Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
09:30 - 18:30
Mon - Sun
09:30 - 18:30
*last order:18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay WeChat Pay
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (129)
tofu cake 豆腐蛋糕配 tofu matcha latte好中意依間嘅豆腐食品,個豆腐味好香,囗感也好,而且比較少係其他地方食到。兩樣都好好味,tofu配matcha latte豐富左成杯飲品的囗感覺同味道,好夾。芝士波菜餅,烤得好香及惹味,下午茶咸食之選! continue reading
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Level3 2024-09-11
Heard from a friend that there is in wan chai a florist cum cafe, and I paid a special visit to see if it is worth all that hype. It was a weekday past lunch hour and the place was pretty empty - only one table was occupied. The cafe itself is actually adjoining the florist and one could see lots of flower related decorations in the cafe. My table had a small vase of selected flowers arranged to enhance the ambience. I ordered my usual cappuccino and a Ham and Camembert croissant, and sat in one of the smaller tables. Cappuccino ($46) came in a paper cup. I was expecting a proper cup and saucer as shown in the various photos uploaded in Open Rice!!! Very disappointed indeed as the place wasn’t busy and I would have thought they could offer a better experience in that environment. The coffee itself was okay and a better balance of milk might help the overall taste. Ham and Camembert croissant ($58)- the croissant was flaky but overall, it was a bit overpriced. Summary- rather disappointed with the whole experience, neither the food nor ambience work for me on the day that I visited. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平時比較多講正餐,今次講個寧靜愜意啲既選擇😌 宜家開始流行用花💐黎佈置餐廳🍴,但好難難得做到好似呢間咁自然同悠閒,天花板有乾花🌾垂落黎,枱上面放滿真花🌷同各種植物🌳,係名副其實既花花世界😍 旁邊仲冇靚靚既文青花店💐tim😜 難得既係食物同野飲一樣高質,有嘗試做唔同形式既mix & match同fusion菜,全部都有驚喜同好食😋 係個值得翻兜既地方👍🏻(5 😍 係滿分,🤩係半分)Lunch Set (Bagel Sandwich🥯 + Daily Soup🥣 + Coffee / Drink☕️) - $138Japanese-Style Fried Chicken with Mango Bagel Sandwich🍗🥭🥯 - $138 (好味指數:😍😍😍😍🤩)估唔到唐揚雞肉🍗配芒果🥭又幾夾😜 啲雞🍗既炸皮夠薄,炸得夠酥脆香口又唔會燶~ 裡面既肉質依然嫩滑juicy,配埋酸酸甜甜又芳香誘人既芒果🥭就可以中和左炸野既油膩~ 最有創意既係用左 Greek yogurt做醬汁,酸酸地夠晒開胃,而且感覺健康啲~ 如果可以甜少少就perfect啦~ bagel煙煙韌韌咁,唔會好硬又香口,整體層次豐富😋Iwate Crab Meat & Avocado Bagel Sandwich 🦀🥑🥯 - +$10 (好味指數:😍😍😍😍🤩)見到蟹肉🦀同牛油果🥑呢個配搭幾得意就試下😜 今次用左岩手縣蟹肉🦀,蟹味🦀突出,味道鮮味清甜,用左人手拆肉拆到一梳梳咁唔會太散👍🏻 質感綿密多汁唔會梅,配埋清香creamy既牛油果🥑,有切開到一粒粒,亦有壓到變蓉,層次豐富~ 旁邊仲有啲用左3種黑醋調味既火箭菜🥬,酸酸地開胃🤤 香口得黎又唔會有草青味🌱 bagel煙煙韌韌咁,唔會好硬又香口,整體口感豐富,值得再食😋Daily Soup (好味指數:😍😍😍😍)是日餐湯🥣係比較日式既煙肉湯🥓🥣,店員話用左大地魚粉🐟去煲,唔怪得之咁鮮甜啦😋 另外仲有清甜軟腍既椰菜🥬同香甜既洋蔥🧅,幾有層次~Tofu Matcha Latte ⬜️🍵🥛 - $58 (好味指數:😍😍😍😍🤩)小編係抹茶🍵既fans, 見有抹茶🍵又加埋豆腐⬜️幾得意就試下😜 抹茶🍵味道幾濃郁,清香得黎帶有海苔香味,有嗰種抹茶🍵獨有沙沙地既感覺~ 配埋清新又細嫩軟滑既豆腐粒⬜️就更加creamy,有double清新,難得既係裡面仲有煙韌軟糯既mochi🤩 口感豐富,而且唔係太甜幾好飲🤤70% Belgium Dark Chocolate 🍫 - $54 (好味指數:😍😍😍😍🤩)見到呢杯朱古力都係招牌所以就試下~ 首先上面有個用可可粉🍫整既櫻花🌸圖案,配合佢地花🌹既主題,打卡一流👍🏻 味道方面因為用左3款唔同既朱古力🍫沖成,香味特別芳香馥郁,有朱古力🍫嗰種獨有沙沙地既口感,同埋70% 係微甜,對於小編黎講啱啱好,而且飲完暖笠笠幾舒服😌好味指數:😍😍😍😍🤩推介指數:😍😍😍😍🤩 continue reading
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早前,幫老闆走到灣仔合和中心17樓交文件,經過見到一間既是花店又是 Cafe 的 <Gary Kwok Flowers & Café>! 讓我無意中遇到妳!合和中心更是 1980~1990 年最高建築物的舊地標!那麼,我生日 Staycation 正是住在合和中心附近的港島英迪格酒店 Indigo Hotel! Check in 後,我便走到這裡食下午茶嘞!恰巧!當時無食客!這裡絕對是打卡的好地方! 天花 板掛上垂下的乾花,桌上放上真花擺設,充滿生氣及花香! 當中,最令我印象深刻的是花影藝裳裝飾!店外是 Lift 口,絕對是無景可言!跟店內形成強烈對比!Menu供應輕食為主,店方自家烘焙咖啡豆,即是炒豆,咖啡師提供專業意見!如果齋啡會嚐出果酸帶甜,加入牛奶,就會嚐到另一風味的甘味!以全自助形式,食客落單付款,稍後,店員會叫出食物及飲品名稱,讓食客自行拿取!Hot Earl Grey Rose Caramel Milk Tea $52比預期大杯, 驟眼看還以為是奶白色的熱鮮奶,牛奶味濃厚!顯得伯爵茶好淡薄,玫瑰糖漿只帶出輕微甜度!牛油果芝士雜菌 Toast $48選用酸種麵包,包邊香脆,包身濕潤,餡料滿載!芝士提升牛油果芝及雜菌味道,口味清怡;Open toast 比三文治容易進食及賣相更好!玫瑰紅桑子甜品 $52白色慕絲軟滑濕潤清甜,滲出玫瑰清香,紅桑子果酸突出,整體口味清新,清甜不膩!最近,第二次幫襯!Crab Meat & Avocado Bagel $88加上有如波濤般洶湧的火箭菜,淋上黑醋,有效減低火箭菜的苦味!包身密度好高,表面鋪滿芝麻,烘熱後,香脆度滿分!牛油果成熟軟腍,蟹肉份量也不少!加上忌廉芝士,濕潤口感!Basque Cheesecake $52簡單加上一粒棉花糖,賣相不算突出,烘熱後,令人有意想不到的驚喜!如果試過 BBQ 燒棉花糖的話,就知道答案嘞!經烘熱後表面呈金黃色的棉花糖,變得柔軟及拉絲效果!芝士蛋糕表面焦香誘人,質感挺身,甜度剛好!Hot Cortado $46落單前問男店員,什麼是 Cortado?他答我,這是少奶的咖啡!我亦問他,口味是果酸還是甘?他答後者!比例上,雖然牛奶減少了,卻不失香滑度,甘香醇厚!好醒神! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-03
同朋友約喺灣仔食lunch,想搵個地方靜靜地傾吓計,search到附近有呢間餐廳就嚟試吓。用餐嘅地方唔係好大,而隔離就係賣花嘅地方,靚係幾靚,但坐嘅位置唔太舒服,枱亦好細。食物方面都還可以,我哋都係叫咗三文治,味道ok。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)