入到去被安排坐最入的座位, 幸好是卡位, 尚算舒適!! 銀龍餐牌無影相, 成本簿一樣, 感覺乾淨企理, 於是點了兩個餐, 不過 侍應好像聽不到我們說話,要不停重複 朋友叫的福建炒飯,好味,有鑊氣, 最重要多汁,飯乾身, 朋友有點唔舒服也整碟食完,朋友是胃口細的女仔,但飯份量足夠一個男人吃的!! 我叫了個扒餐,有湯,揀了忌廉湯, 點知原來有南瓜絲,唔錯bor!!! 我揀了黑椒牛大俠, 不過無得鐵板上, 這樣是唯一美中不足的, 這裡有鐵板餐,但是沒有牛類,只有雞及豬, 我唯有揀碟上, 可以有西冷牛扒, 牛仔骨, 我揀的牛大俠,有齊3種牛, 有肥牛片, 牛仔骨, 西冷牛扒 , 嘩....好豐富, 份量多, 我好彩配了薯條,才整個食完,不過薯條過燶,變成了硬條,不好吃!!3種牛都好吃,比較淋, 又有牛味, 不錯!! 我個餐還包菜蜜或柚子蜜, 不用加錢,我飲熱柚子蜜,好味到, 仲有塊檸檬吊味, 絕不欺場!!!朋友飲熱奶茶,亦讚好!! 最後來了個 甜品, 但喜出望外,因為餐好似寫明加$18,但無端端給我甜品, 唔通是送的??!!!免費額外多的東西總覺得好味!!! 我覺得不貴的一餐,好飽,好滿足!!!而且要改觀,不是一間品流複雜的餐廳,只是比較多唔同類的人入來進食, 不是做家庭客!!
Restaurant: | Ngan Lung Restaurant |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Restaurant: | Ngan Lung Restaurant |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
入到去被安排坐最入的座位, 幸好是卡位, 尚算舒適!! 銀龍餐牌無影相, 成本簿一樣, 感覺乾淨企理, 於是點了兩個餐, 不過 侍應好像聽不到我們說話,要不停重複 朋友叫的福建炒飯,好味,有鑊氣, 最重要多汁,飯乾身, 朋友有點唔舒服也整碟食完,朋友是胃口細的女仔,但飯份量足夠一個男人吃的!! 我叫了個扒餐,有湯,揀了忌廉湯, 點知原來有南瓜絲,唔錯bor!!! 我揀了黑椒牛大俠, 不過無得鐵板上, 這樣是唯一美中不足的, 這裡有鐵板餐,但是沒有牛類,只有雞及豬, 我唯有揀碟上, 可以有西冷牛扒, 牛仔骨, 我揀的牛大俠,有齊3種牛, 有肥牛片, 牛仔骨, 西冷牛扒 , 嘩....好豐富, 份量多, 我好彩配了薯條,才整個食完,不過薯條過燶,變成了硬條,不好吃!!3種牛都好吃,比較淋, 又有牛味, 不錯!! 我個餐還包菜蜜或柚子蜜, 不用加錢,我飲熱柚子蜜,好味到, 仲有塊檸檬吊味, 絕不欺場!!!朋友飲熱奶茶,亦讚好!! 最後來了個 甜品, 但喜出望外,因為餐好似寫明加$18,但無端端給我甜品, 唔通是送的??!!!免費額外多的東西總覺得好味!!! 我覺得不貴的一餐,好飽,好滿足!!!而且要改觀,不是一間品流複雜的餐廳,只是比較多唔同類的人入來進食, 不是做家庭客!!