港铁大埔墟站 A1 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
06:00 - 16:00
06:00 - 16:00
食记 (156)
等级2 2025-02-23
0 浏览
以前住大埔每逢星期六日都食,而家一返大埔都要搵時間去食,就算轉咗手都好好食,推薦😋😋炸豬扒的外皮金黃酥脆,內部的豬肉鮮嫩多汁,搭配香料調味,味道豐富而不油膩。雞翼的調味非常到位,肉質鮮嫩,與炸豬扒形成了良好的口感對比,讓整個餐點更加多樣化。粗麵的質地厚實,能很好地吸收醬汁,讓每一口都有濃郁的味道,十分過癮。 我平時都會配搭其他餸,例如雲吞,炸醬….都好好食,同炸豬扒配搭好夾👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 继续阅读
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等级1 2025-02-18
0 浏览
今日去左大埔街市搵食,叫左豬扒麵,湯底好淡,上海麵一般。豬扒厚粉,好重味精。食完一淡要即刻飲野,最後食完麵,豬扒攞走比屋企人做晚餐。價錢一般,唔包飲品,只可係其他店舖買單飲。 继续阅读
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港九新界都有的街市熟食中心,細細個已經在街市熟食中心打躉的小妹,見證著臨時街市到冷氣街市落成。熟食中心的姨姨叔叔們都很有人情味。今天跨區來到大埔墟,看看有什麼街坊美食~決意來到熟食中心搵食的人,請先準備好幾樣東西。1. 紙巾/濕紙巾 2. 耐性 3. 降低對環境的要求 4. 現金 5.需要搭枱的心 🤭相信大部分港人都認同。話雖如此,但價錢的確比起街外餐廳更親民,我則認為一分錢一分貨,拉上補下,不過不失。食物方面,炸豬排的確是即叫即炸鬆脆可口。炸醬則有少許麻辣,比較乾身。份量和味道對得住價錢。如果尋找上海風味的話,可能會失望而回。如需飲品,須向就座位置附近的餐廳下單。畢竟,熟食中心內的座位已經暗暗埋地劃分區域,這是公開秘密。「過枱」也是常見的香港熟食中心文化。不夠local 的話,被禮貌問候也是難免的🤭下回再試其他檔口😎 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-02-16
933 浏览
Recommended by my dear colleague for the New Territories well-known pork chop restaurant, we decided to stop by this afternoon.We ordered pork chop and wonton mixian and wonton and minced thick noodle. Of course I am going to talk about their famous pork chop. Visually, it did remind me of my childhood memory, enjoying the homemade pork chop made by my Shanghai uncle. Even it was a half portion, it was in big portion. Love they helped slicing the pork. Each slice was half lean and half fat. Crispy skin with tender meat. Savoury but not heavy. Fat literally melted in mouth but didn't give a greasy taste. Authentic, look simple but taste complex. Wonton was stuffed with a balance ratio of vegetables and pork. Silky smooth thin wrapping stuffed with explosion of meat juice stuffing. Absolutely delicious. Minced was served covering half of the whole bowl. Flavourful but not spiced. Even with chilli, it tasted more on aromatic instead of giving a kick. Tender mince instead of the commercialised melty mince swimming in sauce. Added so much flavour to the broth. Mixian was surprisingly soft. Unlike the commercialised ones which was thick and chewy, this was thinner, softer and slight slimier which coated with the broth. Thick noodle visually looked like udon. On a soft side but not mushed. Personally found it okay but my friend loved it. Two big shoutout/reminder for the chives lovers and the chilli oil cravers. You could ask for extra chives which staff would literally give a bowl of chives instead of a spoonful. Pure chives were served instead of a mix of coriander. Chilli oil was homemade which was incredibly aromatic, flavourful and spicy. Both literally lifted the whole bowl of goodnesses to another level! Must ask for! Obviously, no doubt I came for their food instead of the surrounding, yet nothing disappoint me. I must come back for other toppings! 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-02-03
968 浏览
下午兩點鐘去到大埔熟食中心己爆哂人,今次好想食炸猪扒麵,等左十分鐘先有位,今次叫左菜肉雲吞炸猪扒麵$46,等左二十分鐘到,炸猪扒夠肉汁,肥瘦比例好均匀,但外皮腍左d, 雲吞細細粒餡料都豐富,呢度絕冇環境衛生可言,但絕對係罕有嘅平民美食天堂! 继续阅读
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