+853 88832221
Passion. by Gérard Dubois presents you authentic French pastries, thick creamy hot chocolate and delicious desserts. A traditional French bakery café for you to taste and experience. The name of the shop echoes the lifelong passion of owner – Swiss born pastry chef – Gérard Dubois to deliver the finest quality refreshments to every customer in the most professional warm manner. continue reading
Opening Hours
08:30 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay MACAU Pass, MPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
AOP French Butter Croissant Crème Brûlée Four Season Pizza
Review (12)
来晚了点,还没有吃上他们家的大爆款🥲蓝莓挞虽然是冷的,但是他的酥皮依然层层分明酥脆掉渣🥐,细腻的蛋液包裹着底下的蓝莓酱,冲淡了蛋挞的甜,还增加了些酸甜🫐,趁热吃该不会是爆浆的惊艳口感吧香脆开心果白巧克力饼🎂开心果巨香醇导致有点腻🌱,不过榛子和开心果碎让丝滑的口感又蕴含了酥脆,口感还是蛮丰富的♐️品质挺好的,但都有点偏甜,一下子吃撑了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
睇到甜品碟上好似音符圖案相信唔陌生,Passion. 澳門有兩間分店,分別位於澳門星際酒店和銀河酒店內,主菜、Pizza、沙律、三文治、意粉和麵包蛋糕等一應俱全,款式選擇多,玻璃櫃望到有樣樣想試下的衝動🤤,而且價錢又合理,分分鐘平過出面cafe,係酒店入面來講算是性價比幾高。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beef Lasagna ($78)Lorraine Quiche ($33)Banana et chocolate ($25)Canele ($16)Mille Feuille ($38)Mango Mont Blanc ($42)Latte ($34)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~呢邊主食類都不錯,好似圖中 #肉醬千層麵 ,肉醬足,味道濃,幾正下,但一個人食晒會有啲膩,建議和人分享。可能同時點太多澱粉類型,顯得呢件 蛋餅 較平平,但勝在一大件足料,飽肚之選。.#香蕉朱古力包 🍌🍫不錯不錯,想買多個第二日當早餐。.甜品方面,知道 #可麗露 整個製作過程的人都知唔容易,需要心機和時間,睇價錢差不多,甚至買兩粒平過出面,亦幾大粒下。外皮微焦脆,內層濕潤,甜度適中,唔會死甜,個人覺得當日出品有驚喜😋!!.其次是 #雲呢拿千層 ,千層酥脆香口,第一層雲呢拿味較溫和,甜度在可接受範圍,下層係似鹹焦糖味,鹹甜鹹甜咁,單獨食相對較膩,而且鹹味會幾出。#芒果栗子蛋糕 三款甜食中最甜一款,為左賣相🌰而點,面頭栗子泥不錯,但整個蛋糕真係太甜,食多幾啖會過膩😅。甜品建議同人開心share,再加上一杯最鐘意熱Latte,好好享受下午茶時光~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-11-15
帶住小朋友遊玩完成日,準備回程,所以就食個輕晚餐再上船,免得小朋友太夜先食晚餐!去過澳門嘅都知道,好多酒店同酒店之間係相通嘅,但要帶住小朋友喺賭場同商店穿插,四處尋覓飯店係極為不便嘅。 今次介紹依間cafe, 喺香港亦有幾間分店,而且食物、咖啡同朱古力都係幾好嘅,所以我哋冇再四圍行,就直接喺依間食啦 😄而我最最最欣賞嘅,莫過於佢哋杯熱朱古力,雖然係偏甜,但係香味同濃度都係一等一嘅,喜朱古力嘅您,下次路過就可以一嚐 🍫🍫🍫唯一美中不足,就係人流太多,座位太少和緊密,而且侍應生亦不太足夠,結賬後執枱未夠迅速! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-12-09
The place is messy with pastry flakes all over the floor and nobody cares. There’s basically no menu and you will have to know exactly what you want when you order as the cashier will get super impatient if you ask for alternatives.Ordered an iced coffee with less sugar but still it comes with 1/4 glass of syrup topped with black coffee. Milk will have to be added on your own but when you look at the bottle at a corner you won’t wanna use it. Overall the experience is very disappointing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-12-06
今天晚上吾知食咩好 落左去JW銀河商場到行下 見到呢間法式既Cafe 一行入去見到沙律 麵包 甜點同甜批 同女友商量之下 決定係度食 因今日中午食滯左 我們點了雞肉千層面 柚子酥 焦糖燉蛋雞肉千層面雖然係預先做好 但係我地落柯打時會再幫我地加熱柚子酥係混合左西柚肉再加上柚子醬 酸甜的味道令我們更加開胃最後 焦糖燉蛋更是我的最愛加上3樣加埋都係$120有找 抵食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)