9-min walk from Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
東京銀座🗼總店更是米芝蓮星級食府⭐️師傅Mike好專業👍🏻😆 詳細介紹每一品每季用上時令食材! 現是主打秋冬時令廚師發辦餐單江戶前omakase 與其他Omakase 的分別在於· 壽司料醃製 —— 魚貝類經醋、鹽、醬油醃漬,或煮、烤等加熱手法,甚至是塗上醬料· 調製醋飯 —— 常用紅醋並不加糖來調味要說最 Iconic 的就是超粗的軟煮水八爪魚腳就連日本最高級的白身魚品種之一的赤鯥也有!現正夏、秋季正值繁殖期入口油脂感重、肉質鮮甜環境設計都好有氣派環境夠大! 可以看到師傅席前表現香港少見的江戶前 Edomae omakase▍皇 · 廚師發辦 SUMERAGI OMAKASE | 1780/pp■ 前菜忌廉芝士松露蟹肉蛋卷 北海道三文魚子炸蓮藕片配炸銀杏■ 刺身剝皮魚配魚肝秋刀魚磯邊卷北海道軟煮八爪魚■ 壽司炙燒北寄貝石目鯛赤鯥車海老稻草煙燻獅魚青森大間 醬油漬赤身青森大間 大拖羅北海道馬糞海膽海鰻■ 燒物柚子味噌燒太刀魚啖啖肉,外皮香脆有油香,肉質juicy!! ■ 玉子燒■ 吸物 大蜆湯■ 甘物 晴王提子 · 貓眼提子 · 梅酒寒天
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This Japanese sushi restaurant is located in Harbour City, and my prior visit was in May 2023, hosting a gathering here with some of my best friends who finally able to return to HK after relaxation of covid protocols. We had a great time, enjoying amazing sushi prepared by Chef Tsukasa Kaneko, and the whole restaurant was fully packed with customers.Returning on this Saturday evening, we are seated at the same spot as last time, but in this occasion we are served by Chef Shibayama from Hokkaido. The décor has not changed, with a comfortable and warm, premium sushiya ambience. There are two menus, and we go for the $2,480 one which has got more courses.To pair with food, I have also ordered a bottle of sake, Toyobijin 東洋美人 限定純米吟醸 醇道一途 山田錦 ($1,580), from Sumikawa Sake Brewery 澄川酒造 in Yamaguchi. This sake has a nice umami note but quickly dissipates, leaving a clean palate afterwards. It is a versatile sake that matches well with Japanese food, but the mark-up price here is quite high.The starter includes Deep-Fried Seasonal Lotus Root and Gingko, with the lotus root very crispy. On the side is a bowl of Ikura 筋子 which has been soaked in dashi, dusted with some yuzu shavings to add a refreshing fragrance to the poppy texture of the salmon roes. The other piece is a Zuwa-gani 松葉蟹 Cream Wrap, using a sheet of egg to wrap the snow crab meat and cream cheese together.The second course features Sanma 秋刀 and Murasaki-Uni 紫雲丹. The chef has wrapped the Pacific saury together with some chives and radish in nori, to provide the rich umami taste with a balancing sweetness of the radish and fragrance of the chives, with a bit of shiso flowers as condiment. The purple sea urchin is also of season, placed on a piece of seaweed to enjoy in one go with some wasabi. Both very delicious.Then Chef Shibayama shows us the huge tentacles of Tako 章魚, longer than his forearm. Cutting the octopus into bite size pieces, he also adds the suction cups for us, and providing wasabi and yuzu kosho for seasoning. I enjoy more the original taste though. The octopus is very tender and soft, not sure how long the chef needs to massage the muscle to achieve that texture. Nice.The fourth course is Hokkaido Kegani 毛蟹.The chef has meticulously removed the horsehair crab meat, presented it nicely with the crab meat underneath, with a section of the leg meat on top. A satisfying luxurious treat with the delicate sweet crab meat very flavourful, with some tosazu 土佐酢 made to jelly format, to complement with the crab.Starting with the first piece of sushi, Hirame 平目 is olive flounder, with this piece having a firm texture, mild and delicate taste. Very good.The second sushi is Kinmedai 金目鯛, with the chef using charcoal to lightly sear the skin of the splendid alfonsino, vitalizing the fish oil and make the sushi more fragrant and rich in umami taste. Very good also.The third sushi is Hokkigai 北寄貝, and again the chef has used charcoal to lightly sear the middle part of the surf clam to release a sweet taste, using some sea salt to season. The nice crunch on the bite is satisfying as well. The fifth course is Ama-Ebi 甘海老 Chawanmushi 茶碗蒸, adding the sweet shrimp and shrimp miso to steam with the egg custard. The silky-smooth egg, together with the rich taste from the orange brown shrimp miso, is enjoyable.The sixth course features Buri 鰤. The matured Japanese yellowtail has been smoked on hay, then adding some onion and myoga, and season with a bit of shoyu. The deep flavours and rich fish oil make this memorable.Returning to the sushi, the fourth piece is Kuruma-Ebi 車海老, with the tiger prawn coming from Kagoshima. The prawn is poached and served slightly warm, with its firm texture, rich sweet taste full of umami. Another wonderful sushi.The seventh course features Shirako 白子. The cod milt has been grilled and then garnish with some chives. It is a bit cooled down and probably would be more ideal serving it while still hot in temperature, and the taste is also quite bland. A slight disappointment.The fifth piece of sushi is Nodoguro 喉黒, with the blackthroat seaperch famed for its rich fish oil. After it has been grilled briefly on charcoal, the chef prepares the sushi but instead of serving it direct to us, he thoughtfully uses a nori sheet to hold it, avoid spoiling our fingers with fish oil picking up the sushi. The rich sweet taste in fat is highly enjoyable.The eighth course is Ezo-Awabi 蝦夷鮑 from Hokkaido. The prized abalone is cut into thick slices, paired with a paste made from the abalone liver. With each bite the umami taste seeps through the teeth, but it is a bit too firm on the bite, and perhaps need a bit longer time to steam. Still good.The sixth sushi is Chu-Toro 中とろ. The maguro is caught near Oma in Aomori, with this medium fatty cut having intense flavours, tender and soft in texture. Very good.The seventh sushi is Bafun-Uni Gunkan 馬糞雲丹, with the chef serving us an extra layer of the creamy and sweet sea urchin from Hokkaido. Nice and delicious.The ninth course features Taichio 太刀魚. The chef has used yuzu sauce to brush on the skin of the largehead hairtail while grilling it, to give a refreshing citrus note to the sweet and tasty meat. Very good indeed.The last piece of sushi is Anago 穴子, with the conger eel very soft and have a melt-in-the-mouth texture, with the homemade thick sauce delicious and not too sweet or salty. With a bit of sansho powder to season, it is very satisfying.The Tamago 玉子焼 is made in traditional edomae style. The egg omelette is made from a mixture of egg, white fish, shrimp, yam, and sugar without adding any flour. It has a fluffy texture and reminds us of spongy cake. Very good.The Red Miso Soup provides a comfortable closure to the dinner, offering warmth to the stomach to complete a wonderful meal.The dessert has two types of grapes, including the famous Shine Muscat from Okayama and Pione from Yamagata. Both the grapes are very sweet, with their unique flavours. On the side is the Wine Jelly which is palate cleansing.Service is good, with the staff attentive and helpful to introduce the dishes. Even though the chef does not converse with us that much throughout the meal, is welcoming. The bill on the night is $7,194 and overall, I would rate this sushiya as good, but somehow has not got the same energy and amazing taste in my memories. Maybe it has to do with the much slower business nowadays, as we sadly see there are only 6 customers in this evening.
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成日經過海港城都見到呢間高級日本餐廳,望落好似好隱蔽好高級咁,成日好想知道入邊係點,但一直都只係路過,今次一於入去了解吓😆今次我哋揀咗 おまかせ·皇,價值$1780/位,內容都好豐富,而且質素非常高,所有食材都超新鮮😆前菜有三款,分別係燒銀杏、柚子皮三文魚子及芝士蟹肉卷🫔擺盤好優雅,柚子皮三文魚籽既清香又鮮甜👍🏻刺身兩點分別係鰤魚及目一鯛🐟最令蕉蕉難忘嘅係秋刀魚紫蘇葉卷,紫蘇葉嘅幽香絕對帶出秋刀魚嘅鮮甜味,配搭得非常好😍燒物係燒梭子魚,魚肉綿滑充滿鹹香👍🏻握り寿司有八貫,希靈魚切成一片片再鋪上壽司飯團,師傅巧妙地將佢握成一件形態優雅嘅壽司😍過程簡直賞心悅目🫶🏻車海老蝦身充滿光澤感,橙紅色非常吸引,形態亦是非常漂亮👍🏻成餐Omakase嘅重頭戲當然係大拖羅壽司同海膽軍艦😆師傅喺大拖羅上𠝹了幾刀,增加口感,大拖羅壽司一啖放入口,魚油完全滲出黎,拖羅慢慢在口中融化,油香味直衝味蕾,非常鮮甜,真係好好食👍🏼 海膽軍艦色澤金黃飽滿,入口嫩滑creamy,味道甘香鮮甜,沒有一點腥味,而且份量極多,非常豪氣呢!最尾甜品係香檳啫喱及兩粒矜貴日本提子🍇超香甜又解膩😌「皇」 $1780/位先付け·三点さしみ·二点焼物握り寿司·八貫玉子焼き椀物甜品全晚店員都非常細心,每次都係Right Timing上菜收碟斟茶,高級餐廳果然訓練有素,員工嘅細心值得一讚🫶🏻———————————————————————鮨 央泰 (尖沙咀)尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威大廈地下G111號舖
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前菜-水雲醋物-雙色豆腐粟米和枝豆味,特別的味道-香魚甘露煮原條河魚高壓煮成,保留魚的原味,配山椒葉帶香草味Sashimi-石垣貝師傅「拍」出鮮味,刺身充滿生命力。撒上柚子皮,帶出清新的香氣-深海池魚肉質肥嫩,入口魚油甘香,捲住芽葱、紫蘇花瓣一齊食,別具一番風味-鰹魚刺身兩款截然不同嘅styles~一款係配搭日本洋葱、海藻鹽、青檸汁,刺身經過炙燒,比較爽身帶微辣。另一款,醬油漬蔥蓉味,味道會濃啲,港式style,有創意-北海道八爪魚師傅一手拉起巨型的八爪魚鬚,我同朋友即刻 😱因為未見過咁大隻,原來呢隻係章魚類最大型的八爪魚🐙八爪魚肉質很柔軟,味道鮮甜~配以柚子胡椒,簡單卻美味-英䱽魚西京燒味道甘甜的醬汁鎖在魚肉內,無骨,可以大啖大啖咁食壽司-北寄貝-鹿兒島車海老車海老比起一般的蝦size 大啲,肉質彈牙-赤身拖羅-拖羅採用層層疊的方式令拖羅更厚身,口感佳,肥美、因為水如果油香四溢-春子鯛比較少食,屬罕見的品種,是鯛魚的幼魚。師傅係醬汁上做了點功夫,帶出層次感,先有開胃酸甜,後有甜味,目的是想我地忘記拖羅齒頰留香的味道,清一清味蕾,迎接下一道菜-北海道馬糞海膽沒有令我失望,色澤亮麗,鮮甜、入口即溶-海鰻柔軟又好味,口感鮮美-玉子燒外型像古早味蛋糕🍰玉子入面包括了白身魚、海蝦、鰹魚高湯和蛋,蛋香多了層海鮮味,比其他玉子更軟熟、濕潤。-湯鰹魚高湯煮成,不會好鹹~甜品時令水果-水蜜桃配梅酒啫喱,精緻的日式甜品🍮作結~
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Omakasa,沒人不愛,就是喜歡按照季節的時令食材,由廚師發板,吃到一種神秘,驚喜,新鮮的食材當走進鮨 央泰,裝潢光猛簡潔,所有坐位都是吧桌坐Menu 皇 $1780,由前菜,刺身,燒物到手握壽司,一應俱全前菜三款金絲瓜,可以一絲絲的南瓜,加入鏗魚汁及少許薑絲,清爽汁煮螺貝,軟淋,有口感香魚甘露煮,入味肉嫩刺身平政魚,肉質肥嫩,油脂平均,配上入口即溶的昆布啫喱一起食 ,口腔仍有餘香鏗魚兩食,厚厚的刺身配上薑蔥油及火炙製作,配上生洋蔥及wasabi,兩者比較,我較喜歡後者入口清新的感覺,赤身魚,味道更濃隨後,店員送上2款小吃淮山及牛蒡,子薑,不要看輕小吃,同樣好吃時令八貫手握壽司要開始了沙錐魚壽司,味道鮮美清新,該店的壽司是用上醋飯,促進消化深海池魚,肥厚的池魚,質地纖細柔軟鹿兒島車海老壽司,原隻海老即場去殻,顏色鮮艷,蝦身筆直,入口味道濃郁,甘甜爽口北海道軟煮八爪魚,原條八爪魚腳先霸氣地展示在我們面前,再看著師傅在眼前製作北海道軟煮八爪魚配上wasabi同柚子胡椒,先吃原味,再沾wasabi,最後可沾柚子胡椒3種口味,八爪魚口感軟淋,海水味好出,最喜歡點柚子胡椒,多種口感層次醬燒海鰻壽司,海鰻入口軟棉,加上一點醬油,味道更突出 火炙北寄貝壽司 ,入口清新,口感極佳池魚壽司,配搭了薑和香蔥,池魚味濃好香,令人齒頰留香,和深海池魚是兩種不同的魚火炙赤鯥壽司,口味獨特,魚皮燒過,令魚香油份更加香更特出令人興奮的海膽環節要來了北海道馬糞海膽,顏色呈鮮橙色顏色,入口好香濃北海道白海膽,顏色呈淡黃色,入口清甜,水分重好像來一個海膽大比拼沖繩拖羅壽司,師傅特別介紹來自沖繩的拖羅壽司,不用說,魚脂滿滿,入口像塗了潤唇膏一樣,非常滿足目光魚一夜干,就是一夜風乾再燒烤,目光魚魚油非常重,皮薄以脆卜卜來形容,除後配上蘿蔔蓉,增加對比口感江戶前玉子燒,外貌完全像蛋糕一樣,以蝦肉,鏗魚高湯等材料製成,入口完全不像玉子燒,很Fusion帝王蜆,赤味噌湯,熱騰騰鮮甜味噌湯,口味沒有過鹹最後以白酒煮枇杷配檸檬啫喱作為結尾,非常清爽,枇杷味道清甜,健康新鮮
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