Exit B6, Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station continue reading
The atmosphere is relaxed here and it is suitable for both business event and private meeting. It offers fresh food from international. There are creative cocktails, Japanese sake and red wine, for different food pairing. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
*Take away: 11:00-22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
36 個月西班牙火腿伴無花果 牛油汁焗帶子沙律 日本三文魚及明治沙律刺身飯 法國多士三重奏 18 小時慢煮牛頰肉
Review (340)
Level4 2022-05-14
信和會員生日買一送一半自助晚餐,非常抵食。main course 不過不失,仲有杯餐酒送。最特別係不時會有特別菜式,會搖鈴提醒。雪糕櫃有haagen daze 但中場先打開。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-02-03
之前同媽咪來過都係有生日買一送一優惠上次食完感覺唔錯今次又book個buffet係半自助型式我地先叫主菜出面再自己攞野食另外每人有一隻鮑魚送dinner 我地叫左蒸魚好好味不過飯係要另外order唔緊要無飯食魚係唔ok所以另外叫個白飯但估唔到個飯硬左少少媽咪老人家話硬到食唔到🥲除左個飯唔ok野食整體ok服務都幾好最後有送生日cake點埋蠟燭🎂好開心🥳總括嚟講不過不失野食gei話有更好選擇不過買一送一係抵食gei如果要求唔算太高都okps用餐日期係上年12月 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-12-23
我們一直都有幫襯forte,(因為老公很喜歡這間環境)已經有很多年時間.平均每一、兩個月就來食一次。昨天訂位知道午餐➕咗價$458加10%,明白聖誕節🎄期間每間都係一樣👍我心想應該會多啲野食嘅⋯可惜同平時沒有分別,只是多了雪糕、魚生、和三種凍海鮮(細隻青口、白烚賴尿蝦(霉)🦐等),最離譜嘅一行竟然淨係擺沙律菜同醬汁😩相比下星期六、日嘅brunch更多嘢食啊⋯⋯他竟然講搵笨以後唔再幫襯😬連隔離一對客人也說以後唔再幫襯了⋯ps員工態度某幾位很好👍新經理態度也不錯👍希望他能改善一下,可以再次光臨🙏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-22
2021年接近尾聲,12月除左慶祝聖誕節外🎄,仲有傳統節日冬至前幾日就同屋企人去左食半自助晩餐做冬❄️半自助晚餐由夜晚六點半開始,食到九點半🍽️成人每位$518, 滿65歲長者每位$498用APP訂座仲有85折優惠👍🏻今日先介紹一下主菜~主菜嘅款式唔少,魚素者都可選擇唔同海鮮菜式🐟🥬但可惜無全素菜式😌當晚我地仲加左$312(四位),可以一齊free flow紅白酒🍷🌟澳洲穀飼牛肉眼扒🐮肉眼扒油花豐富,口感軟腍而且肉味濃,肉汁亦好多,最適合配紅酒~以呢個價黎講,份量十足,性價比高🌟薑蔥蒸石斑🐟石斑份量比想像中多,可以大家開心share條魚肉夠厚,但仍保持肉質滑溜、細嫩,味道鮮美骨唔多,小朋友、老人家都食到👦🏻👴🏻🌟威靈頓鴨肝配澳洲穀飼牛柳🐮屋企人話聖誕係要食下經典嘅威靈頓牛柳,所以揀左呢道主菜牛柳口感嫩滑,加入鴨肝後更加香外層酥皮酥脆,夠曬牛油香,又令口感更豐富🌟法國鴨胸甜酒黑櫻桃🦆通常食法式鴨胸時,我都會配搭橙醬汁🍊貪佢酸甜中帶一D苦澀,唔會太甜今次配櫻桃汁帶酒香🍒甜度啱啱好,解去鴨嘅油膩肉質扎實,無一般鴨肉嘅腥味,不過稍嫌有D overcook再介紹一下自助餐嘅部分~🍽️先講講海鮮,今次選擇唔多,無以前有嘅長腳蟹、麵包蟹🦞只有好普通蝦🦐青口、奄仔蟹🦀螺🐚瀨尿蝦不過奄仔蟹蟹膏飽滿,值得一試刺身有吞拿魚🐟三文魚、希靈魚、魷魚🐙甜蝦、鱆紅魚可惜師傅刀功就麻麻🙈每人會有一隻鮑魚直接送上枱鮑魚口感彈牙,夠鮮甜,可以encore就好lu...頭盤同沙律嘅款式好多🥗有齊最基本嘅cold cut, cheese, smoked salmon等等🧀當中日式蓮藕昆布沙津🥒、椰菜花燒牛肉沙律幾有驚喜相當惹味,又夠健康至於甜品方面,款式都有唔少,味道不過不失🎂蛋糕亦配合埋聖誕氣氛🎄有樹頭蛋糕等🍰唔會太甜另外亦有haagen dazs盒裝雪糕,有6款口味🍦除左自助餐菜式之外,每晚都有搖鈴環節🛎️廚師即席烹調唔同熱食當晚就有酒燒大蝦、香蒜白酒煮蜆、Carbonara、擂沙湯圓廚師會將意粉倒入原個半溶芝士輪,意粉芝味撲鼻🍝意外地擂沙湯圓唔hea🍡外皮夠煙韌軟糯,入面黑芝麻餡亦有流心效果,而且甜度適中自助晚餐食物Refill快,無空盤出現過值得一讚係職員嘅態度👍🏻全部都好有禮貌,收碟速度都好快餐廳坐位都闊落舒適,適合一家人去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-21
Lovely surprise after ordering flame-grilled chicken 🐓🤣 . Forte is quite a huge restaurant nestled within Nina Hotel in Kwun Tong, offering array of international cuisines. Due to the variety of dishes, I suggest to dine in a group to enjoy more 🤤. Tonight a group of us had their semi buffet dinner $468 (Mon- Thur). Appetiser & dessert buffet , while each of us choose one main course. 1) Thai style flame 🔥 grilled chicken w crispy roti pratha 1kg (2 to share) 泰式火焰後雞伴香蔥手肘餅 2) Roasted crispy German pork knuckle w blue cheese & truffle (2 to share) bread 烤焗德國鹹豬手伴松露藍芝士包3) Grilled Australian corn-fed Tomahawk steak 1.2 kg (4 to share) 澳洲穀飼斧頭牛扒4) cutting up the steak 🥩 5) Grillee New Zealand lamb chop 紐西蘭頂級羊扒..Decent food with decent pricing , best for group dining 😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)