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I could not express how much I miss you, Burger King. You are sopopular that you could be found in anywhere in the world… except Hong Kong…Therefore, I usually, when I am travelling somewhere have burger king, I musttry it. While there is usually limited edition burger which taste super good.This time, before, leaving Hong Kong, I decided to have a Whopper at this oneof the very few burger King in Hong Kong. It is located at T2. Whopper is justthe best.
popular that you could be found in anywhere in the world… except Hong Kong…
Therefore, I usually, when I am travelling somewhere have burger king, I must
try it. While there is usually limited edition burger which taste super good.
This time, before, leaving Hong Kong, I decided to have a Whopper at this one
of the very few burger King in Hong Kong. It is located at T2. Whopper is just
the best.