环境悠闲的泰菜馆,推介香草炸鱼、椰汁鸡汤和各式串烧。 继续阅读
食记 (4)
等级3 2018-04-30
819 浏览
平時都好鍾意食泰國菜,係坪洲住咁耐 其實都係得兩間泰菜食 平時食開另一間多,上次行過想試 可惜唔啱時間 佢哋落場 今次終於可以外賣試到啦!叫咗:冬陰公(細)少辣_$88,越南遮蝦_$68,馬沙文咖哩雞_$78,泰式炒通菜_$58,油飯_$16因為唔食得辣所以冬陰公要少辣,但依然好香又足料 有三隻大蝦爽口好食!兩個人飲每人有兩碗!越南遮瑕拎到返屋企依然脆 香口 一啲都唔油膩!馬莎文咖哩雞就好香花生味,食落去唔辣 雞肉夠嫩 薯仔都好淋!泰式炒通菜辣辣地 菜炒得好脆身 都唔會老!一個油飯夠晒兩個人食 有大盒又好味,最神奇係並唔係咁油 食完洗碗冇困難!🙈所有菜式都好有水準!一啲都唔會比港島區嘅差,價錢都唔貴!感覺調味料用得唔多 食完唔會口乾亦唔覺得油膩,真係好好食!以後食飯又多個選擇啦! 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-10-22
626 浏览
Just my first time been to Peng Chau for one day trip. Many local restaurants like usual but I found the only one Thai restaurant there. Then went into try them. They have the outside sitting tables and it’s great for the autumn weather. It’s a very relaxing restaurant and their service was so good and the waitress was kept smiling all the time. The Thai foods are really local Thai style. The environment including the toilet are also clean and comfortable. The price is also cheap tho. Two persons ordered the shrimp roll, Spice Thai noodle with beef, satay for 4, fried cheese kale with salted fish and total cost about $248. It’s worth to try this restaurant. 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-04-02
700 浏览
今日同一班朋友入黎坪洲行下,行完上山睇下風景之後就見有d攰想搵個地方坐下飲杯野休息下。點知見到好多間冰室都閂門,唔知係咪坪洲嘅舖頭都比較早閂門呢?行行下見到呢間泰國菜館仲未閂門,就決定入去坐下。我d女就叫左個椰青share飲35蚊一個,同大多數嘅泰國菜館差唔多價錢,都夠冰凍,係剛剛行完山時飲係一流,十分解渴。我就叫左個洛神花冰:酸酸甜甜咁,有d似山楂嘅問題,但我諗佢應該係落得太多嘅糖水,所以就算點攪杯野飲都係好甜。我老公叫左杯椰汁珍多冰:入面除左有平時見到嘅一條條綠色啫哩之外仲有一粒粒嘅野,面有一層好似啫哩咁嘅野包住一粒馬啼係中間,好好味。串燒:好香嘅沙嗲,3種都好味但略嫌唔夠熱辣辣。炸蝦餅:熱辣辣上檯,入面嘅蝦都好足料。但味道就比較淡,而佢配嘅甜酸醬就好稀...好似水咁。 继续阅读
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等级1 2016-08-10
703 浏览
stopped here after walking all round the island. I just had some fried broad noodles with pork, kept it simple, but man it was awesome. smelled great, tasted even better. saw they had no reviews, they may just be recently opened, so I thought I'd add one. great stuff, try it out! 继续阅读
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