3-min walk from Exit A2, Tseung Kwan O MTR Station
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去食許留山唸左一個月但冇行動過....今次終於去咗唔洗等就有位坐lu~但個卡位坐落略窄(3人一齊坐) 我叫了一個套餐$38(我小食揀多芒小丸子口感有點像沙冰我認為偏甜了 小丸子口感煙韌是我在這個甜品最喜愛的而芒果糯米糍不會說偏甜 味道不錯..我認為可以值得一試甜品價錢算中等
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I never dine at Hui Lau Shan unless there is something new because the usual choices are too local and it is just mangoes and coconut which I do not like.Bravo! they now serve some French tarts by Boncolac.The new baby white peach cheesecake was interesting because the peach was green.There was blueberry cheesecake as well.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Hokkaido sweet potato drink:I wasn't impressed at first because I got my hands sticky when I held the glass cup!Anyway, apart from sweet potato, there were lots of other goodies in the drink such as purple sweetcorn and you can really taste the sweet potato infused in the drink.The only disappointment was that it was way too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Strawberry tart:The strawberry tart was really nice, it had plump mushed strawberries on top with a thin layer of custard between the tart and the fruit.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★The bill:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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好耐之前有個冰板炒朱古力..呢排許留山又出新野果日返屋企途中見到.. 只供外賣不設堂食..橫豎我都係諗住返屋企就買返去試下...佢個圖好似係一杯奶昔/yogurt 加一舊朱古力.. 仲話有得一款配料..就咁睇圖真係唔知佢呢杯野係乜東東一問之下先知原來係一杯熱牛奶.. 會加一粒朱古力(原味/草莓/咖啡)為o左增加口感而有得加d 配料..我揀o左迷利小丸子..拎到返屋企.. 粒朱古力都溶晒d 小丸子都得幾十幾廿粒.. 仲要係超迷利... 好似薏米咁大粒=.="朱古力滑唔滑、係唔係比利時都唔重要.. 因為溶晒...=.="同埋拎到返屋企成個杯面都係奶..唔係密封.. 所以唔多唔少都係倒瀉 =.="18 蚊咪當玩下新野囉.
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