呢間野已經由做日本野改左做越南野一入去.... 見到個價錢..... 係貴到飛天一碗雞扒湯河 要$45 但唔包野飲~ 加杯凍飲要再加 $5 我坐左入去..... 左邊位女仕來了碗生牛肉湯河, 但點知得河.... 無牛...... 投訴完先加左D 牛俾佢我同事叫左碗雞絲湯河.... 點知一樣中伏!!!!! 雞絲得兩三條..... 都係成碗都係河粉..... D 河粉仲要勁少!!!!呢間野真係不可一不可再!
Although the food was awful, the service was good on the other hand. The staff were very polite and attentative.Originally planned to go to 北海道牧場餐廳 Hokkaido Dairy Farm Milk Restauranthttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=50856however it was not open.Went round the corner, and this restaurant seemed similar to the one I intended to go, so I had a look at the menu outside.The menu was very confusing, but I still went in.There was no English whatsoever.Ordered a curry wagyu beef which included a poached egg, and an extra toast with a thick slice of egg and cheese.The curry was so bland, and the beef was tasteless and there wasnt much curry sauce.The poached egg was ruined by the so called Japanese sweet sauce.The egg sandwich was the worst, the waitress brought it over and informed the egg inside the sandwich had collapsed!Gee Thanks!!! Eggquake by the chef?????????The egg in the sandwich was not what I was expecting! If you have tried chinese steamed egg, it is basically a big slab of that of 1inch thickness in the sandwich, and also tasteless. The egg was cold, hence the cheese didnt melt.Having egg in a steamed fashion inside the sandwich totally defies having an egg sandwich, when you pick up the sandwich, the egg is so sloppy it falls out, not like a firm fried omlette style.Imagine the skill trying to eat a toast filled with Jelly.I think this sort of catering would do well in hospital for patients on a low oil and sodium diet apart from the overly salty soup.The egg in the sandwiche is virtually oil free, it is basically steamed egg!!!! The sandwiche was unbuttered which is good, I dont like heavy butter that other Chinese places do.Finally the taro milkshake made with Hokkaido milk was really disgusting, the taste was so horrible I wanted to puke!!! It was also so powdery. The taro taste wasnt even taro.I think the product shot for the egg is funny, the menu saids a choice of scrambled egg or poached egg, but the product shot is neither.It looks like two fried eggs because for poached eggs the yolk is slightly covered by the white, just like the that was served!!