港铁观塘站 A1 出口, 步行约5分钟
12:00 - 00:00
食记 (122)
呢間景福宮負評很多 但價錢超抵 所以決定去試 睇下有幾劣 食完我決定幫佢黎個小平反!
價錢平到冇得講 仲要火鍋韓煎甜品集一身 好吸引
店舖環境一般 地板真係有少少痴立立的感覺但唔會多垃圾多污積 接受到熟食選擇唔多以為有煎年糕 芝士年糕個啲嘛 薯條奇咸 前菜都好咸。。。。
傳說中的龜背火鍋 真係好易煎lon.....又冇得換過個加上成日煎煎下跌落火鍋到 一般般 但幾有趣既 至少比機會我食菜同豆腐煎物種類好多 豬肉 火腿包腸仔最好食 夠味口感好 雞肉好硬 仲有bbq pork 味道怪到不行 唔好食千萬!!! 其他都正常最期待係甜品啦 自製格仔餅真係好正!!!!!!個蛋漿唔會過甜好香 3分鐘就成形啦 之後加啲牛油 花生醬 糖 簡直可以媲美街邊賣個啲! 好正好滿足mousse都好好味 不過frd話個樣好伏好多色素 但值得一試啦!另外值得一讚係杯豆漿唔甜唔淡 好濃豆香 好好飲店舖服務都唔錯 姐姐成日幫我地收碟 問佢係咪有限時 佢話有1.5 hrs 但過咗少少都冇所謂 佢都唔會計 叫我放心食 好好人!雖然味道真係有待改善 但勝在夠新意 價錢超公道 服務好環境接受到 先一個人75蚊埋單想點喎 可能日後會再黎!
Walking around in Kwun Tong , we discovered a host of restaurants providing a wide variety of food , ranging from seafood , Japanese food to Western food.Suddenly , one of my friends suggested going to this restaurant to have a dinner. In a bid to satisfy my friend's appetite , we decided to pay a visit to it. The price of this restaurant is relatively cheap compared with the same type restaurant in the same district like ‘Hon Wo’’ , which came as a surprise at that time.There are a lot of food including pork chop , beef , bacon , salmon sushi , chicken wings , fish ball and so on so forth. All of the meat is already marinated but I think the meat is quite salty especially the pork chop as well as chicken wings. Noticing myriads of people taking salmon sushi suddenly , we also took it but the taste was strange. Honestly , the salmon was not very fresh and the rice of the sushi left much to be desired. Generally speaking , in terms of choices of food , this restaurnt provides a lot but the quality of them are far from satisfactory. We were only satisifed with the beef as well as the bacon only. In terms of the beverages , this restaurant only provides 3 types of it including sweet-sour plum drink , mix flower herbal tea and soymilk but they seldom refilled soymilk so we could only drink the herbal tea. To our surprise , people can barbecue and have a hot-pot in the same oven. They call it ‘龜背火煱'There are only 4~5 waiters in the shop but one of the waitress was very nice. When you called her , she would respond to you instantly instead of turning a blind eye to you. So , i would say the service was quite satisifed but one thing we disliked was the restaurant requred you to check the bill before 30mins. Once you’ve checked the bills , they would collect your empty disks instantly , which may disturb your dinner.At the end of the day , the price is quite cheap but the quality of the food needs to be improved immediately.
由於電話預約最少要四個人, 所以好無奈要walk in。一去到就見到好多人排隊, 心諗呢間餐廳咁多人去排隊,服務同食物質數應該唔會好差。 等左差不多半個小時 ,便詢問服務員需要等候多少時間,答覆最少等多半個小時。最後等了不多一個小時終於入座 , 入到去見到很多不同類型的食物, 有壽司,火鍋食品,甜品等等。 用膳時間為一個半小時, 最深印像是壽司和甜品,原因是做法太馬虎, 根本不知道自己食的是什麼。 在這裏想問一個問題,大家有沒有吃過一些壽司, 口感是一口即溶。 而甜品方面, 一些甜品放了太多cream。 我又想問一條問題, 食甜品即是食忌廉嗎?個人認為比較正常食物是前菜和一些熟食。其他為一般。 若果真的是要推介一款食物 會選擇叉燒。整體而言是失望, 下次不會再光臨。
今日勁想食韓燒,又懶得出去尖咀果頭食,唯有係觀塘攪掂,而呢間好耐之前食過,仲以為佢轉左手,所以都是但,試多次,今次入到去D侍應都無之前咁衰。因為都8點幾,好肚餓了,呢度係自助燒烤店,所以拎左很多配菜食,其實我覺得韓燒配菜先係主角 烤肉枱果邊會加埋火鍋料一齊,但係D名錯晒,秋刀魚點解點咁短?多春魚點解又肥左?鮮蝦上面放左D煎釀三寶 ,攪到我唔知豬肋骨同叉燒會唔拎錯埋,因為都係一堆紅色肉....拎左最喜歡的鮮尤魚,但係得鮮尤魚穌,極失望,隔離果盤係土尤,一燒就變尤魚乾幸好今次個爐換左新嘅,無以前咁易燶,都有少少改善。睇左一大輪,壽司比之前黎食更加渺小,無選擇,而且無左刺身,唔知無出定係比人食晒唔refill,總之就無得食,甜品食左個哈密瓜雪糕同啫喱,都係唔係咁OK。今次真係唔知點比分,佢又唔算太難食,因為大把難食過佢,又唔算到OK水平,如果6級水平,佢係去到5,未去到6,所以今天我都比喊喊口~
行完街都9點幾,食宵夜時段食個龜背燒烤+打邊爐豉油冇味,好似水咁。。。 算。。D肉“叫做”可以既就只有牛仔骨,雞肉都還可以。。其他肉d醃料唔係幾掂檔。。打邊爐就十世都未熟。。。 實在太驚啦,叫做過得去既就係甜品,自製格仔餅,ok既~唔會再有下次,請我都唔會再去食~