2-min walk from Exit B1, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
We like to see everyone around us live a happy and healthy life, thus we start it with our own self, we smile, we greet, we listen and we care about everyone we meet in our everyday life, believing that what we do will make your day better and happier. Our ranges of customer are wide, from school kids to elderly, because everyone should not miss the fun of having snack. Popcorns are always our main product which we are so proud of it since our popcorn not only comes with variety of flavors, it also come in round shape that makes it coated evenly with your favorite seasoning, all thanks to the special “mushroom” popcorn maize, we are able to make our popcorn tastier and crunchier. Moreover, we only use non GMO popcorn maize and natural fine ingredient to “pop” this extraordinary snack and bring fun to kill your bore moment. Why Choose Our Product: - Non GMO Popcorn Maize - No Preservative - Fine Natural Ingredients - No Transfat - Evenly Coated Big & Round Popcorn continue reading
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Review (15)
Level3 2023-11-25
[myEureka]呢幾日都放假都忍唔住想食下零食🍘🍘平時去戲院先會食到爆谷🍿️今次唔駛啦, 隨時隨地都食得仲要勁多口味添😍😍180G都係60蚊咋買定係屋企以準不時之需都好方便👏🏻👏🏻❤️焦糖 Caramel🍮🍮呢一個我覺得最脆唔會好甜, 每一粒都有焦糖好似係戲院食緊爆谷咁❤️粟米濃湯Corn Potage🌽🌽我覺得呢個勁似Riska個隻濃湯粟米球一食以為自己飲緊湯勁推介❤️美祿味 Cocoa Malt🍫🍫美祿味 好似食緊穀類早餐🤣🤣如果再重D朱古力味就更加心心眼😍😍❤️芝士味 Cheese🧀🧀好似平時食開的芝士波味好好味, 會忍唔住食完一粒又一粒回頭指數(10分) : 7分√√√√√√√價錢(5分):💰💰💰味道(5分):😋😋😋😋打卡(5分):😊😊😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.👻成日喺屋企睇Netflix 嘅時候都會忍唔住想搵啲嘢食吓,🙌🏻零食簡直就係屋企長期必備嘅。💕依家來自馬來西亞嘅手工爆谷店簡直就係滿足晒為食小編嘅需求,🍬有甜味又有鹹味,🍿啱晒買返一兩包放喺屋企過吓口癮。.🐷手工香脆爆谷 芝士味 👅8/10芝士味鹹鹹香香,爆谷好脆口,係會忍唔住一粒字一粒嗰隻。.🐷手工香脆爆谷 焦糖味 👅8/10焦糖味好香,比鹹味嘅爆谷更加脆,對比起有啲好漏嘅焦糖爆谷,呢隻整體唔會覺得超級超級甜,係可以接受嘅甜度。.🐷手工香脆爆谷 酸忌廉洋蔥味 👅7/10同平時食薯片嘅酸忌廉洋蔥味唔太一樣,呢隻口味會偏甜少少,個人比較鍾意芝士味多啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-28
早幾日約左朋友係太子食飯,等朋友既時候周圍閒逛下,發現左呢間馬來西亞爆谷店🍿爆谷有20多種口味,有甜又有鹹,每款都好吸引想試,所以揀左其中3隻味黎試下佢。店員介紹爆谷仲係手工製,不含轉基因粟米,粒粒圓碌碌,口感好香脆。🍿芝士味 芝士粉都均勻地包裹住爆谷,芝士味濃郁,本身帶甜既味道可以中和芝士既肥膩感。🍿酸忌廉洋蔥味一打開個包裝袋已經聞到陣陣酸忌廉既味道,味道酸甜可口,爆谷表面有少少洋蔥碎,好惹味。🍿焦糖味爆谷係焦糖味無得輸😂焦糖味濃郁,但又唔會好膩,係最經典既戲院爆谷口味😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-01-07
依家食爆谷都唔使去戲院喇🎬仲可以買定啲爆谷係屋企🏡煲Netflix嗰陣就更加有氣氛啦佢哋🈶️好多大大小小唔同口味嘅爆谷🥡🥫🫙而且仲🈶️好多唔同嘅口味添🥳🍬「焦糖味」係「必買之選」👍因為焦糖未唔單止唔會太甜🍬而且比我想像中更加香脆🔥🧀「芝士味」口味就好似食緊傳統嘅芝士波味道🧀令個一直都係極受歡迎嘅味道喔🥳🍅「蕃茄味」就同傳統食過嘅蕃茄薯片味道極似😋一樣會食到唔停口㗎😂🧅「酸忌廉洋蔥味」同埋「燒烤味」味聽講喺美食博覽嗰陣係最搶手貨❤「燒烤味」嘅惹味程度一定令你🈶️驚喜㗎🥳🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-09-12
在Hysan 5樓分店買左包140g黑朱古力爆谷,諗住會同星球工坊差唔多,好開心咁打開食一粒之際,淋的!本以為只係面既一兩粒淋少少,點知試左幾中粒都係淋既!之前喺hktvmall見啲人comments 都話淋,以為唔喺專門店買所以先會咁,點知喺門市買都係咁,完全無諗過啲爆谷會係淋既!$60買包淋既爆谷,真係好失望,名過於實!差唔多價位既星球工坊同Garrett好食好多,就連Aeon超市自家品牌Topvalu既爆谷都好食過myEureka,又平又唔淋。這次初體驗太差了,應該唔會再幫趁了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)