11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
好想食壽司, 刺身, 但附近又無, 好在香港大學地鐵站有一間爭鮮外帶壽司, 平平地食住啲過下壽司引先喇!買左好多野盒野🤣 有壽司拼盤, 有三文魚刺身, 有蟹肉丼, 有魷魚釀飯.. .. 味道唔係話最好最鮮味, 但以價錢嚟講, 有咁既質素其實都唔算差☺️ 只係覺得飯硬左少少, 同當然無刺身舖嗰啲咁鮮味喇!但我其實幾鐘意食爭鮮既龍蝦沙律壽司, 少少辣, 出面真係食唔到地址 : 爭鮮外帶壽司西環石塘咀港鐵香港大學站HKU6號舖評分 : 6/10
Went for three sushi boxes in one go while picking those that caught my eye. It was actually my first time seeing the thick slice eel with cheese on top ($48) and as a lover of eel, the combination transformed it into such delicacy. Although there were only four pieces, you won’t believe that they totally sufficed me and I couldn’t hold down more food afterwards. The other two boxes I had them at night - the high-end sushi platter ($46) and the grilled seafood set ($35). Personally, I found the grilled seafood set indeed more flavourful than the high-end sushi platter as the charred surface added a special texture to the sushi. So the conclusion is that, the cost of something may not necessarily equate how much you like it because you may fancy elements that are not there.
From when it was under construction till its grand opening, I was there to witness. You could find this sushi express in almost every MTR station, perhaps I can go as far as to say it is “omnipresent”. Didn’t feel like cooking or ordering food today so I grabbed two meal boxes home, one was the Salmon don ($48) and second was the Eel platter ($48). It was a bountiful serving and to be fair you can easily find a good deal there with the plethora of different items for you to choose from, ranging from $3 individual sushis where you can assemble your beloved sushis as a set, to catering sets like eel or salmon specific platters, to dons, and all that jazz. I would advise you to avoid lunch hours or the end of office hours cause these are usually busy times with people swarming at the tiny stores. Also, when you pay, remember to ask for packs of soy sauce and wasabi (and chopsticks if you wish), just so you won’t be eating the sushis dry and plain!Glad to be the first reviewer of this brand new sushi express, looking forward to reading other reviews!