Restaurant: CHICKEN FACTORY (愛民商場)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

10-min walk from Exit B2, Ho Man Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (35)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
唔講你可能唔記得,雞,除咗炸,其實仲可以拎去“烤“嘅。講到烤雞專門店,以前有紅極一時嘅《La Rotisserie》,而家就好似得返大型連鎖店嘅《Chicken Factory》 (簡稱“雞廠“)。星期二,12:25,愛民商場嘅雞廠俾學生同外賣專員佔領咗。今日唔嗌1/2隻雞嘅一人餐,同新同事玩大啲嗌原隻烤雞手撕兩份分,12:30落單,差唔多13:05先有得食,等到人去樓空外賣變堂食:〰️〰️〰️🍗 原隻烤雞 ▪️ 賣相一絕,無穿無爛,烤到金黃焦香!熱辣辣原隻上喺唔同啲,有啲位烤到脆皮,撕開雞脾有肉汁滴出嚟!有雞味、無雪味,調味啱啱好,雞胸位唔乾又唔老,同事大讚“🉐️喎!"。▪️ 二人餐default跟黑椒汁,唔似一人餐甘可以揀牛肝菌,麻辣醬果啲,體驗差啲。🍚 雞湯油飯,蘑菇飯▪️ 今日嘅飯喺飽滿粒粒分明嘅珍珠米,同記憶中一人餐用普通米煮嘅飯好大對比!雞湯油飯幾香,蘑菇飯個醬汁唔Hea,OK喎真喺。🥗 牛油粟米,烤雜菜,焗薯▪️ 粟米正常發揮,甜嘅。▪️ 烤雜菜(四季豆 x 椰菜花 x 紅蘿蔔)同焗薯一樣,烤到焦香焦香,本質上喺OK嘅,純粹調味出咗事,鹹到要預約洗腎。🥤 檸檬洛神花茶 (+$2@)▪️ 洛神花味唔突出同甜咗啲,都喺奶茶出色啲。〰️〰️〰️《Chicken Factory》▪️分店:愛民商場▪️價位:1/4隻烤雞套餐 ($46) ~ 皇牌滋味原隻烤雞二人餐 ($138)▪️配套:烤雞爐✅️ (唔喺炸雞扮烤雞),即棄膠手套✅️,洗手✅️,BAR枱叉電✅️。▪️環境:主打外賣,BAR位連枱有15個位左右,堂食喺有啲迫夾。〰️〰️〰️💸 埋單$142 (人均 $71),❌️加一,滿足飽肚離場。🗣 唔喺第一次食嫁啦,雞廠嘅水準時好時壞,唔排除今次好食純粹喺巧合。🗣 唔知喺咪原隻雞上同啲雞去得快唔駛翻丁出餐,今日隻烤雞喺皮脆肉嫩嘅,除咗出餐安排得亂咗啲同調味兇狠咗啲,其他無投訴! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-07-01
本身我下午茶買咗麻辣海南雞飯,加左錢想要個湯,結果佢沒俾我仲話返我 唔跟湯,之後睇返單先俾返我第二次去買同一個飯,結果整左個唔辣嘅俾我,草草了事。一言難盡,本身好多野都自助,但d人嘅態度十分差!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-02
食完打算離開,點知一名大陸店員講普通話大聲呼喝,叫人番入去收拾食完既餐,超無禮貌,完全令人回望都唔敢,仲要普通話講:「下次還來吃!」我真係服左佢,本身想番入去執都令人卻步!食餐飯都令人咁不安,真係「下次不來吃!」 唔期望有咩服務,亦都唔係唔會幫手,食餐飯令人哋咁尷尬,你個店員真係做得好好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-02-02
其實間舖頭人手唔夠就唔好賣咁多樣食品,等個外賣都要等半個鐘,張單完全冇人手去理,我果張27號單仲插住係度,但係人地4x都已經拎得,決定以後唔去果度買外賣,食其他野好過!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-01-23
一直都好想試呢間烤雞店 去到2點30分 但下午茶個烤雞脾已經賣完了🥲 所以就同屋企人叫左個皇牌滋味二人餐升級店員態度好友善 我麻煩佢幫忙將原隻雞切開4件方便share食烤雞真係非常大隻 肉質嫩滑好多肉汁 配上微辣嘅黑椒汁增加風味 而佢本身既調味亦都恰到好處 跟餐有雞油/磨菇飯 2客點左雞油飯 飯質軟硬度適中 帶有淡淡雞香味 份量大約都滿一碗 烤薯+3隻瑞士雞翼 薯仔用香草烤 好入味好香 雞翼正常發揮 2罐汽水 (可以加錢轉其他飲品) $158我會形容係超值 值得試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)