

閣下必須細閱及遵守以下條款及細則,而閣下的參與將代表已閱讀及同意各項條款及細則。開飯熱店巡禮(「本活動」)之推廣期由 2024年11月8日 (00時00分) 起至2024年12月15日 (23時59分)(以香港時間)

  1. 參加者必須為 OpenRice 會員,並須持有有效已登記流動電話號碼之 OpenRice 手機應用程式帳戶方可參加本活動。
  2. 參加者必須為年滿 18 歲並持有香港身分證之香港居民。

網上訂座優惠 – 推廣期內於得獎及入圍熱店訂座時輸入活動碼【AWARDS】,成功出席2次不同餐廳訂座可賺取Rice$ 100

  1. 此優惠只適用於 OpenRice 網上訂座服務,除特別註明日期以外,一律只適用於推廣期內出席之訂座。
  2. 推廣期內,會員於得獎及入圍熱店訂座時輸入推廣碼【AWARDS】,成功出席2次不同餐廳訂座可賺取Rice$100。
  3. 每間餐廳只會被計算為一次有效訂座。每名會員只限得獎一次,名額有限,先到先得。
  4. 獎賞將於推廣期後30個工作天內處理及存入合資格的參加者及/或得獎者的OpenRice會員帳戶,請參加者耐心等候。(若參加人數眾多,獎賞有機會延遲發送並不作另行通知。)
  5. 推廣期內,如被發現有任何缺席記錄,其參與活動資格將被取消。如閣下對訂座狀態有異議,請於出席後48小時內提出覆核,否則將視為同意餐廳之決定。
  6. 如對訂座有任何更改(如時間、日期、用餐內容),則未必可獲訂座獎賞,一切以電腦系統為準。
  7. 參加者如於訂座後選擇取消訂座或缺席(如適用),該次相關訂座亦會即時失效。本公司有權在任何時間取消參加者的得獎機會,而毋須事先通知及給予解釋。
  8. 參加者提供的資料如有不實或經證實為濫用訂座而實質沒有出席,其得獎資格將被取消。
  9. 請保留有關食店所發出之正式收據或信用卡簽賬收據之正本至參加月份之隨後的 2 個月,以作為該訂座出席之憑證,OpenRice 將會抽樣檢查核實「有效訂座」資格。如未能提供有關證明,OpenRice 有權取消其參加資格。如有任何爭議,OpenRice 保留最终決定權。
  10. 訂座確認須視乎個別參與商戶的座位供應情況而定。所有參與商戶的推廣優惠及營業時間,如有變更,恕不另行通知。請於惠顧前先向有關參與商戶查詢。
  11. 如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至 : business@openrice.com

訂座預付套餐優惠 – 推廣期內於得獎及入圍熱店購買訂座預付套餐消費滿HK$800使用優惠碼「AWARDS100」即減HK$100

  1. 此優惠只適用於OpenRice訂座預付套餐服務。
  2. 推廣期內會員於得獎及入圍熱店訂座並同時購買餐廳預付套餐時輸入優惠碼 「AWARDS100」,實付金額滿港幣$800即減$100,系統會即時顯示折扣後金額,確認後按【訂座及付款】。
  3. 優惠名額有限,先到先得。
  4. 訂座預付套餐只限於用餐日期內使用,逾期作廢。訂座一經確認,訂座所訂購的套餐將不設退款。透過OpenRice網頁或流動應用程式訂座同時預購餐牌優惠不適用於銀聯信用卡。
  5. 請於「我的訂座」再次確認已成功訂座及購買套餐,並於餐廳現場時出示此頁面以便餐廳職員安排用餐。
  6. 訂座確認須視乎個別參與商戶的座位供應情況而定。
  7. 所有參與商戶的推廣優惠及營業時間,如有變更,恕不另行通知。請於惠顧前先向有關參與商戶查詢。
  8. 除非另有指明,須另收以原價計算之加一服務費。
  9. 除非另有指明,優惠不適用於香港公眾假期及前夕、節日及前夕、及參與商戶指定之任何其他日子。除非另有指明,優惠不適用於私人派對、廳房用膳、宴會、特別活動、酒席、房間服務、餐飲、煙酒、特別推廣食品/ 菜單及預售門票之項目、茶芥。
  10. 供應有限,售/送完即止。如優惠食品售罄,參與商戶保留隨時更改食品之權利,而無須另行通知。
  11. 如有參與商戶停止營業,該參與商戶所提供之優惠將會即時終止。
  12. 所有有關優惠之圖片、產品價錢及產品資料由個別參與商戶提供及只供參考。優惠須受 OpenRice 及參與商戶訂明之額外條款及細則約束,詳情請向 OpenRice 及參與商戶查詢。
  13. 如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至 : business@openrice.com

外賣自取優惠 – 推廣期內於得獎及入圍熱店外賣自取消費滿HK$80使用優惠碼「AWARDS15」即減HK$15

  1. 此優惠只適用於OpenRice外賣自取服務。
  2. 推廣期內會員於得獎及入圍熱店使用外賣自取下單時輸入優惠碼 「AWARDS15」,實付金額滿港幣$80即減$15。
  3. 每名會員、每張信用卡及每部裝置每日最多可使用優惠碼1次。每日優惠名額有限,先到先得。
  4. 如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至 : TakeAway-CS@OpenRice.com


  1. 優惠不可與任何推廣碼/其他折扣、推廣優惠及折扣產品/活動同時使用。
  2. 推廣優惠不可兌換現金/服務、其他商品或折扣及不得轉讓。
  3. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
  4. 任何人士在推廣優惠中,如有任何舞弊及/或欺詐成分(由Openrice Limited全權酌情決定),Openrice Limited保留權利直接從有關人士在任何合資格戶口扣除任何不適當地獲得之優惠的價值,而不作事先通知,及/或採取法律行動以追討有關金額。
  5. Openrice Limited對提供服務商戶提供之產品及服務之質素恕不負任何責任。
  6. 任何因電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,Openrice Limited概不負責。
  7. 因其參與是次活動而產生之任何運輸安排、稅費、保險或其他所需支付的費用,須由用戶自行承擔。
  8. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版本有任何歧異,概以中文版本為準。
  9. 如有任何爭議,Openrice Limited保留最終決定權。
  10. Openrice Limited有權不定時修改本條款及細則、更改或終止優惠而毋須作出任何通知。

Best Restaurant Awards Tour Offer

Terms and Conditions:

By participating in this promotion offer, User acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, accepted and agreed to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. The Promotion Period of the offer runs from 8-Nov-2024 (00:00) to 15-Dec-2024 (23:59), time refers to Hong Kong time.

  1. Promotion participant must be an OpenRice member, maintain a valid OpenRice mobile application user account with a valid registered mobile phone number. Each mobile phone number and email address can be registered once only.
  2. All participants must be aged 18 or above and hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card.

Online Booking Offer – Book your table at Awards Winner & Finalists Restaurants with booking promo code【AWARDS】during promotion period - Earn Rice$100 for 2 attended bookings at different restaurants.

  1. This offer is only applicable to OpenRice Online Booking service. Unless otherwise specified, it is only applicable to reservations attended during the promotion period.
  2. During the promotional period, member can enter the booking promo code 【AWARDS】 when booking Awards winners and finalists restaurants and earn Rice$100 for 2 attended bookings at different restaurants.
  3. Booking under same restaurant will only be counted once. Each member can only win the offer once. First come first served, while stock lasts.
  4. Rewards will be processed and credited to the OpenRice member accounts of eligible participants within 30 working days after the promotion period. (If there are a large number of participants, the rewards may be delayed without further notice.)
  5. During the promotion period, if any attendance records show absences, the eligibility to participate in the activities will be cancelled. If you have any disputes regarding your reservation status, please submit a review within 48 hours after attendance; otherwise, it will be deemed as acceptance of the restaurant's decision.
  6. If there are any changes to the reservation (such as time, date, meal content), you may not be eligible for extra points / miles, all subject to the computer system.
  7. If the participant chooses to cancel the reservation or no-show (if applicable) after making a reservation, the relevant reservation will be invalid immediately. The company reserves the right to cancel the participant's chance of winning at any time without prior notice and explanation.
  8. If the information provided by the participant is false or proved to be an abuse of the reservation and actually fails to attend, the eligibility for the prize will be cancelled.
  9. Please keep the original of the official receipt or credit card transaction receipt issued by the relevant restaurant for 2 months following the participating month as a proof of attendance for the reservation. OpenRice will conduct sampling checks to verify the "valid reservation" eligibility. If participant fails to provide relevant certificates, OpenRice reserves the right to cancel its qualifications. In case of any dispute, OpenRice reserves the right of final decision.
  10. Reservation is subject to the seat availability of individual participating restaurant. Promotional offers and business hours of all participating restaurants are subject to change without notice. Please check with the participating restaurants before make reservation.
  11. For any enquiries, please contact: business@openrice.com

Booking with Menu Offer – Buy Prepaid Menu at Awards Winners and Finalists Restaurants with promo code【AWARDS100】during promotion period - Enjoy $800 - $100

  1. This offer is only applicable to OpenRice Book with Menu service.
  2. During the promotion period, members can use the promo code "AWARDS100" when purchasing prepaid meal at Awards Winners and Finalists Restaurants to enjoy $800 - $100. The system will immediately display the amount after the discount, and you can confirm by clicking [Reserve and Pay].
  3. Offers is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Prepaid meal can only be used on the date of reservation and will become invalid if not used by then. Once the reservation is confirmed, the purchased menu is non-refundable. The promotional offer is not applicable for UnionPay credit cards
  5. Please check "My Reservations" to confirm that your reservation and package purchase were successful, and present this page at the restaurant for staff to arrange your dining.
  6. Reservation confirmation is subject to the seating availability of individual participating merchants.
  7. Any changes to the promotional offers and business hours of participating merchants will not be further notified. Please inquire with the relevant participating merchants before your visit.
  8. Unless otherwise stated, a service charge at the original price will be added.
  9. Unless otherwise stated, the offer is not applicable on public holidays and their eves in Hong Kong, festive days and their eves, or any other days specified by the participating merchants. Unless otherwise stated, the offer does not apply to private parties, banquets, special events, room service, beverages, tobacco, specially promoted food/menu items, pre-sale tickets, and tea service.
  10. Supplies are limited and available while stocks last. If promotional menus are sold out, participating merchants reserve the right to change the items at any time without prior notice.
  11. If a participating merchant ceases operation, the promotions offered by that merchant will be immediately terminated.
  12. All images, product prices, and product information related to the promotions are provided by individual participating merchants and are for reference only. Promotions are subject to additional terms and conditions specified by OpenRice and the participating merchants. For details, please inquire with OpenRice and the participating merchants.
  13. For any enquiries, please contact: business@openrice.com

Takeaway Offer – Complete takeaway order at Awards Winners and Finalists Restaurants with promo code【AWARDS15】during promotion period - Enjoy $80 - $15

  1. This offer is only applicable to OpenRice Takeaway service.
  2. During the promotion period, members can use the promo code 'AWARDS15' when placing takeaway orders at >Awards Winners and Finalists Restaurants to enjoy $80-$15.
  3. Each member, credit card, and device can use the promo code ONCE per day. Daily quotas are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. For any enquiries, please contact: TakeAway-CS@OpenRice.com


  1. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion offer or promotional discount coupons, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The offer above cannot be exchanged for cash/ service, other products or discounts and is not transferable.
  3. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
  4. Any fraud and/or abuse of the offer by any person (as determined by the Openrice Limited at their sole discretion) will result in forfeiture of the person’s eligibility to the offer. Openrice Limited reserves the right to deduct the value of any improperly obtained offers directly from the relevant person in any eligible account without prior notice, and / or take legal action to recover the amount.
  5. Openrice Limited shall not be responsible for any obligations and liabilities in relation to the products or services provided by the respective product or service provider(s).
  6. Openrice Limited shall not be responsible for any matter in relation to submission of delay, loss, and any information transmission error due to technical problems including but not limited to any computer or internet network issues.
  7. Users are responsible for all expenses regarding to this campaign, including but not limited to transportation, tax and insurance.
  8. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  9. In the event of disputes, the decision of Openrice Limited shall be final and binding.
  10. Openrice Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time as well as to vary or terminate the offer without prior notice.