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假日到太平山感受吓悠閒的氣氛,追隨著shiba squad的步伐就走到呢間以橙白色為主調的咖啡店。一試他們的咖啡和bagel,果然很不錯( '༥' )☕Honey Latte ($50)因為加了蜜糖的關係,味道沒有一般的苦澀,還有點堅果的香氣。整體口感很溫順,味道醇厚。而且杯身還貼了一張很可愛的「營養標籤」,飲了心情也變得很好🥯Chocolate Lava Bagel ($45)麵包很飽滿,口感煙韌而鬆軟;烤至微熱之後外層帶點香脆,一咬開裏面的朱古力漿就流曬出嚟,滿足!------------------------------Located in Sheung Wan, Espresso Remedy is a neat little coffeeshop which serves quality beverages. Recently passed by and tried their Honey Latte and Chocolate lava bagel, and I will definitely come back for them.☕ Honey Latte ($50)
☕Honey Latte ($50)
🥯Chocolate Lava Bagel ($45)
Located in Sheung Wan, Espresso Remedy is a neat little coffeeshop which serves quality beverages. Recently passed by and tried their Honey Latte and Chocolate lava bagel, and I will definitely come back for them.
☕ Honey Latte ($50) is creamy and silky in texture, the nuttiness comes through very nicely. With the addition of honey, it is less bitter than usuals. Chocolate Lava Bagel ($45) 🥯 was also toasted to perfect, crispy outside and chewy inside. The lava bursted out and very rich in flavour.