Greyhound Cafe first opened in Thailand in 1997 and since then has expanded to Hong Kong. It is a casual trendy restaurant that serves a creative mix of Thai and Western foods. Their signature dishes include their fried chicken wings, complicated noodles and spicy muay Thai burger.
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Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
I was really looking forward to trying out Greyhound at Festival Walk because I'd heard some good things about the menu. Unfortunately, the service I received was so off-putting that it ruined the whole experience for me, and I won't be returning.Our server, who was Filipino, was seriously rude. There was no welcome, no smile—nothing that made me feel like a valued customer. It felt like every request we made was a huge bother to them. Even simple questions about the menu seemed to annoy our server, who would just give short, snappy answers.The worst part was how our server handed over the receipt—it was almost like it got thrown at us. Plus, being addressed with a "What?!" when trying to get their attention was just plain disrespectful.I get that everyone has bad days, but this was beyond that. It really impacted our meal, and not in a good way. The management really needs to improve customer service quality. Good service can make or break the dining experience, and it’s clear there’s significant room for improvement here. I hope this feedback helps because I believe no one should have to deal with such an unwelcoming atmosphere, especially when they're out to enjoy a meal.
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平時在又一城返工都會去呢個集團既餐廳食,上次去王家沙感覺唔錯,上菜速度啱晒lunch返公司,Greyhound 間中都會黎食,喜歡這裏的休閒,服務員其實態度都唔差,最鍾意食呢度嘅單骨雞翼同埋肉碎飯。味道正常。下午茶嘅時間嚟呢度都唔錯。
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去到櫃台向該男士說明巳訂枱, 他示意我們自己揾位坐. 叫服務員落單, 她先指一指個QR CODE, 我們再請她代為落單, 嘴角撅一撅再說 "給我號碼"... 作為客人感覺很不爽.
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服務態度好差,舉手示意要落order嘅時候,非但沒有及時過來,仲要我坐係度等幾分鐘。 衛生情況都一般,啱啱坐底就已經見到隻叉係有污漬,唔知係食物殘渣定係咩,總之係洗唔乾淨。其實一間餐廳賣啲咁嘅價位嘅食物,服務質素同衛生情況應該都要做返好基本,成個餐廳嘅氣氛完全係茶餐廳咁。另外,食物價格普遍較高,一碟意粉百幾蚊唔係問題,但係實物同menu上面嘅相貨不對版,食物質素一般,偏鹹,下次唔會再幫襯,如果想比錢買難受嘅可以去光顧。
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