8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (40)
We shared some takeaways from this shop that sells big pizza slices. We picked two flavours and I tried both. One was topped with salami, olives, onions, Italian sausage and cheese. The slice was huge and it was tasty when served hot. The other slice was topped with something green, I guess they were either jalapeño or bell peppers. I think the previous slice tasted a little more flavourful than this one. Both of them used ketchup as the base. Buffalo wings were deep fried small-sized chicken wings, you can eat them with ketchup but I think the meat was already seasoned so I skipped the ketchup. Apparently the baked garlic rolls were quite popular so our colleague got two boxes. They were a bit cold because of the delivery time. The bread was chewy and topped with cheese. I reheat them at home the next day and these garlic balls turned out pretty good, when they came right out of the oven. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-12
簡簡單單的午餐,尝试了他们的白汁雞皇蝴蝶粉和意大利辣肉腸薄餅。首先是白汁雞皇蝴蝶意粉,意粉的口感恰到好处,配上白汁和鸡肉,味道不错。特别是香草烤鸡肉,确实值得称赞,带有浓郁的香草风味,给整道菜品增添了独特的口感。接着是意大利辣肉腸薄餅,薄餅酥脆,配料丰富,味道不错。辣肉腸的味道浓郁。不会过于刺激口味,搭配上薄餅的香脆,呈现出一种美妙的口感组合。总的来说,这家传统意大利博餅店的菜品表现还算不错。白汁雞皇蝴蝶意粉和意大利辣肉腸薄餅的味道令人满意,值得一试。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-19
本来想去楼上的那个印度菜,但是不是午市的放题就有点不想去,下面的这家披萨香死人了,就进来瞅瞅吧!店面很大,食客众多,还有很多外卖单,看来生意火爆。陈列了好多pizza啊啊啊啊,巨大巨大。我们选择了下面两款。🌟招牌薄饼 45/片啥也不说了,非常推荐!🌟四重芝士薄饼 40/片芝士就是一口满足,再一口边际效应递减还好没点小食拼盘!真的吃不下啦纸碟子塑料刀叉,真的很快餐。想给店家一个建议:换个大点的盘子吧,难道是为了衬托出pizza的大吗?感觉都快掉桌子上了怪不卫生的。价格无加一,可微信,很方便~下次还会来的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
嚟到這間餐廳,感覺坐得好舒服,冇人催你食得快啲。今日唔想食pizza,揀咗份雞扒芝士意粉,起司濃郁,雞件又大塊,簡直係味道同份量嘅雙贏!等咗大概十分鐘,意粉出爐,熱辣辣嘅好過癮呀!蒜蓉包加咗呢個午餐set更加分,鬆軟又香口,撲鼻嘅蒜香真係無得頂!番茄醬汁做得啱啱好,得個酸酸甜甜,咬落意粉Q彈嘅口感,每啖都似笑住同你打招呼。而家諗起個芝士牽絲嘅樣,啲芝味濃到出晒嚟,仲想再嚟幾口!呢度嘅食物真係物超所值,評分我會比個靚仔8.5/10!要講嘅係,雖然今次淨係試咗意粉,但下次我一定會再戰pizza,見到啲人嗰碟碟嘅,真係叫人心郁郁! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-08
夜晚行過中理街市有好好聽既busking但原來啲食店close 哂(只係9pm…)於是就係外面搵野食由於同朋友都已經食野只係少餓想食大大塊pizza所以就入左呢間當時佢拖緊地所以間鋪有漂白水味😌Pizza熱辣辣加埋凍冰冰汽水(得百事冇可樂)都係爽既 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)