2-min walk from Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This “Southeast Asian Beer Garden” is located by the sea, with a ceiling full of bubble lights and an open bar area, creating an exotic atmosphere. The signature Pho Bo features 24 hours slow-cooked beef broth, along with roasted beef marrow, leaving a lasting impression. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Mam Tom is a SouthEast Asian restaurant bar that offers a unique and immersive experience for its patrons. Specializing in the drinking culture of countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, Mam Tom provides a vibrant and lively atmosphere that transports guests to a traditional Asian beer garden.
During lunchtime, Mam Tom serves up speedy and homemade traditional dishes that are both flavorful and authentic. Consumers can enjoy a taste of SouthEast Asia without having to travel too far. The lunch menu caters to those looking for a quick and delicious meal, perfect for a midday break.
However, it is during dinner time that Mam Tom truly comes alive. The restaurant transforms into a bustling and energetic beer garden, complete with beer towers, cocktails, sake, soju, and music that sets the tone for a night of fun and celebration. Patrons can enjoy sharing dishes with friends while indulging in a variety of drinks that are sure to liven up the evening.
In conclusion, Mam Tom is a must-visit destination for those looking to experience the vibrant and lively drinking culture of SouthEast Asia. With its delicious food, extensive drink menu, live music, and inviting atmosphere.

Enjoy your lunch with a view! For just $80
Enjoy your lunch with a view! For just $80, indulge in a delicious meal while soaking in the breathtaking sea vistas. Whether it’s a cozy date or a fun outing with friends, there's nothing like the combination of great food and stunning. More
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Review (55)
Level4 2024-11-13
Grilled NY Striploin 烤西冷牛扒 300g $298西冷牛扒5成熟好大份,外層烤到香脆,牛味濃,有兩款醬:越南香草醬好草青味,鯷魚菠蘿汁好惹味比較鐘意!Pho Bo Wagyu $168慢煮二十四小時牛肉高湯、胸腩、西冷牛扒河粉Add on Roasted Bone Marrow烤牛骨髓 $75果然經過24小時慢煮過嘅湯底好濃牛肉味,河粉煙煙韌韌好有咬口!牛骨髓入口即溶,好美味!牛魔王一定愛上!DIY $78生菜、菠蘿、青瓜、醃青木瓜蘿蔔絲、越南甜辣醬、米紙🥗自由配搭配菜嘅米紙卷,配料有好多種蔬菜,感覺好健康零負擔,基本上每一種配菜都會捲埋一齊食,沾上越南甜辣醬紫米卷就會腍,越南嘅甜辣醬比泰式嘅甜辣醬更辣,怕辣嘅朋友仔點少少已經可以好惹味👍🏻Morning Glory 蒜頭辣椒炒通菜 $58東南亞炒通菜系同泰式通菜唔一樣嘅味道~可以一試Durian sticky rice and coconut sundae $118榴槤糯米飯及椰子雪糕🍦‼️必食item賣相好靚嘅新地雪糕,分開椰子雪糕球同埋榴槤雪糕球,聞嘅時候係唔會聞到有榴槤味,食落口雪糕好滑同埋好濃榴槤味,咦咁糯米飯喺邊呀?原來食完兩個雪糕球之後新地杯中間就係糯米飯啦!唔怪得知職員俾咗兩隻碟我哋食新地啦!原來係俾我哋兩個杯出嚟雪糕同埋糯米飯一齊食㗎!我哋食完雪糕先發覺有糯米飯🤣Fresh coconut $88新鮮嘅椰子🥥水,啱晒食完肉類解解渴,特別fresh呀!🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-10
一直bookmark 左呢間係尖東的越南fusion菜,今晚終於有機會去食啦,好期待。DIY $78自己可以親手包越南米紙卷,有濱海,醃咗嘅白蘿蔔絲,青瓜,菠蘿,生菜,越南香草,另外有個酸酸辣辣嘅sauce,將所有材料包埋再點呢個醬食,好開胃。Grilled Lamb Chop $288有三大舊羊架,一啲都唔會有羶味,肥瘦適中,而且肉質比我想像中嫩滑。Pho Bo Wagyu $168再加左條烤牛骨髓 $78河粉好煙韌,湯底超濃牛肉味,牛肉份量都幾多,個牛骨髓入口即溶,成個配搭好有驚喜👍👍😍😍Smoky Mil $98好有儀式感的一杯cocktail,會將啲煙打入個玻璃罩到,再蓋住杯cocktail,一打開好香煙熏味,入口好順滑。Mango Silk Sling $98好夏日的感覺,因為用左Mango 同Coconut,好清新的感覺。榴槤糯米飯椰子雪糕 $118佢啲雪糕好棉密,椰子雪糕個味都好出,唔會俾榴槤味雪糕蓋過左,再加上啲花生碎同糯米飯增加口感,為呢一餐劃上完美句號,真係好滿足🥰🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-16
Happy Friday飯局,選址尖沙咀永安廣場一間餐廳,主打新派東南亞菜,菜式融合傳統嘅又有,西式啲啲嘅都有;裝修別緻,店內員工主要以英語溝通,熱情又主動,好客100👍🏻目測客人有一半人都係外國人,可以坐室外氣氛唔錯😌叫兩杯飲品先:“Coconut Smoothie” + “Mamtom Cooler”“Crispy Fried Green Papaya Salad”炸木瓜沙律,脆卜卜好似食薯條咁,甜甜地得嚟調味調得極惹味,瞬間清晒成碟,朋友話下次再嚟一定要encore呢個~ “Pho Bo Wagyu”每枱必有其影踪就知人氣高企~ 越南牛肉河粉最重要係湯底同河粉,呢碗湯頭又香又鮮甜,飲完都唔太口渴!牛肉切得薄嫩,肉味極濃;河粉新鮮,滑溜口感強👍🏻👍🏻ADD ON “Roasted Bone Marrow”額外加錢加一條大牛骨髓,油脂香到一個點入口舒服唔會太膩,撈落湯度再連埋其他配料一齊食正“Wok Fired Wagyu”切開荷包蛋,和牛份量多,醬油少少辣辣地好惹味,牛迷必試~“The Pineapple Sorbet in Pineapple Shell”用菠蘿殼上,雪葩好香菠蘿味!好適合餐後食,清甜解渴,食完成個人透心涼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
老公話尖沙咀永安廣場新開左間酒吧餐廳,有室外同室內,餐廳播住英文歌,室內好有氣氛。餐廳裝修有好features,天花吊左滿圓形玻璃黃光吊燈,吊燈上面就擺放左木船槳,而紅磚牆上亦掛一幅左皮帶做裝飾,幾有風格。餐牌有好西式crossover越式風味,老公發辦叫左幾款唔同種類嘢食,另外兩杯cocktail。Morning glory:即係炒通菜,通菜炒得翠綠,有鑊氣,用左炸蒜同辣椒同炒,炸蒜香,少少辣,好夠味道,好惹味。 Pho Bo Beef:大大條牛骨,中間牛骨髓好香牛脂味,牛肉係牛腩同西冷部分,又腍又嫩。湯底係精華,用左牛骨24小時餚製,牛味極重,湯底勁濃,越南河粉吸埋晒D湯汁,整體好唔錯。DIY:有生菜、越南香草、菠蘿、青瓜、醃青木瓜&蘿蔔同米粉等配料,然後再用越南米紙包住黎食,想包咩就自己DIY,然後再點埋中間個汁,甜甜酸酸,幾開胃。Prime Rib Eye:賣相好好,牛扒已切開,上面有牛骨髓牛油。叫左medium,肉紅紅地,炭燒味道十足,牛扒已調味,鹹鹹地,肉味濃,油脂豐富,好juicy,唔點醬汁,原汁原味仲好食。Mid Night Desire:用左vodka、lychee同prosecco調配,酒味重,帶輕微汽泡,味道比較甜,易入口,幾適合女仕飲。Smoky Mil:酒先用玻璃蓋住,然後職員打開,蘋果木嘅煙同味道飄出黎,好夢幻。入口好香蘋果木嘅煙燻味道,果味重,甜甜地,幾好飲。Durian Sticky rice and Coconut Sundae:榴槤雪糕勁香,有絲絲榴槤肉,旁邊椰子雪糕好香椰絲味,新地底部係糯米飯,煙煙韌韌,整體配搭相當夾,愛榴槤嘅人絕對鐘意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-19
今晚同朋友慢行尖東海旁,見到差唔多食晚飯時間,於是喺附近搵嘢食,見到呢間Mamtom都幾多客人光顧,必定係好食,於是決定去試試。🍽️ Pho Bo Beef with Roasted Bone Marrow呢碗越南牛肉河粉嘅湯底係24小時慢煮牛肉熬製而成,湯味夠晒濃郁香醇,而牛肉片就用咗牛胸腩和西冷部位,所以啲牛肉好鮮嫩,而河粉又夠軟糯爽滑,再配埋整條烤牛骨髓,令到口感更為豐富。🍽️ DIYDIY即係自己親手包越南紙米卷,材料好豐富,包括有青瓜、菠蘿、青木瓜蘿蔔絲、濱海、炸蒜再配埋泰式酸辣汁,自己用紙米卷包住啲材料嚟食,口感好清爽,而且夠晒開胃。🍽️ Prime Rib Eye呢碟肋眼扒夠晒大份,而且烤到外層微微焦香,而內裡嘅肉質好酥軟鮮嫩,肉味好香濃,配埋越南香草醬汁同埋鯷魚菠蘿汁,令到食慾大增。🍽️ Morning Glory呢碟泰式飛天通菜炒到好鬼香口,再配埋炸蒜馬拉盞,簡直好味到停唔到口。🥄 Durian Sticky Rice & Coconut Sundae榴槤糯米飯配椰子新地,呢個配搭夠創新。榴槤肉質細膩配埋軟糯香甜嘅糯米飯,每一口都有幸福嘅感覺。上層則用咗口感清新嘅椰子奶香味嘅雪糕新地,能帶嚟清爽冰涼嘅感覺。🍹 Mango Silk Sling斑蘭茶底嘅rum酒加配埋芒果、椰子和柑橘,整杯飲品充滿著濃濃果香味。🍹 Smoky Mil呢個飲品上場夠晒儀式感,玻璃罩打開後,啲煙燻咗嘅蘋果木香湧晒出來,Rum酒嘅酒香,重加埋生果嘅清新香氣,令到口感層次更為豐富。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)