6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
This restaurant is designed with elegant style which is roomy and comfy. It serves Western-style dishes. Among them, the all day breakfast is the most popular item, and eggs benedict provides 6 flavors. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Eco-Friendly Details
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Live Music
TV Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Oolaa’s Big Breakfast Avocado Smash Bruschetta Sizzling Fajitas Baked Chicken Parmigiana Pork Belly Lollipops
Review (83)
Level4 2024-04-19
又係每月一次嘅中同飯局,好耐之前佢哋帶我嚟星街搵嘢食,宜家間唔中都會過嚟哩度食飯。難得繁忙嘅市區入面,有一條靜靜哋嘅食街,又唔會太雜,人流唔多。最緊要係,餐廳食物水準高😌試過幾間唔同嘅餐廳,一啲都唔雷。今日就要介紹下Oolaa Petite。趁住夜晚8:00前有 happy hour,一坐低就叫咗杯白酒先🤣平日餐廳都會固定有啲特別主題,而逢星期四係 Fijitas Nights。Fajita ($150)Fajita 可以揀素食、牛肉、雞肉、蝦肉,想貪心啲牛肉 加 雞肉就要加 $20。第一次食 Fajita,今次揀咗牛肉。主菜用鐵板上,好香😍但係有大量三色椒🙈,偏食嘅我將所有三色椒留哂俾朋友😝夾餅會跟埋配料同醬汁,先將醬汁搽上夾餅,加埋牛肉一齊食,好惹味。牛肉好淋,而且份量比想像中多,值得一試。Crab Cake ‘Bites’ ($185)蟹餅一共有6件,蟹餅炸得好脆口,而且一啲都唔油,再配埋微辣嘅沙律醬,食唔停口,一個人食哂一份都唔誇張。必食推介 ❤️Salmon Puttanesca Rigatoni ($180)我哋太睇少哩個辣蕃茄醬😳諗住西式意粉嘅辣,應該都唔會好辣啫。上面嗰啲意粉無浸住辣蕃茄醬都還好,食到底,啲粗管粉吸哂啲辣蕃茄醬,對唔食辣嘅我,唔係好食到。如果食得辣,一定要試哩個意粉。意粉煮得好入味,粗管粉口感岩岩好,有咬口但唔會太硬。其實成個意粉都煮得好惹味,會忍唔住一直食,但真係太辣🥵Wild Mushroom Risotto ($155)好在我哋仲叫咗一個唔辣嘅主食。菇嘅份量好多,但唔會有菇嘅草腥味。雖然係意大利飯,但唔會好膩。同其他食物比,哩個飯會比較淡。整體食物都唔錯,職員好有禮貌,會留意客人水杯,定時定候主動幫客人加水。食物偏向濃味,預客人一路飲酒一路食,但唔會太咸,調味做得幾到位。推薦大家嚟試吓👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-17
We went there for some drinks and snacks in the afternoon assuming that it’d be a chill place judging by its decor and apparent style. However, there is zero sign of hospitality exhibited by the lady working at the reception, if any. She wasn’t attended at the reception first of all, after seeing us having waited at the entrance for 1 minute, she started slowly standing up from a table inside and pointed to the direction of the corner table without a word - absolutely egregious ! To make things worse, a short-haired waitress in her late 40s or early 50s started taking our order with the most condescending attitude ever as if we were indebted to the restaurant. Her tone was extremely rude and intimidating while kept interrupting our conversation twice. In addition, her scornful attitude was even more apparent after we turned down her suggestion to order alcoholic drinks. The management should seriously train their staff much much better in this restaurant ! ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-23
每次去親灣仔食dinner/happy hour都會諗起Oolaa!Happy Hour 平日3-8 假日3-7🍸餐廳星期一至日都有唔同既special offer 通常我就會揀星期三既steak night🥩餐廳環境行簡樸路線 食物酒品價錢合理 仲要唔洗加一😏✿ Spaghetti Carbonara $165 ✿用上organic蛋黃既醬汁好creamy 比起typical carbonara既蛋味🥚比較重蒜味仲有厚厚既蒜蓉包比你清晒所有醬🥖煙肉好多好厚身 煎過但唔會乾身🥓✿ Gradd-Fed N.Z. Ribeye 10oz $290 ✿肉眼扒叫咗medium🥩不過黎到就似medium rare多D肉質軟腍 肉味濃郁配菜方面有車厘茄 薯條 grill左既蒜頭🧄個蒜頭真係得依度先有😂冇想像中咁重口味 唔洗擔心😂✿ Carbonate Sauvignon | Mabec +$200 ✿Steak Night限定+$200就可以有成支紅酒🍷🍾Twin Oaks既Cab Sau好易入口~餐廳整體食物質素高 性價比高等我下次試埋其他分店先🥰🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-03
本來係想試街口間新餐廳,但太多人排隊,誤打誤撞改咗嚟呢度。午餐有2 or 3 course,咖啡另加錢,不用加一。揀咗前菜加主菜加咖啡。吞拿魚他他有芒果同牛油果,夏天食就啱。蘑菇湯有雞肉粒。雞肉意粉味道唔錯,三文魚煎得香配紅茶頭沙律,份量幾足。咖啡跟曲奇,當食咗甜品。另雖然多人,但服務唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-29
下午2時多,由於想跟很久沒有見面的好朋友找個安靜地方安坐,傾下計!又不想太遠地鐵站。於是選擇了近金鐘和灣仔中間的餐廳。由於平日的關係吧,過了繁忙的午飯時段,這一刻來到,座位很多,任我們選擇!太好了🌈我們坐下來,每人分別點了一個set lunch !(2 courses). 我們點了兩款前菜。一個是周打魚湯。不是是吞拿魚他他。主菜方面,我們加了錢,要了一份牛配薯條,另外點了一份香煎三文魚配沙律。我想講,個湯本來充滿期待,因為賣相不錯。但,很可惜,入口便知龍與鳳。湯🥣的味道不夠香滑,不夠濃郁,有啲淡,而且質地偏「水」。實在有點失望!所以,到下一個前菜,我已經不敢再抱太大期望了。但賣相都是不錯。到我把一片片簿脆配他他食,他他除了有吞拿魚之外,還有芒果🥭和牛油果。酸酸的,十分醒胃,而且味道不錯,好食!絕對是一道稱職的前菜。哈哈😆到主菜上場,牛扒賣相擺盤都好靚!牛是5成熟,都「林」。不過,我覺得沒咩牛味。而配牛排上面有一些醬(我覺得是有酸梅味的食物,幫助解牛的油膩感)。其實個醬都沒咩問題,只係個醬是比較「冷」,放在熱的牛排上,食落便很不夾。。。。。。不過,這間餐廳的服務員態度都很好👍🏻! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)