Restaurant: The Wall Street Bar & Lounge

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

5-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
91434825 (WhatsApp)
An upstairs bar in Tsim Sha Tsui offers various Western cuisines, including champagne, sparkling wine, red wine, white wine, and mixed cocktails. The bar has a VIP room reservation service with a karaoke machine. continue reading
Additional Information
可預訂VIP房,內有卡拉OK配置, 設有最低消費。
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 02:00
16:00 - 02:00
16:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (747)
可以一班朋友一齊邊唱K邊食飯既餐廳 -The Wall Street Bar & Lounge最近朋友生日去咗The Wall Street Bar & Lounge慶祝,呢度可以預早BOOK到私家房,有K唱,真係好意外地開心!The Wall Street Bar & Lounge 位於尖沙咀,超方便,好啱朋友聚會同埋輕鬆飲嘢嘅地方。呢間餐廳嘅裝潢帶歐洲風格,環境暗黑地浪漫,我地間私家房設左係一個以書架布置成既隱密通道下,唔係人地指引一定搵唔到個入口。餐廳不單止提供好味同賣相好睇既食物,仲有各式各樣既創意飲品,我同朋友們就試咗13款食物,強烈推薦以下幾款 : 蟹膏蟹肉意大利飯 $158加入大量蟹膏令醬汁超濃郁,一絲絲蟹肉佈滿整個意大利飯,濃郁又creamy!香辣雞翼 $88好味又性價比高!滿滿一大份嘅雞翼共有八件,單骨處理更方便食用,新鮮即炸香脆可口,微辣口味配酒一流!海膽芝士白汁焗廣島蠔🦪 $108芝士白汁好滋味,廣島蠔大約有七至八隻,好味十足飲品必叫 :LOST STAR $78呢杯季節限定嘅Lost Star充滿住水果同清新花香🌸,有濃厚夏日氣息☀️,除咗有粒粒百香果之外,仲有青檸同橙嘅酸甜香味🍊,當中加咗接骨木花嘅Tonic water,每啖都有好Gur嘅碳酸滋味,飲完好解渴😌Pina Colada $88有驚喜 我中意個椰子味好突出 好fresh🤩提一提醒BOOK房既話最低消費要$3000而家只要提前一天預先訂枱🥳客人可以享受到餐廳特別既驚喜禮遇!無論係慶祝生日定周年紀念,餐廳將為客人送上精心製作既是日甜品🍮仲為您插上煙花蠟燭🎂📸再由影相一流既職員為客人同親朋好友拍照留紀念The Wall Street Bar & Lounge 有特意安排生酮類食品供客人選擇,並標示係餐單內,減肥中既你務必一試餐廳係一個放鬆同享受美食嘅好地方,大家可以放工後黎飲一杯!The Wall Street Bar & Lounge地址 : 尖沙咀金巴利道40號MW Plaza1樓訂座電話 : 23896018 / 9143 4825營業時間 : 12:00-01:00(週一至五)16:00-02:00(週六日) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-12
話說 去咗尖沙咀嘅多啦A夢嘅香港站展覽館🐱同太陽玩遊戲 喺限時內快速咁影完就撤退啦🥵之後去咗尖沙咀諾士佛台嗰邊 君怡酒店側邊🤩同朋友喺樓上酒吧小聚 嘆番個晚餐Relax一下😎呢度嘅環境好有英國倫敦嘅風格 樓底亦好高🇬🇧樓面放置咗好多各式各樣嘅酒 成件事好高級💕感覺上真係舒服 裝修得好華麗且空間感大添👍🏻啱晒同一班朋友喺度聚舊 喺度飲下嘢傾下計👥酒精同無酒精飲品都有 美食賣相同味道高質🌟後嚟發現有好多文青添打卡位 一定要再Encore🔥-❤️Appetizer❤️頭盤-🦑Deep Fried Seafood Platter🦑炸海鮮拼盤拼盤入面有魚手指 蝦 魷魚鬚🦐🐟影咗咁耐相 食落 都仲熱辣辣❤️‍🔥👍🏻外皮夠晒香脆內軟 仲好彈牙😆😁可以伴埋酒 簡直係高級享受😚😋-💛Main Course💛主菜-🧀Carbonara Linguine ($158)🧀特濃卡邦尼扁意粉 ($158)單睇賣相真係夠晒邪惡😈🔥面上中間鋪咗隻生雞蛋🍳🥚配埋煙肉香草同芝士粉🥸🤓口感豐富得嚟好飽滿呢🤭😶滿滿濃郁嘅卡邦尼醬汁🤤😐加埋彈牙嘅扁意粉一流💯⭕️-🐟Spinach and Salmon Linguine ($158)🐟蟹籽菠菜三文魚扁意粉 ($158)整體賣相好精緻 配料仲好足添😙🤘🏻面上鋪咗好多嘅蟹籽啊 真係不得了 🦀❤️‍🔥有好多粒粒嘅三文魚 同埋菠菜🐟🥬而扁意粉嘅軟硬度適中 份量啱啱好😛👏🏻個汁亦調教得非常好 食落好Creamy💯⭕️-💚Pizza💚薄餅-🍕Italian Salami Pizza ($138)🍕意式辣肉腸薄餅 ($138)有六塊大大嘅薄餅 單睇賣相 就已經流晒口水啦🤤👏🏻面上有火箭菜 辣肉腸配埋芝士 食落好有層次感🤭🙌🏻餅底食落好酥脆 一啲都唔硬 真係食到停唔到口😌🫶🏻-💙Dessert💙甜品-🍫Chocolate Brownie With Sizzle Pan ($78)🍫冰火朱古力軟餅 ($78)店員會喺軟餅度淋上朱古力醬 好有儀式感喔🤎👍🏻熱辣辣嘅軟餅食落外脆內軟 配埋冰凍嘅雪糕🥮🍦有冰火嘅效果 成個冷熱交融嘅感覺真係好正♨️🧊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-10
💿 Tonight, my friend and I went to a restaurant that made us feel very relaxed. At the entrance, there was a decorative ox head, and there was a bar along with a rack filled with various types of wine, and lights above that looked very nice. 🍷 On the other side, there was a stylish bookshelf display that contained vintage items like vinyl record players, SLR cameras, and audio equipment. 📚🎶 Up on the ceiling, there were many pendant lights with string bulbs, giving a very vintage feel, 💡 and the dim lighting paired with light, upbeat music created a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. 🎶😌Baked Chicken With Sizzle Pan 火焰香草烤雞 $248They light the fire in front of us, it's really entertaining! The chicken was very juicy, with the spice it's very tasty! 🔥🐓Seafood Risotto 龍蝦汁海鮮意大利飯 $208This dish has 2 big shrimp, 3 clams, and 4 mussels, and the lobster sauce tastes really good! 🦐🐚🦞Split $118Chilli infused Tequila • Rose • Lemon juice • GingerSpicy, Sweet, Floral 🌶️🌹🍷This unique cocktail uses chili as the main flavor, combined with the sweet fragrance of rose, creating a wonderful contrast between the spiciness and sweetness.💰 Total: $631 for 2 (including 10% service charge). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-22
Happy Friday,最好不過就係相約朋友食晚飯,一邊談天說地,一邊享受美食嚟到位於尖沙咀嘅《The Wall Street Bar & Lounge》,係一間樓上酒吧餐廳,提供多國美食和不同種類酒精飲品。另外餐廳充滿時尚英倫風格,唔少位置都適合影相打卡✨Set Dinner For 2 $598是日餐湯🥢周打魚湯魚湯夠濃稠,另跟了餐包頭盤🥢鵝肝薯仔千層鵝肝夠厚身,油脂豐腴,入口即溶,以薯仔千層墊底,可平衡一下油膩感🥢磯煮凍鮑魚 (秘製海鮮醬)鮑魚肉質軟嫩,口感彈牙,面頭再鋪上蟹籽,增添了味道和口感 PASTA🥢香草忌廉蟹肉意大利飯飯底較creamy,食落有一絲絲嘅蟹肉和蟹籽,味道和份量都恰好主菜🥢火焰香草烤三黃雞上枱時有放火表演,非常震撼!用上原隻三黃雞,皮脆肉嫩,脂肪豐滿,不用蘸任何醬汁都食得出飲品🍹蜜桃烏龍茶烏龍茶味香濃,蜜桃味不算突出,入口總算清新🍹玫瑰荔枝茶玫瑰花香加上荔枝茶,濃郁醇厚,香甜清爽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The Wall Street系我心目中幾推薦嘅其中一間西餐廳❤️環境唔錯,裝修偏向英倫風味style, 而且食物味道都高質👍🏻黎緊聖誕節🎄如果仲諗緊食邊間好,可以試下呢間!呢度有一道菜,好多人都會嗌,招牌火焰香草烤雞🔥原隻三黃雞喺鐵板上變成紅紅烈火,好eye catching✨而且雞肉保持得勁鮮嫩,肉質淋到骨肉分離,都唔使點用力切就好容易將肉撕開👍🏻仲嗌左份炸海鮮拼盤,魚手指、蝦、魷魚🐟🦐🦑呢度嘅雜物都幾出色,炸得非常之香口,但粉漿一啲都唔厚!而家餐廳仲做緊happy hour 優惠,3-7:30pm 所有紅、白酒、生啤、無酒精飲品,一律都做緊半價🥳好抵呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)