議事亭前地麥當勞側 continue reading
All Branches (2)
+853 2837 2207
Opening Hours
09:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 19:00
Tue - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2013-11-12
When we walked into Ou Mun, it was completely empty.  We actually went twice.  First we went in the morning and the food in the display looked old and sad.  We noticed, however, that they had serradura (sawdust pudding) and made a mental note to come back later in the day.So, having enjoyed the city for a day, we ended up back there.  We had already eaten lunch at the excellent Ma Kok Meng Ke near Barra Hill (a VERY good and cheap option for Macanese food) and dinner at equally good L. B. SuperPollo and craved something sweet.  The first thing that struck us was the fact that the food was the same as in the morning.  Dry looking pieces of quiche and sad croquettas had been rearranged, but unchanged in the display case.  In spite of this, we took our chances and ordered a serradura to share.  Serradura is a condensed milk based dessert with biscuit crumbs in layers throughout it.  It is a very rich and moreish thing.  The one here was not too bad, until you got to the bottom of the glass and the cream had separated a bit and left a very liquid layer at the bottom.  Perhaps we were there on a bad day (a Sunday), but it was not a good experience and, based on what we saw, we would not return.  The real shame is that the interior looks really nice and if the food was good, they would have a real gem on their hands.  Too bad... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-12-13
跟團的澳門一日遊於下午5時完結左lu沒有預先計劃的行程,連地圖都沒有,只係問了隨團的local澳門人導遊有咩吃晚餐的推介,他就叫我們去吃呢間正宗葡國野,講到又平又好食,係澳門人先去,香港人唔識的好野佢講到咁吸引,我地就乖乖地咁去左喇,都好容易找,只係在九如坊的斜對面佢的menu只有英文 + 葡文,我們簡單叫左2個set dinner一開始的南瓜湯,吃到果蓉,很好的沒有加味精返到來睇返樓上的post先發現原來呢間野的面包好似好正,但我地吃呢個餐包也好像冇咩特別~main course來了,是我叫的鴨肉飯真的吃到是啖啖的鴨肉,但佬哥就不是太喜歡它那種鴨騒 + 奇怪香料的味道這是佬哥的烤豬腩飯~嘻嘻,我覺得比鴨肉飯好吃呢~比較香口,豬皮很有咬口,肉質都ok juicy,肥膏也很肥美,只是怕肥不敢吃太多環境情調很好,MOP98也不用加10%,WAITRESS也很NICE,這裡也有free wifi可以上網~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-07-29
因為食了早餐關係,有點飽,只是點了杯普通咖啡,休息一下。咖啡來到時,已傳來誘人的香氣,呷一口,濃郁的咖啡獨有甘味刺激味蕾,甘而不苦,加了奶後再試,很滑~那咖啡味仍未被遮蓋。這小小的飲料,雖然普遍不過,但卻不是間間做到濃度適中,齒頰留香。店面環境相沒有華麗裝飾,但樸實的桌椅給人平實感覺,很耐看。店員也很友善。寧靜地輕嘗咖啡,在這舒適環境談天,平日的疲勞也一掃而空,不失為賞心樂事。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-04-29
今次去澳門玩,在大三巴那邊玩得很累了,想找家cafe休息一下,馬上便想到這cafe啦!上次來澳門時便來過這裡了,很好的coffee,很舒服的環境,是難忘的地方! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2007-12-04
葡式臘腸包和馬介休球值得一讚馬介休球用料足又唔會太咸口感唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)