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雖然香港越開越多Cafe Ninetys 仍然會係最喜歡cafe brunch既其中之一落腳點🥰位於灣仔既NINETYs門口採用落地玻璃 空間感十足 裏面嘅擺設亦都好高尚同modern 會有一種令人覺得好舒服同乾淨嘅Cafe🤎Brunch Board with 4 sides $138>lemon danish loaf bread:淡淡既檸檬香麵包 烘熱咗比較脆>chocolate danish loaf bread :有朱古力粒嘅麵包 同檸檬包好似-Sous vide char siu (+$48)-granola greek yoghurt:唔太甜既greek yoghurt 配埋granola -black truffle scrambled eggs:一上碟已經好大陣黑松露味 scrambled egg -Crab fat cream mashed potatoes-🤎Brunch with 4 sides $138 >chocolate danish loaf bread >sourdough -poached egg w/ lemon yo
雖然香港越開越多Cafe Ninetys 仍然會係最喜歡cafe brunch既其中之一落腳點🥰
位於灣仔既NINETYs門口採用落地玻璃 空間感十足 裏面嘅擺設亦都好高尚同modern 會有一種令人覺得好舒服同乾淨嘅Cafe
🤎Brunch Board with 4 sides $138
>lemon danish loaf bread:淡淡既檸檬香麵包 烘熱咗比較脆
>chocolate danish loaf bread :有朱古力粒嘅麵包 同檸檬包好似
-Sous vide char siu (+$48)
-granola greek yoghurt:唔太甜既greek yoghurt 配埋granola
-black truffle scrambled eggs:一上碟已經好大陣黑松露味 scrambled egg
-Crab fat cream mashed potatoes
🤎Brunch with 4 sides $138
>chocolate danish loaf bread
-poached egg w/ lemon yoghurt
>braised lamb shoulder (+$35
> mushroom salad
>fried polenta
🤎Ninetys Chocolate blend flat white
好香嘅可可味咖啡豆 甜得來唔會太苦澀
值得嘉許嘅係會有一張卡仔介紹呢一種咖啡豆嘅特點🤩🤩自己都忍唔住買返一樽咖啡豆返屋企沖(佢啲咖啡豆樽好得意 十足十係Lab 樽🤣
🤎Milk Chocolate $52
濃得黎又唔太甜嘅milk chocolate 仲要有朱古力粒喺奶裏面 有啲咬口幾特別