯郵輪之旅兩位啊!‧
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踏入7月大家都進入暑假的模式,對吃喝玩樂的日子相信也十分有興緻,連蘭桂坊亦於6月~8月3日舉行{蘭桂坊Summer Journey盛夏環球之旅},期間共有14間環球主題餐廳提供地道精選美食,更夥拍肥美逹人FeedMe Guru提供線上餐廳訂座服務,當中更有高達5折優惠呢! 而我這天便到富現代化風格的Jinjuu嘆現代韓國菜,餐廳位於加洲大廈德己立街另一面的入口,並不是大廈電梯位置那面喔! 推廣期內經FeedMe Guru訂座最高消費的顧客可獲得豐富獎品,包括第一名由星晨旅遊送出的6 晚經典挪威北極光海岸線・卑爾根至希爾克內斯郵輪之旅兩位,第二高消費顧客可得香港航空送出雙人來回香港至洛杉磯經濟艙機票壹套,第三高消費顧客可獲贈HUAWEI P20 Pro智能手機乙部,另還有不少豐富的獎品真的很吸引!詳情按此 在FeedMe Guru預訂餐廳而每位滿18歲人士均可得Johnnie Walker送出Black Label Highball一杯,味道清新怡人襯濃味的韓菜很匹配! 先來一人一件的韓式Impossible素肉玉米夾餅,用上近來大熱的Impossible素肉來炮製,吃下極接近真肉口感,配合香辣的調味很惹味討好! 接下來繼續Green吃燒雙菜花藜麥豆腐沙律$140,近來吃肉太多還是乖乖多吃蔬菜,雙菜花乃西蘭花和椰菜花口感爽脆,配上健康的藜麥和香軟豆腐粒感覺健康! 最後有同樣素色可餐的韓式Impossible素肉蒸餃子,外皮煙韌吃下充滿香氣清新不寡不錯耶! 吃罷頭盤到食肉獸狂情大發的時候!經FeedMe Guru訂座便可以半價$140享用招牌韓國炸BB雞,那麼優惠怎可不點一客呀!一上檯原來除了BB雞外還跟上不少配菜,實在豐富得沒話說! 炸BB雞外脆內軟又多汁,配有韓國的酸蘿蔔等配菜,還奉上玩味十足的香辣醬汁和燒汁,充滿新派的好味道! 主菜是慢煮美國特級牛小排$270,另主食則點了韓國石頭鍋拌雜菜煎蛋飯! 忍不住點了一杯超有特色的SPICED KIMCHI MARY$155,泡菜味雞尾酒真的第一次品嚐,喝下鹹鹹辣辣的挺像泡菜湯層次很豐富,令愛吃泡菜的我十分驚喜!這幀照片更用上HUAWEI P20 Pro智能手機來拍攝,擁有4000萬像素Leica三鏡頭,加上大光圈便能輕易拍出心水照片好心動喔! 慢煮美國特級牛小排當然交給車爸爸跟好友們細意品嚐啦! 我就先吃韓國石頭鍋拌雜菜煎蛋飯嚕!内有多款雜菜如木耳、菇菌、芽菜、甘筍、豆角及泡菜,加上太陽蛋拌勻來吃好有韓劇Feel喔! 最後以芒果熱情果韓國刨冰來Cool Down熱情如火的韓宴,大熱天時吃一碗刨冰總是令人涼入心扉,滿足的一夜又要過去今個Summer相信我會在蘭桂坊留下不少足印!
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#throwback適逢Calbeemama生日正日,Calbeepapa一定要認真選擇餐廳吃生日晚飯!由於我們是韓國超級粉絲,而且又要型格,Calbeepapa特意選擇Jinjuu為我慶祝。🎉在網絡上得知Jinjuu首在倫敦開業,已經獲《米芝蓮指南》高度評價。有幸他進駐中環蘭桂芳,當然要一試!👏🏻Jinjuu韓文意思是「珍珠」,他們賣點是以韓國經典食物與各國特色美食混合一起,把傳統菜式升華至別殊一格的味道,令人一試難忘!😋餐牌上選擇種類挺多,也有素食菜式。🥗今次我們點了吞拿魚他他、香脆豆腐迷你漢堡、野菌黑松露芝士菠菜脆炸餃子、素食墨西哥薄餅(Green Taco)🌮、韓式醃生魚刺身拌飯、石鍋香辣蜆肉手製湯麵,每一款都極之出色!💯 個人最喜歡是素漢堡,那豆腐炸得超鬆脆,內裡豆腐依然滑溜,十分美味!重點推薦還有刺身拌飯,日式刺身飯大家都食得多,但韓式配以韓式辣醬,混合一起吃,別有一番風味,令人驚喜大讚!💯生日怎可能沒有甜品!😆 心大心細,我最後決定要人參綠茶法式燉蛋(Gingseng Green Tea Creme Brûlée) !Calbeepapa真好,預先吩咐店員特意在甜品上寫上Happy Birthday,字體寫得整齊優雅。🙂 雖然人參味不重,但我最喜歡的是它加入韓國橘子,味道香甜美味,燉蛋非常滑溜,配上合桃碎、云呢拿雪榚,這甜品真正為我的生日飯劃上完美的句號。😻Calbeepapa和我真心推介給大家,我們也希望下次可以一試他們的Brunch,好像也很受歡迎。🙂
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睇左軒皇上嘅video介紹呢間酒吧為佢調左一杯以佢其中一張album 為名嘅cocktail!!! 梗係要黎試下呢杯"Pink Dahlia" 啦! 順道都同朋友食個飯仔因為軒仔, 本尊完全都唔知呢間餐廳食咩就衝左入黎啦! 原來係韓式餐廳。前半係酒吧, 後半係餐廳。 我地order 左Mandoo Trio(三色餃), Basirak Kalguksu Hand-cut Noodles 同小牛排。都未食完第一碟餃, 就決定要order 多一客! 好好味呀! 兩隻蒸餃, 一隻豬肉餃, 一隻有松露, 兩隻都好juicy。 另一隻脆卜卜, 裡面有芝士, 好味呀! 佢個名係crispy philly cheesesteak & kimchi dumpling.... 好長。。。個名個麵好軟, 有啲似烏冬, 啲蜆好新鮮, 最緊要係冇沙! 本尊一食到沙就唔食架啦! 個辣湯本來ok, 但就鹹左少少囉... 最後就係小牛排... em... 我唔知原來韓式小牛排係好似燉牛腩咁, 但唔係唔好食呀! 同我想像有啲出入啫~ 肉質好軟, 我地食完呢碟就飽左, 因為真係好肥美。主角"Pink Dahlia"!!! 玫瑰士多啤梨好靚, 杯酒好香士多啤梨味, 甜甜地, 酸酸地! 軒皇上!!! Good Show!不過, 呢杯酒只係會喺張敬軒演唱會期間先有得飲。 之後... 真係會冇咩? 我不嬲都唔信呢啲野。 我諗佢會改名囉。。 或者!
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With the name meaning pearl in Korean, this contemporary restaurant is located in Lan Kwai Fong, with half being a bar and the other half dining area. Originating from London, it has modern decor, a dimly lit environment, with fairly small tables which are more suitable for serving only one dish at a time. Ordering the tasting menu ($595 each) the first course served is Beetroot-Cured Salmon Tartare. The salmon has an interested reddish color from the beetroot, seasoned well and paired with shallots, capers, crispy barley and chive. Mixed with yuja vinaigrette, with frisee salad and perilla oil, the dish has finesse and is a good start for the meal. The second course is Mandoo Trio, including steamed pork dumpling, crispy Philly cheesesteak & kimchi dumpling, as well as steamed wild mushroom dumpling. With soy dipping sauce, the dumplings are delicious with different styles, from the original to more modern versions, offering a good contrast on the texture. Another good dish I would recommend. The third course is Char-Grilled Chicken Stewers, which are from Australian free-range chicken, with a sweet soy ginger glaze, and paired with shallots, pea shoot salad and black garlic aioli. The chicken is juicy, grilled perfectly. The sauce is rich and full of flavor, and surprisingly reminded me of the Malaysian satay dipping sauce. So far all the appetizers are really good and delivering the high expectation. The fourth course is Banchan Plates, which might not be counted as a course as they are standard Korean side dishes. But there is a twist. While the bean sprout and mushroom are nothing extraordinary, the spinach is prepared hot, with steam still coming up, unlike the common side dishes which are served cold. It has a spicy kick as well, and even though it is not the usual flavor you would expect, still it is a nice attempt in my opinion. The fifth course is Basirak Kalguksu Hand-Cut Noodles, the spicy Korean clam soup noodle, with crispy barley puffs and ginger, in a piping hot stone bowl. The taste of the soup is nice with the right balance of spicy from the chili paste and the umami from the clams. The noodles are also great in texture, chewy with the bite. However personally I would prefer the spiciness to dial up a notch and the soup served searing hot in temperature, essentially steaming. A good one nevertheless. The sixth course is one of the two main dishes, with us sharing so able to have both tonight. The Baked Sustainable British Cod has Doenjang herb crusts, on top of a gochujang pancake, along with sauteed silver skin onions, balsamic thyme jus. The fish itself is a bit under-seasoned for me, but fortunately the crust is nicely done. The pancake has a chewy bite, quite nice and filling so if finishing the whole piece it could be a bit too much. The other main dish is Slow-Braised USDA Prime Beef Short Rib, served with straw potatoes, grilled vegetables and carrots, soy glaze and garlic chips. The meat is nicely done with the flesh soft and tender, but by now we were so full that we could not eat much more. The veggie are good but it is a bit too oily for me. There are some kimchi and pickled radish accompanying which can give a bit of crunchy contrast to the bite. It is a pity that we have to leave half of it behind. The seventh course is also not in theory a separate dish. The Ssam Plates are fresh red and green lettuce, along with roasted seaweed and ssamjang sauce. A nice way to clear our palate and also to cleanse the oily mouthfeel, the vegetables are fresh, and adding the ssamjang sauce made them even more appealing. Last is the dessert, which is Gochugaru Chocolate Brownie, infused with Korean chili flakes, peanut praline, cookie and cream ice-cream. The brownie are good in taste, sweet yet not overly so, with the berries providing some tartness to balance. The ice-cream has a rich vanilla and creamy profile, and pairing with the brownie is a signature way to eat. Though it is good but again it is beyond us now to finish them because of our full stomach.The service is also good with the staff coming to introduce every course, checking in with us on how everything goes and our feedback on the dishes. I also like the way she explained each dish with sufficient details so I know what exactly we were having, along with how some of the dishes were prepared.With a bottle of water ($70) also, the bill was $1386, quite reasonable considering the environment and setting, and my main criticism is that the environment was too noisy. Seated just behind a curtain to the bar the loud laughter and conversations are constantly affecting our dinner. That might be something the restaurant wants to think long and hard to create the right atmosphere. But still so far it has done a great job in combining Korean dishes with a modern twist.
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