Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
Level1 2024-01-17
My overall experience was extremely disappointing and dissatisfying. The policy required me to pay a deposit for food and beverages. I paid this deposit, only to find that the quality of the food was subpar. This policy, combined with the disappointing dining experience, left me regretting my decision to dine at this establishment. The service was poor and the receptionist’s attitude was rude and uncall for. The condition of the bowling shoes provided was dreadful and broken. As a paying customer renting these shoes, I don't expect them to be in perfect condition, but I certainly don't expect them to have holes in them! The menu advertised draught beer, but to my surprise, there was none available. It was shocking to discover that they didn't even have hot coffee, especially considering they could offer iced coffee. I'm amazed that such basic options as a bar and restaurant are not provided. No wonder there are only a few people there. It used to be better and definitely busier. Needless to say, I would not waste my time going there again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-03
長假期最好就約朋友出去吃喝玩樂🍻今日嚟到位於西貢呢度間Tikitki bowling bar 餐廳真正享受下「有得玩、有得食」再加party氣氛極濃厚嘅環境,實在係令大家樂而忘返。我哋幾位四點幾先開始喺度飲下酒傾吓計打吓保齡;係螢光嘅保齡球道,同埋音樂嘅包圍下,chill 吓玩吓又飲吓,唔知唔覺咁樣就過咗兩個幾鐘。當大家玩到攰攰地嘅時候就可以行去旁邊嘅餐廳繼續傾偈,繼續享受呢個保齡party嘅氣氛,喺餐廳度食晚飯同埋欣賞Live Music。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日嚟到西貢staycation,嚟到西貢玩除咗出海船P,去打保齡都係一個唔錯既選擇!今次嚟到呢間保齡球酒吧,下午時間嚟玩會有套餐包你任玩兩小時保齡球,同埋啤酒任飲,都幾抵玩!夏天熱辣辣就可以嚟呢度涼住冷氣咁玩保齡球!又有好食嘅午餐又有啤酒任飲!正呀!由於佢係酒吧,咁一定要係18歲以上先可以入嚟玩囉佢個裝修係大玩夏威夷度假風格,保齡球跑道閃着螢光顏色,望落去好摩登!比起一般舊式嘅保齡球場型格好多,當日都見到好多外國人來玩!芒果沙律蟹餅芒果有少少酸,可能唔係當做嘅季節,但係個蟹餅焗到啱啱好,外皮好脆,咬落佢滿滿嘅蟹肉,幾新鮮幾好食!呢個係素菜嘅款式,中間係乳酪同芝士,側邊就係南瓜薯泥,食落去個口感有少少似魚肉,都幾好食!估唔到素菜都可以煮到肉嘅質感!完全唔似食緊素,唔錯唔錯!三文魚個魚肉都好香滑,南瓜泥蓉整得好好食,南瓜味好甜,略嫌分量較少,男仔嚟食可能唔夠飽🤣我想講呢度嘅擺盤好靚,擺到好似去緊高級餐廳食飯一樣,牛肉酥軟,肥而不膩,好濃郁嘅牛肉味,配埋南瓜薯泥解膩,簡直一絕!芝士蛋糕食落去好棉滑,配埋底層嘅士多啤梨醬,唔會太甜啱啱好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-13
Singapore Noodle🇸🇬🍜🌟7/10星州炒米?! 都有少少似既~都係咖哩粉炒蝦,豬肉,蔬菜同米粉, 不過就係有d唔一樣, 但又講唔出😂Beef Ho Fun🐮🌟8/10對外國人整乾炒牛河無咩幻想, 都係膽粗粗試下, 出奇地好食😋超級有驚喜~雖然無中式既鑊氣, 但值得一試!Fries platter 🥔🍠🍟🌟8/10Chicken and Fish sticks, Fries and Sweet Potato Fries, 最出色的蕃薯條, 必試!!!!!Fried Chickens wings🐣🌟7/10雞翼正常發揮,無特別Salt & Pepper squid🦑🌟8/10裝Calamari既器皿已經好特別, 一上菜就俾佢吸引到, 炸漿唔會過厚又唔會炸到老左太CHEWY😋😋Clams bowl🌟8/10咪睇煲仔細細, 份量都足夠5個人SHARE, 蜆肉無沙, 湯有九層塔既香氣, 有D泰菜FEEL整體 🌟8/10呢間餐廳可以話價廉物美, 西貢區黎講低消費既選擇. 全部食物+每人2杯野飲只係大概200蚊一個人 (未計打波錢)餐廳有分餐廳同球道兩邊, 可以坐得舒舒服服食飽先玩, 亦可以係球道個邊進餐. 星期5 evening 去球道已BOOK滿, 最好係用餐前先BOOK好球道啦🎳餐廳有免費保齡球鞋可以借, 記得有對襪仔去啦🧦 不過球道收費睇佢個表會有少少混亂,最好問清楚先BOOK了. 當日我地用到HAPPY HOUR優惠只係30幾蚊一個人, 相當抵玩👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日跟朋友嚟到呢個保齡球場,我本身覺得幾貴,我哋12個人,我哋做咗四條保領球道,每人$270。 佢話如果西貢市中心距離100米嘅距離。到咗之後我明白點解咁鬼貴,首先佢個環境真係靚,地方超闊落。一入到去充滿印尼特色, 燈光暗暗,又有好多充滿藝術特色嘅吊飾。嗰日仲有live show睇,有人唱 can’t help falling in love with you, 超好聽。 個環境氣氛一定係100分㗎❤️❤️$270除咗包打保齡球外,仲有$99 quota點野食。食物方面真係好平。本身食物咁平冇乜期望,但係點知咁好食。一個 Nasi goreng 印尼炒飯先$49,仲要係好食,又大分。印尼炒飯( $49 )冇諗過$49嘅印尼炒飯都可以咁大份,裏面材料超豐富有超多,有雞肉串,炒飯裏面有青椒雞肉好多餡,而伴菜有醃酸瓜,同埋炸蝦片。 賣相吸引,好食。炸海鮮拼盤($109)海鮮拼盤裏面有炸魚條,炸魷魚,同埋炸薯條。拼盤嘅分量特別大,呢度夠三個人分。薯條好粗又夠脆,但係我覺得個炸魷魚太硬,尤其是攤凍咗之後有啲難咬。喺度打保齡仲有MV有音樂聽, 四個人一條跑道仲有計分嘅,今日玩得真係幾開心。推薦大家過嚟試吓同朋友一齊打下保齡球。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)