Restaurant: Megan's Kitchen
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Restaurant: Megan's Kitchen

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

2006-11-23 15 views
常經過這裡樓下, 見有點吸引, 一天午膳就去試試.午餐包括: 例湯+ 小菜+ 飯+ 甜品, 無另收茶錢, 但有得揀茶.粉葛赤小豆鯪魚塘排湯: 8分, 自稱無味精例湯, 飲落都覺得相當清甜. 鯪魚無乜腥味, 赤小豆好淋, 幾住家的感覺梳乎里梅菜扣肉: 8分, 一大煲上, 勁大的梳乎里在面頭, 入面的嵌不是甜的, 反而是梅菜扣肉. 甜加鹹的組合, 不能說是很匹配, 當然, 世事何曾是絕對, 將一啖梳乎里同一啖梅菜扣肉一差齊擺入口, 尚算特別.梅菜扣肉都幾多肥肉, 一個人食幾係野. 好彩都有唔少菜, 撈梅菜汁食當然正, 撈梳乎里都得.其實而個梳乎里梅菜扣肉就係跟晚市的梳乎里火鍋一樣.花生紫米糖水: 7分, 甜度適中, 但花生紫米份量太多, 糖水少了點, 平衡些更好.第一次食完感覺不俗, 翻炒. 今次五樓爆滿, 上了八樓君寶會. 靜靜地, 都好.紅蘿蔔煲走地雞: 8分, 淡淡的雞味, 配上紅蘿蔔, 依然清甜. 亞姐見我好快飲完一碗, 仲有得添飲.玻璃粉豉油雞: 7分, 熱食的, 玻璃粉沾上豉油, 很入味, 但雞老了點, 肉質麻麻, 靠豉油起死回生.番薯糖水: 7分, 開始轉凍的日子, 來碗番薯
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常經過這裡樓下, 見有點吸引, 一天午膳就去試試.

午餐包括: 例湯+ 小菜+ 飯+ 甜品, 無另收茶錢, 但有得揀茶.

粉葛赤小豆鯪魚塘排湯: 8分, 自稱無味精例湯, 飲落都覺得相當清甜. 鯪魚無乜腥味, 赤小豆好淋, 幾住家的感覺

梳乎里梅菜扣肉: 8分, 一大煲上, 勁大的梳乎里在面頭, 入面的嵌不是甜的, 反而是梅菜扣肉. 甜加鹹的組合, 不能說是很匹配, 當然, 世事何曾是絕對, 將一啖梳乎里同一啖梅菜扣肉一差齊擺入口, 尚算特別.

梅菜扣肉都幾多肥肉, 一個人食幾係野. 好彩都有唔少菜, 撈梅菜汁食當然正, 撈梳乎里都得.


花生紫米糖水: 7分, 甜度適中, 但花生紫米份量太多, 糖水少了點, 平衡些更好.

第一次食完感覺不俗, 翻炒. 今次五樓爆滿, 上了八樓君寶會. 靜靜地, 都好.

紅蘿蔔煲走地雞: 8分, 淡淡的雞味, 配上紅蘿蔔, 依然清甜. 亞姐見我好快飲完一碗, 仲有得添飲.

玻璃粉豉油雞: 7分, 熱食的, 玻璃粉沾上豉油, 很入味, 但雞老了點, 肉質麻麻, 靠豉油起死回生.

番薯糖水: 7分, 開始轉凍的日子, 來碗番薯糖水, 相當夠彊, 但番薯好少, 飲水一樣.

芝士蛋糕: 7分, 加$10 要了個芝士蛋糕, 小小的一件, 芝士味不太濃, 清清的, 適合午餐食, 無咁重.

整理食物水準平均, 服務誠懇, 雖不算美味廚亦不遠矣.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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