2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
3988 0111
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
Level2 2017-06-25
Mother's Day champagne brunch. Option for free flow champagne. Extra brown crab given for the occasion. Arrived and the staff on reception seemed confused at first. Even though in had reserved.Was eventually sat in a back room that seemed temporary for the busy day. No one else was in that room. Just us.Food was great but service left a lot to be desired. Twice I had to leave the room and physically go and find a waiter. One of those occasions the waiter acknowledged my request but the forgot all about it hence I had to make another trip to find another waiter. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-04-14
Happy Birthday to me!When you spend you birthday with special someone, you wouldn't want a birthday cake from the chained bakery. We walked all the way to TST famous five star hotel, craving for their giant greentea fondant cake but realized chocolate is the only option.Therefore we had to walk all the way back to 1881. Just looking at the menu, we made our decision immediately.A nice restaurant with a dessert menu, nice Italian feel view of the whole heritage, friendly staff, right person sitting next to me, what else can go wrong?Apple CrumbleThe crumbs were baked crispy and fragrant enough to enhance the crispness of the apple slices. Raisins give the dish a hinge of sweetness but not overpowering it. With a scoop of melting vanilla ice-cream and a bit of custard, they provide some moisture to the whole dessert.Creme BruleeThats my friend's choice and his favourite.With a fire-torched top, its caramalised top provides the perfect cover for the smooth egg base. Unfortunately, as we cannot go to the Number 1 place, this place is always still my Number 2. Cheap price for desserts but superb atmosphere and view. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-03-18
小弟在open rice訂座,臨急臨忙搵一間餐廳慶祝我老婆生日,尋日訂今晚食咁,其實我乜都冇預備過!在Apps上訂座時只加了一句非常簡單的句子(see pic)... 今晚8:30pm去到其實無乜人,D嘢食價錢算合理但是比較細份量,都無乜所謂啦因為我哋之前食咗一個好豐富嘅Buffet。呢餐我地其實都係叫啲非常hea吃的食品,一個雞翼頭盤,一個台式滷肉飯,當然有跟一個甜品,同埋兩杯野飲,應該500蚊都唔使!我老婆仲一直都指責我什麼也沒有做,但是我哋都好驚訝,到出甜品Apple crumble時,佢隻碟竟然有寫Happy birthday,Staff同埋點蠟燭!我地食完甜品之後,仲比左兩杯暖水我哋,同埋俾埋牙籤,非常抵讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-09
今年唔知老公會帶公主和我去邊度慶祝聖誕?登登登……原來是位於1881 Heritage內的 “The Parlour”。Hullett House酒店共有五家餐廳。走進酒店,就是前身是水警基地主樓的建築,現已改成為餐廳 “The Parlour”長廊位置沿用充滿殖民地風味的拱形柱子,坐於長廊位置可以欣賞1881 的聖誕佈置又可以遠望到部分維港景色,因此這裡的位置早於訂位要提出要求。老公在12月頭訂位,依然可以預留長廊位置,而且有85折……即是折左約$585(原價$688)。莫非今年市道真是麻麻地?室內設有傳統中式設計的吧枱,蓋上飛簷頂及人手雕製的神龍,旁邊是畫有帆船的牆壁,亦中亦西,充滿超現實感覺。室內用餐環境雖然不及室外那麼開揚舒適,但是裝潢有如歐洲皇宮般堂煌。自助餐位置不太大,分為幾個食物區。【沙律頭盤區】食物選擇比較多,多款沙律菜及配料、巴馬火腿、芝士、麵包……全部都是價廉物美的食物。【海鮮區】海鮮區永遠是自助餐中的亮點。有無生蠔又一重要加分位,這裡的生蠔只得一款又不是有人即開,但總算新鮮而且有好過無。其他海鮮有青口、螺、大蝦、蟶子、蟹腳。【熱盤區】選擇少而且款式非常普通,雜菜、意粉、鴨胸、牛柳……賣相款式有如到會的賣相,味道更加沒有多加描寫的理由,非常失望。 有南瓜湯及栗子湯,味道麻麻地【甜品區】甜品選擇一般,沒有大驚喜“The Parlour ” 環境 8粒星,服務9粒星,食物認真麻地 4粒星……勝在聖誕節只需要6百多1位,又容易訂位。但是以食物質素而言,寧願餐廳供應semi buffet 多些,主菜可以精緻更加好。u continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-02-06
大部分人都黎食Tea set , 而且口碑唔錯。但今次約朋友6大2小去gathering , 就試佢個Sunday Brunch . 個brunch 好豐富,包breakfast , egg , main course and dessert . 基本上係兩人份量。員工有禮,有笑容。個Brunch 雖然多,但佢地慢慢上,等大家食到差唔多先再上,唔會趕。用餐時間11:30-2:30 ,真係慢慢嘆。成班人吹下水,非常適合 ,而且服務員會不停為您refill 飲品( 我地全果汁) 小朋友坐到悶,又可以走出外面空地曬下太陽,走動下。唯一唔好就只係無parking , 但尖沙咀交通方便,我推BB 車去都可以。下次有機會要試下佢地d dinner set . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)