6-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Beer platter is recommended if you want to try three different kinds of beer at one time. Snacks like chicken wings with fermented bean curd, potato cheese balls, and deep-fried chicken with toast are worth to try too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
15:00 - 01:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (69)
Level4 2020-07-03
今次同個friend係旺角食完飯想飲野,行下行下黎到黑布街,就見到依間聽過唔少朋友介紹既Tap,就入左去試下佢既手工啤。依到裝修幾靚,間舖唔算大,雖然同旁邊客人有D近,但飲野既話幾enjoy依種迫。兩個人一人叫左一杯手工啤,一杯Matt & JerryHop Buddies,一杯Return of the GaLactic Sour。杯Matt & Jerry Hop Buddies就飲落有D果香味,一D都唔苦,反而有少少甜甜地。杯Return of the GaLactic都係fruity既,仲果味比起第一杯仲要強,飲落都幾易入口。其實手工啤係比出面市面買既啤酒好飲,味道都無咁單一,加上係本土造既,更加應該要支持下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日成33度,一行八人, 有細有大, 去完附近朋友嘅舖頭開張,就諗住去Tap坐低飲杯啤酒,點之激氣到震😠見到佢有人走,諗住啱喇有大枱,我哋喺門口等。。 女店員 (短頭髮戴眼鏡) 隔咗一陣出嚟同我哋度體溫, 出面氣溫真係好熱,個個大汗疊細汗,我哋有三個人過咗37.5度 ( 2個37.7,其中有個係抱住個小朋友,小朋友瞓咗覺) 。 店員話要再探過,我哋梗係冇問題,畀佢再探過,有兩個就變返正常溫度 (包括 抱著小朋友嗰個) , 跟住店員一粒聲都冇就入返去,我哋 全部人企喺出面以為等入座, 企咗喺出面都好耐(熱死人!😩) ,個店員行出嚟冇任何指示!我哋咪話點解有枱,我哋正常溫度嗰啲唔可以入去先呢😠!?!? 佢話溫度未正常嗰個要再探㗎喎, 我哋全部人冇得入去喎 !我哋問其他正常溫度嘅,有老有嫩,點解唔可以入去先呢🤔?未過溫測嘅朋友話自己可以完全唔入去! 但該店員態度仍然十分惡劣!完全冇諗住點樣幫我哋安排入座,更加冇體諒抱住小朋友嗰位,佢完全都唔想畀我哋入去結果我哋頂唔順啦, 無止境咁企喺門口, 又熱又焗又戴住口罩, 所以就走咗。咁嘅服務態度真係好唔掂! 可能佢恃住大把生意啦🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-02-25
有日日頭同班酒鬼朋友想飲酒,竟然又真係有間黃色酒吧係一早就開,仲要入面好多客,唔試唔得啦!不論本地外國嘅手工啤都好多選擇!我個人鍾意果味重嘅啤,依款香港製造嘅英雄啤濃度4.5%,士多啤利、番石柳、紅桑子等等水果釀出陣陣清爽嘅酸味,我個人十分喜愛!佢哋嘅嘢食都好有趣,例如小肥羊咁,竟然係法包夾住麻辣羊,再配埋京蔥同麻辣湯嚟食,中西配搭得好絕,係想像以上嘅適合同惹味!另外好特別嘅仲有麻婆玉米片,抱住試伏心態嘅大家本身都唔睇好依個菜式,但估唔到又係好夾,諗深一層其實同西式一樣都係用肉碎,麻婆玉米片依個配搭即刻好似好合理!黃金薯條真係又香又脆,熱氣之選仲有好特別嘅通心粉芝士球相對普通嘅吐司雞點咗咁多嘢食好驚訝店員靚女紙筆都唔洗記實哂喺心入面,上啤上菜又勁快,TAP真係好正,係同朋友邊飲邊食邊吹水嘅好地方! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-11-13
好耐都冇黎TAP飲野,難得今日朋友得閒就過黎吹下水飲下酒,環境氣氛都好舒適令人放鬆先點了兩杯啤酒一杯味道較淡有西柚果香,另一杯酒精濃度較高有果實香但係偏苦,小食同三文冶都出色鹹蛋黃炸薯條,鹹蛋味香濃薯條香脆送啤酒一流燒肉古巴佬,燒腩仔肉香豬皮脆配合埋芥未外軟內脆椒鹽浦boy,啤酒蝦炸得香脆捲心菜新鮮略嫌蛋黃醬不足,法包太硬加埋蝦成個太大食落有些困難腐乳雞翼,雞翼炸到熱辣辣有些類似黑椒調味,外脆內滑配合埋腐乳醬另有一番風味,另給一個小盒放雞翼骨十心細心. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-01
I have always wanted to try out TAP, and finally got to try it with a friend on a Wednesday evening, which was surprisingly quiet at TAP where there are usually crowds inside and outside the shop.It really did take some time for first timer like me to go through the menu, and chose one that I wanted to try. I gave up and let my friend chose this Lazy Days from Heroes Beer Company for me.As a 7.9% beer, it’s quite delightful with a sweet fruity and grassy aroma, as it’s a HAZY DIPA with limes, tangerines and mangoes.We also got some amazing fries and wings to share. The fries were sprinkled with seasoning powder which made them deliciously spicy. Yum! The wings were superb too! Especially with the bean curd dip on the right! Must have with your beer! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)