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食记 (44)
今日嚟到迪士尼,見到有新軟雪糕口味,就買杯試吓。今期嘅口味係LinaBell主題嘅北海道5.0牛乳配白桃味軟雪糕。雪糕上面仲會有塊花型軟糖,幾有春日特色。雪糕分開兩邊,一邊牛乳味,一邊白桃。味道就真係一般般。牛乳味都還好嘅,白桃味就唔係幾好味。粒花型軟糖都唔係幾好味。因為今次係LinaBell主題,雪糕筒紙都印有LinaBell圖案。相信鍾意LinaBell嘅小朋友會鍾意嘅。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-09-18
117 浏览
Came to disney again after member night and today the schedule was less tight and I finally had time to try the icecream before a long queue formed. I have tried many of their seasonal ice-creams at this store and all of them are not bad(though I didn't review them) and some of them are really cute. However, I was blown away this time by their Pistachio ice-cream. It was really aromatic and much richer than their usual ice-creams. Every bite was an explosion of pistachio flavor. The most important part is to try it before this seasonal item is swapped. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-07-03
106 浏览
夏季至,小鎮雪糕屋新推出$68 Olu 青提子味軟雪糕。係雪糕屋可以用二維碼先付款。用手機付款後再覺得有需要取回軟雪糕,才去窗口自取。因為好多時排長龍。等條龍無咁長,用二維碼付款。等到想食時去窗口自取。Olu 青提子味軟雪糕造型似返 Olu海龜。好重青提子味。消暑極品。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-05-27
64 浏览
🎶 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕪𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕 - ℍ𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕂𝕠𝕟𝕘 「歡迎來到世界上最歡樂的地方—Disneyland 」🎉🎉迪士尼樂園真係一個擁有魔力的地方🪄無論何時進入迪士尼樂園,都彷彿被幸福的魔法圈包圍住🤩 ➷ Linabell北海道5.0牛乳配白桃味軟雪糕Linabell主題限定雪糕,迪士尼打卡必備➕超級少女心的雪糕😍😍😍外型就好似Linabell 嘅耳仔🦊奶白色的牛乳➕淡粉色的白桃,仲有一朵蘭花般的棉花糖髮飾,整個造型就更加唯妙唯肖😎口感有點似刨冰沙,超濃郁的牛乳➕香甜的白桃,甜而不膩,雪糕面上的跳跳糖就好似夏日裡的一點小冰涼🧊Ps:由於融得比較快,記得快速打卡喔! 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-05-04
249 浏览
My first time trying out this linabell ice cream🍦 The white peach flavour is naturally strong, not artificial at all. Texture is more like sorbet than ice cream, more on watery side. The milk flavoured side is also delicious, milky and creamy. The only thing I don't like about this ice cream is the flower-shaped marshmallow. It has weird chewy texture and is super sweet. Overall it's yummy and a good treat for summer. So don't miss it out if you're visiting Disney!😋 继续阅读
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