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蘭桂坊除左酒吧就係多不勝數嘅高級餐廳,而今日就去左Porterhouse 食晚餐🙆🏻♀️ 雖然最多人推薦係佢地嘅weekend brunch,但其實單點餐牌上嘅選項都唔錯架👌🏼餐廳以海陸美饌為主題,嚴選世界各地嘅牛扒、海鮮同時令食材🐟 酒類亦一應俱全、紅白酒、雞尾酒、氣泡酒等放曬喺酒櫃上任君選擇😌 Porterhouse has one of the most recommended semi buffets in HK, but I came here today to try some of their a la carts items which revolves around meats and seafood. 店內裝潢走高貴優雅嘅路線,一整排嘅大玻璃窗嘅透光度十足,加上幾米高嘅樓底同半開放式廚房令用餐環境舒適闊落無壓迫感🖼️ 6點左右黎到環境依然好光猛充滿自然光,日落後變得好有情調,最適合帶埋另一半黎享受美酒佳餚👩🏻❤️👨🏻They had a half open kitchen and big windows to make the interior feel more
Porterhouse has one of the most recommended semi buffets in HK, but I came here today to try some of their a la carts items which revolves around meats and seafood.
They had a half open kitchen and big windows to make the interior feel more spacious and bright. After the sunset, the place is lit with dim yellow lights, which shifts it to a romantic ambiance.
新英倫周打蜆湯 $178
New England Clam Chowder
呈奶白色嘅湯底濃稠幼滑🫕 將豐厚嘅忌廉同蜆肉融為一體,加上韭蔥、薯仔同黑椒點綴令味道更有深度🤌🏼
The soup was so creamy and smooth, with a large amount of clams, potatoes, leeks and black pepper for more depth.
波士頓龍蝦寬條麵 $398
Fettuccine with Boston Lobster
波士頓龍蝦肉質結實彈牙,絲絲分明🦞 鹹香嘅精華同富蛋香嘅自家製寬條麵相得益彰,每啖都注滿鮮香🌊 特調醬汁以酸甜嘅蕃茄、清香嘅白藺同濃厚嘅忌廉製成,配搭粒粒龍蝦肉締造出色香味俱全嘅意粉🍝
The house-made pasta was al dente, covered with a thick creamy brandy bisque. The Boston lobster was fresh and firm, adding some extra umaminess to the dish.
紐西蘭400日穀飼純種和牛肉眼扒 $378
NZ Rib Eye Full-Blood Wagyu
餐廳更精心挑選出嘅和牛以穀物餵飼足400日🌾 比起一般穀飼牛油花分佈更均勻,而且食落略帶甜味😙 肉扒質感軟腍嫩滑、脂肪經過煎烤後完全融化,為肉汁添加一絲甘香🥩 加埋紅酒汁有助解膩,同時帶出撲鼻嘅肉香👍🏼
This cut from a 400-day grain fed New Zealand Wagyu had the perfect meat to fat ratio and was so tender and soft. The additional savouriness from red wine jus helped to alleviate any heaviness.
蘇維翁白葡萄原汁 $98/枝
Sauvignon Blanc Juice
白葡萄來自法國嘅Gaillac,透過真空過濾嘅方式濃縮果汁🥤 佢哋標榜無添加,完美保留到酸中帶甜,細緻悠長嘅獨特香氣🍇 加上微弱嘅氣泡感夠曬清爽,就算佢無酒精都足以令人沈醉🤭
This nonalcoholic sparkling drink used the compressed juice taken from French grapes. It was sweet, sour and fizzy, super refreshing on a summer day!