+853 28576626
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level1 2024-10-04
同一班舊同事食飯,之前食過一次,今次可以叫多幾樣野食 。環境同裝修都唔錯,手繪油畫天花幾特別,係一個打卡位 。餐碟都好靚,每次換碟都係唔同款嘅 。但我只影到一開始果隻乾淨碟,同埋對面位果隻😜白酒煮硯,白酒味濃,好食小食拼盤,馬介休球同葡腸係賣飛佛葡式乳豬,熱辣辣鮮嫩脆口味道濃葡式海鮮飯,餸多過飯,尤其蝦十分有鮮味,好有葡國味道 ,食完已經好飽其實仲有好多其他野想叫,不過實在好飽 ,食物亦唔覺落咗味精 。服務態度亦十分好 。埋單計數除開$3xx,今時今日響澳門食飯嚟講,真係物有所值 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-22
本來沒有計劃吃午餐,但路經這間餐廳,被它的粉红色外牆吸引著,原來是一間葡國餐廳,看餐牌還有一些土生葡菜的選擇,種類很呢。我們點了蘑茹忌廉湯(賣相正!超似cappuccino!)、蝦肉釀紅椒、沙丁魚柳、薯絲馬介休及葡國雞..! 每道菜也非常有水準,服務員也很細心,這次隨心嘅用餐體驗很有驚喜!大滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-07
本身睇裝修覺得應該ok,結果入到去得幾丁友係度食已經開始覺得唔對路點餐嗰陣問我地要still定sparkling water,以為唔洗錢,因為正常應該都係問要唔要加水/嘢飲而唔係直接咁要你二選一,結果就盛惠49.5(45再加一)🙄食相難睇到⋯⋯食過咁多間餐廳都係第一次遇到呢個情況點完餐會上餐包先,個餐包超級乾,再加上佢冇水提供(除左嗰$49.5/1.5L嘅礦泉水之外),我只能用難以下嚥黎形容食左乳豬同豬手,乳豬一大陣豬腥味,薯條連茄汁都冇滴,本身個waiter上乳豬嗰陣問過我地要唔要茄汁我地話要,結果食完都未有🙄正常都應該要一齊上啦,就算唔係一齊上咁其實都唔洗咁耐都未上啦🤷🏻‍♀️薯條又唔係炸得好食,我真係寧願去返m記買個薯條食🤷🏻‍♀️起碼嗰度炸得好食啲又會有茄汁比你🤷🏻‍♀️豬手ok嘅,蒜蓉包都ok嘅,但只係ok囉,完全冇任何特色,成個用餐體驗都超級失望🤷🏻‍♀️啲嘢食對唔住個價錢之外仲要夾硬sell你水🤷🏻‍♀️總之下次唔會再幫襯亦都唔會推薦比朋友同屋企人去食🤷🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-30
本身係諗住去另一個葡國菜餐廳嘅,點知入錯左喱間,入都入左,見裝修都幾唔錯,就冇走。貴嘅餐廳都食過唔少,開係旅遊區都預左唔會平,但真係未見過一間餐廳會連tape water都冇,比個drink menu你,逼住你一係比幾十蚊買支礦泉水,一係就叫野飲,想賺錢都唔好做到咁核突吖,離曬大譜。味道以喱個價錢黎講,都比較一般,份量亦好細,除左一個燒黑毛豬章魚卷還算可以,葡國菜中出名嘅葡國雞燴飯嘅味道亦都好普通,實在乏善可陳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥澳門有不少葡國菜餐廳,不過部分以融合了澳門人的口味,要找正宗的葡國菜,就要尋找一些葡國廚師主理的餐廳。這間餐廳座落於遊客區一條小巷的盡頭,雖然位置並不顯眼,因為提供正宗的葡國美食,所以客人卻非常多,如果沒有訂座的話相信很難可以品嘗得到他們的菜式。Macau has many Portuguese restaurants, but if you're looking for authentic Portuguese cuisine, you'll need to find restaurants run by Portuguese chefs. This restaurant is located at the end of a small alley in a tourist area. Although its location may not be prominent, it is always crowded with customers seeking authentic Portuguese cuisine. Without a reservation, it can be difficult to sample their dishes.葡式海鮮湯飯 ($220)Wet Seafood Rice 這個海鮮飯看來似是平平無奇,但吃了一口便為之驚嘆。海鮮飯鋪滿了各種不同的海鮮,每款都非常新鮮,而且飯充滿了海鮮的鮮味,以及蕃茜的香氣,令人忍不住一口接一口吃下去The Seafood Rice may seem ordinary at first glance, but one bite will leave you amazed. The rice is filled with various fresh seafood that bursts with flavor. The aroma of coriander leaves adds an irresistible touch, making it hard to resist taking one bite after another.麵包 ($0)Bread每枱客人都會附送餐包,麵包烘得非常鬆軟,熱哄哄的非常可口Every table is served with a bread basket filled with soft and delicious bread, served hot.炭烤黑毛豬排配薯條及時蔬 ($228) Charcoal Grilles Black Pork Filet with Fries & Salad葡式燒黑毛豬的做法有點似廣東的乳豬,不過吃起來卻有不同的風味。這家點選用了肥瘦適中的豬,金黃香脆的外皮,吃起來亦不會太油膩The preparation of Portuguese-style Roasted Black Pork is somewhat similar to Guangdong-style Suckling Pig, but it has a distinct flavor. This restaurant carefully selects pork with a balance of fat and lean meat, resulting in a golden and crispy outer skin. It is not overly greasy when consumed.葡式烤鱈魚 ($205)Roasted Cod Fish這個烤鱈魚分量非常充足,這個鱈魚非常新鮮,吃起來不會太鹹,不過由於以橄欖油烤制,所以油份較多The Grilled Codfish dish is generously portioned. The codfish is fresh and not too salty, but since it is grilled with olive oil, it may be a bit oily.葡萄牙水果酒 ($78)Sangria葡國正宗的水果酒喝起起來非常香甜,不像普通葡萄酒般濃烈,所以小心點很易喝醉The authentic Portuguese fruit liqueur is sweet and aromatic. Unlike regular wine, it is not too strong, so it's easy to get intoxicated if not careful.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅非常正宗的葡式味道,而且大部分食物都非常美味,亦不會過份油膩The flavors are truly authentic Portuguese, and most of the dishes are delicious without being overly greasy.❌食物選擇的種類不算太多,而且大部分以肉類為主The variety of food options is not extensive, mostly focusing on meat dishes.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅餐廳面積雖然不太大,但座位尚算寬敞,提供了一個舒適的用餐環境Although the restaurant's size is not large, the seating is relatively spacious, providing a comfortable dining environment.❌由於餐廳面積不太大,所以必定要事先預約,有不少客人未有預約登門,都因為客滿而被拒之於門外Due to its limited size, reservations are essential. Many walk-in customers have been turned away due to the restaurant being fully booked.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應非常友善,亦十分有禮貌,上菜的速度也非常快速The staff is very friendly, polite, and efficient in service.❌由於待應的數目不多,所以如果需要協助可能需要等候一點時間As the number of staff is not extensive, there may be a slight wait for assistance.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅食物的分量不算太細,所以價錢尚算合理The portion sizes are reasonable, so the prices are also fair.❌由於餐廳坐落於遊客區,所以定價輕微高了一點Being located in a tourist area, the pricing is slightly higher. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)