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間唔中都有嚟呢間餐廳,今日在銅鑼灣-個體驗,不愉快!不會再來!侍應比杯滾水小朋友,食完個飯都未凍,侍應話唔會有室溫水,要凍水就買啦!15蚊枝!唔準喺餐廳飲自己帶嚟嘅水,小朋友都唔可以!真係唔係錢嘅問題⋯ 佢話間間餐廳都係咁⋯ 呢個係佢哋選擇比嘅服務⋯ 可能我曾經讚呢度嘅食物,不過服務態度太惡劣,真係唔會再來Lu, 失望…. Disappointed by the service The waitress gave a 5 years children a extremely hot water , and ask us to buy water and it is not allowed to bring water for kids. It’s not about money… sigh… we used to come, but this is the last time
佢話間間餐廳都係咁⋯ 呢個係佢哋選擇比嘅服務⋯ 可能我曾經讚呢度嘅食物,不過服務態度太惡劣,真係唔會再來Lu, 失望….
Disappointed by the service
The waitress gave a 5 years children a extremely hot water , and ask us to buy water and it is not allowed to bring water for kids. It’s not about money… sigh… we used to come, but this is the last time