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簡簡單單到美食廣場吃頓便飯,這家酸菜魚真的很便宜,湯頭煮得很香,川味恰當,魚片新鮮,很下飯,重點是飯餐配有一大碗飯!另外碟頭飯更是平價之選,比茶餐廳吃的更便宜,沙薑蔥油雞在廚房即叫即斬,蔥油份量多,又搭油菜,真的不錯。紅燒牛腩飯,牛腩每顆都是彈牙的,肉和牛筋比例五十五十,肉質非常新鮮,紅燒汁味道自然,有紅蘿蔔和馬鈴薯片,有點家常風味。Tried this new shop in Dragon Centre food court, fairly cheap and proper spicy fish cooked in sour pickles broth, with a big bowl of rice on the side. Other rice sets were cheap and cheerful too. We had chicken with spring onion oil, and braised beef brisket on rice. Both of the meats were freshly prepared.
Tried this new shop in Dragon Centre food court, fairly cheap and proper spicy fish cooked in sour pickles broth, with a big bowl of rice on the side. Other rice sets were cheap and cheerful too. We had chicken with spring onion oil, and braised beef brisket on rice. Both of the meats were freshly prepared.